Switch Mode

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 450 449, Sano: Human beings have limits, so I am no longer a human being

Immediately, there were a series of sudden braking sounds and various curses on the bridge.

For a time, Toriya Bridge was blocked with water.

It even caused a lot of car accidents, of course the most serious ones were not serious.

Basically it’s all small bumps and bruises.

…If only Sano’s taxi braked suddenly, it would naturally be impossible to cause such a large-scale traffic jam, but if there were more than one taxi.

That’s no problem.

Sano glanced at the taxi parked under his buttocks. It almost formed a line or a wall, isolating the Toriya Bridge into two sections from other cars in the driver’s seat.

They are all men in black who hide their appearance.

Sano didn’t know these people.

But Sano knew who these people were.

There is a high probability that he is a loser in the conference.

The Mud Council is an evil gang, and its leader Busushima Kiriko is one of Domon Yasuki’s competitors. No matter from any aspect, she will not allow him to successfully pass the election and enter the House of Representatives.

The person Belmode planned to frame through disguise was Busujima Kiriko.

After Sano learned this, he directly found the contact information of Busujima Kiriko from the Black Death’s information library, and then there was no need to say more.

Sano successfully found a cannon fodder tool man that can be discarded easily.

Of course, the actual process is not that simple.

In order to convince Busujima Kiriko, Sano wasted a lot of saliva.

After all, Busujima Kiriko didn’t dare to do anything to Domon Yasuki openly.

Otherwise, there is no need for Belmod to frame him.

Busujima Kiriko had already taken matters into her own hands.

Because of this, this is the limit of what this group of people can do.

If Sano hadn’t been inspired by Gin’s plan, these cannon fodders might not even be able to play their role as cannon fodder.

I can only act as an audience and watch the show from the side.

After kicking open the door, Sano quickly got out of the car and came to Domon Yasutei’s car.

Including the driver, Yasuki Domon, and the two bodyguards, the four people in the car looked at Sano with indifference, showing no signs of anything unusual.

Not to mention that Sano had already arrived at the car.

Just that sudden moment was enough to let a few people know what was going on.

But several people were not nervous because they felt that the problem was not big.

The car is fully bulletproof unless it has a powerful bomb or a large number of large-scale weapons.

Otherwise, it will never be possible to break through the defense in a short period of time.

Just sit in the car obediently and wait for a few minutes, and the guard from behind will come over.

If it still doesn’t work, I won’t use it for ten minutes at most.

A large number of police will definitely come here to support.

get off?

What car are you getting off?

No matter how small the risk is, don’t take it if it’s not necessary.

Not a fool.

…Sano certainly didn’t think Domon Yasutei was a fool. He didn’t think that the other party would take the initiative to get off the bus and wanted the other party to get off the bus, except for the bait strategy that was close to gambling like what Gin and Belmode had originally prepared.

The only option is to forcefully get on the bus.

After stopping at the back door of the car, Sano raised his fist.


Sano’s full-fire punch shook the car.

While Tumen Yasuhui and others were surprised, there was also a little disdain on their faces.

Idiot, this is bulletproof. No matter how hard your fist is, it can still…

Before they could finish their thoughts, Sano’s second punch had already landed.

Both punches landed on the same spot.

This time, the car window cracked with lines like snowflakes.

Several people’s eyes suddenly widened.

How can this be! ?

Cursing secretly, the bodyguard on Sano’s side stretched out his hand to his arms.

But the next second, the third punch had already fallen.

The car window shattered instantly, and Sano grabbed the bodyguard’s neck and pulled hard.

The man was forcefully pulled out of the car window. After letting go, he continued to fly a few meters away and hit another car, making a loud crash.

After groaning, the bodyguard fell to the ground and twisted into maggots.

Sano immediately grabbed the car door with both hands and exerted all his strength.

The car door was ripped off directly.

Another bodyguard in the back row cursed, dragged Domon Yasuhui out of the car from the other side.

Unfortunately, the two of them had just stepped out of the car.

A figure flew over the roof of the car and aimed a whip directly at Domen Yasuhui.

The bodyguard reacted quickly and stood in front of Domon Yasutei, trying to block Sano’s leg – it must be said that this man’s close-quarters skills were quite good.

If we talk about Judy’s level with pistols, it is the highest level below gin.

Then this person’s close combat skills and the comprehensive level of physical attributes.

It should be almost the highest level below gin.

What a pity.

Even if Gin himself, the judge, came, it would not help.

What’s more, this guy?

After much of the power of Sano’s whip legs was removed, the bodyguard still fell to the ground and slid two or three meters away. What happened next was very surprising.

Sano received a punch.

A very hard punch.

After staggering back a few steps, Sano turned around and saw the cold-eyed Domon Yasutei in a fighting stance – this guy had a practiced setting.

It was mentioned in the information about Black Death.

But Sano didn’t take it to heart.

Unexpectedly, there is actually something?

In terms of strength, it felt no worse than those two bodyguards.

In a blink of an eye, the vehicle driven by Ni’s participants deliberately maneuvered to block the two vehicles, which were blocked a hundred meters away, and quickly approached.

The two bodyguards who were thrown away and kicked over by Sano also recovered their breath.

Forced to double-team Sano.

Three against one, can it be solved in ten seconds?

Sano wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his green eyes flickered with light.

Sano currently has four serious vests in his possession.

The strongest one is undoubtedly the rye vest. The other three have their own characteristics, so it is not easy to compare. They can only be said to be at a similar level.

But if the influence of various comprehensive factors is taken into account.

If you have to ask Sano to make a ranking.

So the weakest one should be the black cat vest.

The output is high, but not high enough to destroy the world. The body is extremely brittle and not flexible enough. The fault tolerance rate is too low, but it is also a killer setting.

Sometimes the situations we have to face are actually no safer or easier than wearing a rye vest.

After all.

Just relying on the blessing of one hundred burst attributes is still not enough.

Not to mention the Black Death Vest, Kurosawai, or Black Mask’s vest, has been strengthened with the spider silk, not to mention the Rye Vest.

Sometimes there is no need to hang the Masked Superman pendant.

They were all built purely on various low-level equipment.

Only the black cat vest.

There is only one lone piece of equipment, the thug suit.

Not to mention that the other elite effect, excluding the thug effect, must be used in conjunction with other equipment and is an auxiliary effect.

But the low-level equipment on Sano basically has its own purpose.

Especially the more obvious things that are on the surface.

It cannot be shared easily.

Otherwise, it will easily happen, similar to the situation where the mask pendants of Rye and Kurosawa’s vests appeared at the same time and caused a conflict… That would be considered better, after all. The mask pendant is small in size, and the way it is equipped is concealed enough.

This is why the problem can be solved very easily.

However, Sano still did not put on the explosive gloves that fit the killer’s settings very well on the black cat vest, or some other equipment settings.

Basically, if you want to change this point, Sano can do it.

There are only two ways.

One, you have to add new equipment to the black cat vest.

Second, another effect of the thug suit must be utilized.

As soon as the two overlapped, Sano’s answer to what to do came out.

That is the cat demon headdress.

Two effects, two forms.

All perfectly fit the mob suit presence.

More importantly, there is still no clear ownership of this equipment.

Needless to say, the black cat form is a means of hiding itself, and even because it cannot enter other forms without being observed, sometimes it will run into some particularly troublesome sections after that.

Every time Sano enters the black cat form, he will habitually add the elite effect first.

And the cat demon form is too ostentatious.

Sano’s current main use of this thing is limited to adding elite effects when he needs to pass through space channels. It can be used secretly. As for the blessing when there is no elite effect attached.

Then you can ignore it.

As the saying goes, humans have limits.

Therefore, Sano now chooses not to be a human being!

…this idea.

Sano has actually had it for a long time, but he has never implemented it in a real sense.

This action was directed at Tumen Yasuhui.

Sano himself has another purpose – to become famous.

Although Sano was already there earlier, spreading his code name intentionally or unintentionally.

I don’t know why, but it’s always been tepid.

This time it was different. There was such a big commotion on a bridge with many pedestrians, and the person involved was a popular figure like Yasuki Domon.

Tomorrow’s headliner, Sano, was already sure that he had booked it.

Sano wants to become famous not only because he wants to improve the, um, status of Black Cat Vest, so as to gain more substantial benefits and a sense of vanity.

Now there’s a little more.

That is sending an invitation to the world.

The target of the invitation is other superpowers like Koizumi Hongzi in the world, or people who know the inside story of superpowers and have some ideas about it.

As for the inviter, it’s the cat demon.

“This guy is just very strong and cooperates with the fight!”

The two bodyguards had very clear ideas. Through Sano’s previous punch from Yasuki Domon, they quickly learned his strengths and weaknesses and launched an attack at the same time.

Sano did what the two wanted and kicked one of them away.

Another person’s attack may be too late to dodge.

Of course, that was Sano a few seconds ago.

The sky was getting darker and darker, and countless vehicles on the bridge were flashing their lights.

It directly enhances the atmosphere to the extreme.


Sano raised his hand and grabbed the wrist of the bodyguard who was not kicked away.

After being stunned for a moment, the bodyguard’s pupils shrank due to the excitement of the scene in front of him.

The hairs all over his body stand on end.

The eyes that were still green at first turned bright red the second after the pupils were raised. The black cat ears on the top of the head protruded from under the suit jacket, the tail swayed slightly at the back of the head, and finally… …

The hand holding the bodyguard’s wrist looked like a devil’s claw.


The bodyguard’s scalp was numb. Before he could say anything, he felt a sharp pain in his wrist.

Then a cold light flashed by, and blood appeared.


Sano casually threw away the arm he was holding, which was already deflated at the wrist.

There were sporadic blood spots on his snow-white face and the lenses of his glasses.

After bending his palms to support the rims of his glasses with the ends of his palms, Sano looked at Domon Yasutei.

“Okay, the kid’s play time is over, let’s move on.”

“But it’s time to become an adult, Mr. Domon.”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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not work with dark mode