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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 449 448, do you want to be so considerate?

Before Sano could think about it, Rena Minami grabbed another man after turning around and said apologetically: “I’m sorry, Mr. Director, I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable. Can you find someone to replace me for the rest of the interview?”


Sano’s ears twitched and he looked up at Reina Mizuna in surprise.

Are we about to withdraw so soon, are we just going to give up on the first step and move on to the second step?

Sano didn’t think Reina Mizuna would act without permission.

This step must be the instruction of Gin, who is responsible for overall command.

…After taking Sano out of Aidedo Park, Rena Minato found an indoor environment that could shelter from the rain and put Sano down.

“I’m sorry, little kitty, just stay here, I have to go to work.”

After touching Sano’s head, Rena Minami left on high heels.

The chewing gum on the soles of the shoes was clearly visible from Sano’s perspective.

Good opportunity. If Gin retreats, Conan’s side will inevitably follow… Of course, they may also choose to wait and wait, unable to control it, and strike first!

Sano was about to return to Domon Yasutei again.

A short figure stood in front of Sano.

Conan stared straight at the black cat in front of him. After a few seconds, he knelt down and said tentatively: “You are Kurosawa’s cat, right? Is Kurosawa nearby? Is he here for that organization? Can you Do you understand what I am saying? Did Kurosawa install a transmitter or even a bug on you? Do you have a way to contact him? If you can understand, you can take action.”

…Is this girl’s nerves?

Actually trying to communicate with a cat? ?

“Is this Kurosawai’s cat?”

Judy also came over and looked at Sano curiously: “But, can it understand what you are saying? Even after training, the cat’s IQ is unlikely to be that high…it doesn’t look like it. It looks like a bug was left behind. If you speak to it, Kurosawa shouldn’t be able to hear it, right?”

“Who knows.”

After several tentative exchanges with Sano to no avail, Conan sighed and stood up.

“A beast is just a beast after all.”

Sano: “?”


Conan then let out a scream.

After landing, Sano snorted and quickly slipped away, no, to complete the mission.

Conan’s eyes were dull with a few bloody scratches on his face.

Judy next to her blinked with a strange look on her face: “It seemed to understand what I said just now.”


Conan’s mouth twitched twice and then he wiped his face.

“Okay, we can’t continue to waste time here. Gin and the others will definitely not give up on assassinating Yasuki Domon easily. We have to catch up quickly…”

The other end.

Sano has returned to Domon Yasutei.

But from this Sano also accidentally discovered a point that he had not discovered before.

Damn it, no wonder Gin looked like he was at a loss.

It turns out it’s not just due to caution.

Looking up, I saw two cars not far from the pavilion where Tumen Yasuhui was. They were filled with people, and it seemed that they had most likely undergone high-intensity and rigorous training and belonged to the real ones. kind of warrior.

With such a short distance, if you can’t kill Domon Yasuki with one hit, it will take time.

So the final result can be imagined.

Not to mention that as a high-ranking official, Tumen Yasuhui would definitely have received the most professional first aid immediately and been sent to the hospital as quickly as possible if he had not died on the spot.

To die on the spot.

Retreat as soon as you succeed, and you must retreat before you are dragged down.

With the ability of Sano Black Cat Vest, there is a high probability that it will work, but there is still a small probability that it will overturn.

Caution is the way to go.

Sano quickly gave up his original plan, and another plan emerged.

That was to let Gin take the lead and help Sano attract firepower.

When the situation becomes chaotic, Sano fishes in troubled waters again and harvests people’s heads.

…Tsk, just now we couldn’t let Gin take action, now we have to do the opposite.

It’s really a turn of events.

However, there are still subtle differences between the two.

In this step of the assassination plan, Gin used long-range sniping, and only pursued a one-shot kill from stillness to movement in an instant.

And in the second step.

Even if he didn’t have to eavesdrop on anything, Sano could tell that this was not the case.

Don’t ask why.

Because if the second step can have such an excellent effect, there is no need for Gin to let Shui Wulian take the risk of being exposed and get involved.

Not to mention the combination of various factors such as Belmod’s abilities, Domon Yasuki’s schedule after the interview today, etc.

How and where the assassination happened behind Gin.

It should be considered relatively clear.

Of course, conjectures are just conjectures after all, let alone relatively vague conjectures.

Sano continued to follow Domon Yasuki.

On the other hand, they continued to eavesdrop on Gin’s situation.

Time soon came to near evening again.

Through Niguro’s reward, Gin planned to attack Domon Yasuki on the Toriya Bridge at four o’clock sharp. As for the method of doing so, it was unusual…

Simple and crude.

The general process is that Belmod, who had disguised himself, rode a motorcycle and deliberately fell in front of Domon Yasuki’s car so that the opponent, who had a righteous character, could get out of the car to check. Then Mizuno Reina, who was also riding a motorcycle, came from behind. near.

Just shoot.

If Rena Mizuna failed to succeed, the sniper duo ambushed on both sides of the bridge.

There will be finishing touches.

…So Belmod was in the whole plan except for framing the blame.

Just some soy sauce?

Whose trump card is played like this?

Big…it’s a bit exaggerated. Xiao Wang single-bets a three?

That’s about it.

In the taxi, Sano, wearing a black cat vest, sat swaggering in the back seat.

He complained about Gin’s operation in his heart.

Although the black cat vest is obviously dirty.

But after all, not everyone knows every wanted order.

Coupled with the foreign appearance of the black cat vest, the neon people are even more difficult to distinguish.

Several of the more conspicuous feature points are also due to the relatively small number of appearances.

It’s hard to keep it in the mind of an unintentional person.

But after today’s incident, I probably won’t be able to be so casual again.

“Turn right, slow down, forty yards.”

Sano directed the taxi driver to drive.

Because of the temptation of the pile of gangsters thrown down by Sano, the taxi driver did not hesitate or talk nonsense at all, and operated the car very obediently according to the instructions.

“Master, Conan and the FBI’s car seem to be approaching Kiel.”

A big black voice came to my ears.

Sano calmly asked Dahei to continue to follow, and at the same time he pulled out the map and simulated one by one where the current forces of all parties were distributed.

…Because of the limitations of Erhei, in order to better control the macro situation.

Sano summoned Dahei on the other side of the rye vest.

Gin doesn’t need to keep an eye on anything else.

Mainly Conan.

Sano didn’t want this god of plague to come out again and ruin Gin’s good deeds.

Although according to Erhei’s aerial reconnaissance, no suspected FBI car was found.

But just because it’s not found doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

It’s been such a long time since Cupido Park.

Sano didn’t think that Judy would be so stupid as to not even call her colleagues, but just take James, the old man who drove the car, and Conan, the plague brat.

An old man, a young man, and a woman.

The three cobblers planned to kill the six cadres from Gin.

Of course, Sano can’t really stop Conan’s side, it has to be stuck at some point in time.

Only in this way can we get stuck on the Gin side.

Gin takes action, Domon Yasuki responds, Conan takes action again, and Sano succeeds.

This is the most ideal order and also the most troublesome problem.

Because Sano alone wanted to intervene in the footsteps of two forces at the same time, and he still had to control it accurately, which was really a bit embarrassing.

Of course, Sano is not actually alone.

Of course, from Sano’s point of view, he is not much different from a human being.


Just as Sano was thinking about what to do.

An unexpected discovery opened up Sano’s thinking.

…Sano’s deployment of Gin’s second assassination plan.

In fact, there are quite a lot of doubts.

Except that Belmod played a small role.

What’s more critical is that the important influencing factors in the first step of the plan that cannot be ignored were not deftly resolved by Belmode.

Let Belmod and Rena Mizuno cooperate to deal with Yasuki Domon at close range.

It’s easy to say.

There were two vans of breadmen following behind.

It’s impossible to be ignored directly, right?

Let’s carefully compare the differences between the two steps of Gin.

Apart from the increase in difficulty, the only change that may not have had a bad impact.

There is only one.

No wonder.

Sano quickly took out his cell phone and sent a text message with a bang.

…In this case, if it can be done, it seems to be the same regardless of whether there is gin or not?

It’s a bit of nonsense literature.

So should we still interfere with Conan’s actions?

If so, how should we interfere?

It’s really annoying, why don’t you just take out the blasting gloves and just start the explosion?

After all, a long time has passed.

Sano had already found an opportunity to change the clone and the original body.

As long as there is demand here.

Sano can completely reduce the difficulty of things to the lowest limit.

It’s just not necessary…or rather, it doesn’t meet Sano’s demands.

Before Sano could think of the specific details, an accident suddenly came.

Reina Mizuna, who was entangled with Conan and the other three, wanted to show off her superb driving skills, but instead a little boy suddenly appeared.


Reina Minami lost consciousness on the spot, her motorcycle exploded, and she was rushed to the hospital.

To put it bluntly, it fell into the hands of Conan, or the FBI.

…It’s quite sloppy.

But something even more hasty happened next.

Erhei, who was staying in the gin car, suddenly received news, saying that this guy was affected by the communicator in his hand and discovered the sole of the high-heeled shoes that Reina Mizuna had replaced in the car. It was suspected that Conan had left a transmitter and eavesdropper. device.

The assassination mission was canceled directly.

Gin called the others and planned to go to the Mori Office.

The reason is that among the suspicious people that Rena Minama came into contact with today, there was Kogoro Mouri.

Therefore Gin suspected that there was something wrong with the detective.

Conan probably also discovered through this that Gin was eyeing Mouri Kogoro.

He quickly asked Judy to turn around and go back.


Just clear the place for yourself? ? ?

How about being so considerate?

Sano glanced at Toriya Ohashi, which was very close at hand…the name was indeed a sign that some birds don’t give a damn. He took out his phone again and sent a text message.

Sano asked the taxi driver to speed up and stood firmly in front of Domon Yasuki.

Then wait until both vehicles reach the middle section of Toriya Bridge at the same time.

Sano suddenly said: “Stop the car.”


This time, the driver finally hesitated at Sano’s instructions: “But you can’t park in a place like this. It would be terrible if it causes a car accident…”

“I asked you to stop the car.”

Sano smashed the car window next to him with one punch and glanced away with cold eyes.

The driver may have been frightened or threatened upon seeing this.

Immediately hit the brakes.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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