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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 45 45, dual identity

Of course, in addition to this, Sano would choose to point out this direction to the Black Death, also to allow these people to calm down and stop causing trouble.

At least, don’t do anything bad, especially without Sano knowing, he doesn’t want to be targeted by the police again.

“Then, I’ll leave first.”

Before leaving, Sano whispered into the yellow-haired delinquent’s ear: “I put two million in cash at the back door and will get some food for everyone later.”


The two million dollars were not Sano’s money, but what he had just found in the office of the Black Dragon Club boss.

Relying on passionate ideas alone may be able to make these tens of thousands of bad boys work for Sano, but this cannot really fill their stomachs. They have to work both mentally and materially.

After all, even if you are licking a dog, you have to taste some sweetness from time to time before you can continue licking. These tool people will occasionally become frustrated. Sano should give some warmth…it’s not his money anyway.

But giving money directly would be too vulgar, especially for tens of thousands of people. If you want to give money to everyone without looking too ugly, I’m afraid you have to shell out at least nine figures of yen.

So it would be better to just spend one or two million to have a meal together.

Then at twelve o’clock in the evening, Sano waited for Gin at the same place.

“What you asked for, Gin, my lord.”

Gin didn’t get out of the car, he just opened the window, took the USB drive from Sano, and nodded after confirming it was correct.

“How did you get it?”



Gin raised his eyebrows in surprise, but didn’t say much.

After all, strictly speaking, Sano is not his subordinate now, and there is no need to discipline the other party’s behavior too much. Furthermore, although overt robbery is not the best way for this mission, it is not impossible, so what else is there to say? of.

“Let me remind you, although the guy himself does not know our existence, so it is no problem to know that the USB flash drive was taken away by you, but if this leads to you being targeted by them, or even further leading to being targeted by the police, it is possible If it exposes the organization to the public, I will kill you with my own hands.”

Faced with Gin’s rare “advice”, Sano nodded: “Don’t worry, he has been sent in.”

Gin, who was putting his hand in his arms, made a move: “Send… in?”

“Well, I gave the criminal evidence of the Black Dragon Society to the police. He doesn’t even know that the USB flash drive is gone now. Of course, he won’t know in the future.”


Gin was silent for a moment, and then he realized that the method Sano used for this mission was not the worst method, nor the best method, but a better method.

It’s a bit surprising.

“This is the share of the Maple Leaf Gold Coin mission, the password is six zeros.”

Gin took out a card and threw it out. Sano took a look at it. It seemed to be a Swiss bank card he had only seen in novels: “Did you just get it today?”

“No, it came down that day, and I just gave it to you now.”

Hearing Gin’s denial, Sano was speechless: “Gin, sir, I am very short of money. Since you have come down a long time ago, you should give it to me as soon as possible.”

Gin snorted softly: “Which company will pay wages to employees who have not passed the interview?”

Sano: “…”

Although it seems to make sense, it feels weird.

Before Gin closed the car window, he dropped the last sentence: “In addition, the bonus for this mission will also be printed on this card. If there is a mission in the future, I will contact you again.”

“Yes, walk slowly, Gin, sir.”

After watching Gin leave, Sano looked up at the starry sky and let out a long breath.

These past few days have been really fulfilling…

Okay, actually I am really tired.

Day after day, endless tasks, endless troubles, and headaches.

“Go home and sleep……”

The next day, in the Amuro Detective Agency, Toru Amuro looked at the newspaper in front of him. The huge front-page headline “More than 10,000 Black Death members of the Black Death organization attacked hundreds of members of the Black Dragon Society” gave him a splitting headache. .

“Ding Lingling!”

The harsh ringing of the phone made Toru Amuro frown even more.


“Bourbon, this is the good subordinate you taught!?”

On the other end of the phone, it was Gin’s voice, and his words were full of murderous intent. Toru Amuro could clearly detect it even through the phone.

“He actually dared to lead tens of thousands of people to attack a gang organization. I thought he did it so perfectly. If I hadn’t read the newspaper today, I wouldn’t have known.”

“Where is that kid now? No one answered my calls to him. Since he is your subordinate, then take responsibility for me, find him immediately, and silence him!”


After Toru Amuro was silent for a while, he spoke with difficulty: “Actually, I knew about this in advance, and I allowed it.”

No, this is a lie. He did not know it in advance. If he knew it, he would not have allowed it!

“I know what you’re thinking Gin, but trust me, it won’t be any problem.”

Toru Amuro spoke very quickly, giving Gin no chance to refute.

“Now the Black Death has indeed attracted the attention of the police, but you must know that Sano is the leader of the Black Death. Apart from the fact that God knows and you know and I know, only Sano himself knows.”

“Vodka knows it too.”

Gin retorted.


Toru Amuro was choked for a moment, but the murderous tone in Gin’s words just now clearly dropped a lot, so he continued to follow the train of thought.

“As you know, I plan to develop Sano into a detective, so that he will not be found to have any flaws on his face, so I have an idea.”

“The Black Death leader is our peripheral member, and Sano is just a detective under me. As one of the few people who know that he is the Black Death leader, we must keep the relationship between these two “people” secret.”

Under Amuro Toru’s “steady guidance”, Gin finally understood: “Are you going to let him use a dual identity?”


Toru Amuro snapped his fingers: “Even more than that, although the Black Death was in the limelight yesterday, in essence, he is doing good things. If you really think about it, that identity may also play a different role. That’s it.”

Not really.

Because Sano, no, it should be said that Sano’s other identity killed the three Italian bandits and stole the maple leaf gold coins, the police already knew about it, but they did not announce it.

Thanks to Sano’s previous mention to Tohru Amuro, he quickly contacted the public security department and secretly took over the investigation in this area. Otherwise, if the police were to continue to pursue the investigation, Gin would not receive any news at all.

At that time, the final result of this matter will only end with Sano being silenced.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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