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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 452 451, Battle for Gin?

It’s a pity that Belmod didn’t have time to stop it.

The muzzle of Gin’s gun had already hit Belmod’s head first.

“You’d better shut up, Belmod.”

There was a faint bloodshot look in Gin’s eyes, indicating that the anger in his heart was not just because of being fooled.

“At worst, if we go back and check this guy’s body, we can know whether his fingerprints and the fingerprints on this chewing gum are the same person.”

Gin said while pinching Conan’s chewing gum.

But the next second, a bullet passed by Gin’s fingertips.

The chewing gum, along with the bug inside, instantly turned into crumbs.

Before Gin could even react, another bullet shot off his hat in less than a tenth of a second after the first bullet.

Um! ?

“Snipers, two!!”

Cohen quickly raised his gun and used his sniper scope to aim in the direction of the first bullet.

Gin took the sniper rifle from Chianti’s hand and aimed at the source of the second bullet.

Just under two seconds.

Gin saw the shooter.

On the edge of the rooftop, a man in a suit wore sunglasses.

Standing there upright, holding a sniper rifle in one hand and lighting a cigarette in the other, a faint smile hung on his face with sparse stubble – just like the mask he had imagined when Gin was hung on the rooftop. The mocking smile that followed.

…finally caught up.

Sano spit out a white dragon and danced in the wind.

As early as when Gin turned around and came to the Moori Detective Agency, Sano was thinking about whether to turn around and save someone… mainly Moori Ran. As for the life and death of Mouri Kogoro, he had no control over it, but he could follow up on the rescue mission. .

That makes things different again.

But Sano didn’t want to give up because Domon Yasutei had a mission first.

The rye vest with Calvados can actually find an opportunity to escape.

But in terms of time, it may be too late.

This is true whether you want to reach this area before Gin takes action, or you want to change the identity of the rye vest before you want to take action.

What Sano faced seemed to be the same multiple-choice question as before.

Save people, or kill people.

…Fortunately, Sano didn’t have much room to struggle.

Because the black wheat vest section was over soon and could be evacuated normally, and even people rushed here quickly. Sano’s body wearing the black cat vest has also ended everything, and Qin here The wine was actually still pressing down on Lai Lai, waiting thoughtfully for him to come.

In this case.

Naturally, Sano couldn’t let Gin’s heart go cold.

Even the step of changing the identity of the clone was omitted by Sano.

Sano quietly came here by himself through the space passage.

Switch vest action.

As for the sniper rifle in Sano’s hand.

It was a copy of the rye vest that I picked up during the mission over there.

It would have been too late to change my identity.

Sano planned to launch a cold shot secretly.

But even if there was no need to fire a cold shot now, Sano didn’t have time to get closer.

After blowing out a puff of cigarette, Sano raised his fingers holding the cigarette, pointed at his eyes behind his sunglasses, and then pointed at Gin who was looking at him with a sniper scope.

The provocation is palpable.

As if telling Gin – I’m eyeing you again.

“…It’s Shuichi Akai!”

Finally, Cohen also found the owner of the first bullet and spoke solemnly.

However, Gin ignored it and just pulled the gun bolt, his face twisted.


Listening to Gin’s suppressed roar, everyone in Chianti looked startled.

Belmod and Vodka were okay, at least they knew who Kurosawa was.

But for the sniper duo.

The name Kurosawa is a bit strange yet familiar at the same time.

Kurosawa was Gin’s last name, and the sniper duo had known him for a long time.

Nature knows this.

But Kurosawa… who is it?

It can make Gin show such abnormality, even Akai Shuichi.

Have you all forgotten about gin? ?

Before the two of them could think about it, another bullet struck.

The sniper scope pointed at Shuichi Akai in Cohen’s hand shattered instantly.


Sano raised his eyebrows, quickly turned his gun, and locked on Akai Shuichi on the rooftop of another building.

Akai Shuichi also took aim at Sano, probably wanting to observe the situation of Sano who was not an enemy.


Sano pulled the trigger.

The sniper scope of the sniper rifle in Shuichi Akai’s hand was also shattered by the bullet.

This made Akai Shuichi feel confused.

…Even if we can’t call them teammates, we can’t call them enemies, right?

What does it mean to give yourself a gun in a good manner? ?


A bullet hit the wall a few meters away from Sano, scattering a few stone chips.

Sano turned back calmly and looked in the direction of Gin.

Gin’s sniping skills are actually very good, although he doesn’t focus on this area.

But this does not prevent Gin from showing that in addition to stability, his sniper skills are no worse than those of the sniper duo. However, at this distance, except for Sano.

Only Akai Shuichi can still lead the way.

Gin fired several more shots one after another, obviously missing.

But still wasting bullets.

Do you really want to kill yourself?

Vodka and the others on the rooftop on the other side felt a little numb when they saw Gin acting like he had lost his mind. Finally, it was Belmode who spoke.

“Okay Gin, we don’t have time. The distance between these two guys and us is above your ultimate shooting range. If we continue, it will be in vain, and it will also increase our risks. Do you want to Die!?”

Hearing this, Vodka, who was holding a telescope, silently raised his hand and added.

“Well, as far as Akai Shuichi is concerned, there seems to be no problem, because that guy also blew up his sniper scope with one shot…”


Hearing this, Belmod and the others were stunned.

Even the sniper duo who didn’t understand the meaning of the three words Kurosawai, judging from the situation, instinctively regarded the two people in the distance as the same position.

To put it bluntly, they are all enemies.

Even if the two people are not on the same side, at least they shouldn’t be enemies, right?

Why are they still fighting each other? ?

Is there internal strife?

Among the people present, Gin was the only one whose facial features became more distorted.

Others may not know why they should be enemies with Gin.

At this time, the gun will be pointed at him.

But can he not know about gin?

Don’t you just think that Akai Shuichi’s behavior is to grab “prey”?

This damn bastard, did he treat himself as some kind of private property?

Through the sniper scope, Gin could clearly see the figure standing on the rooftop.

There is no movement.

With just a sarcastic smile on his lips, he let Gin shoot.

This confident and arrogant attitude is like whispering silently in Gin’s ear – don’t bother, this distance is a huge gap that you will never be able to cross. We are not on the same level at all.

…Gin is destined to be shorter forever.

Destined to live in the shadows forever, destined to be teased forever.

In a daze, Gin felt like he was in hell, even the faces of his teammates next to him.

They all became extremely disgusting.

Seeing that Gin didn’t respond, Belmode’s expression became more and more tense.



Gin is still gin after all.

After firing out the bullets in the sniper rifle like a vent, Gin threw the gun directly back to Chianti, and then walked to the rooftop passage without saying a word.

Gin didn’t know exactly what that bastard was thinking.

But no matter what, since Akai Shuichi is here, there is no doubt that Gin has stepped on someone else’s trap, and it is indeed too risky to continue to stay.

Escape as quickly as possible.

There is no doubt about this.


If he let Gin go so easily, wouldn’t he look too kind?

After Sano thought for a while, he finally raised the gun.

So, I hope this cautious gangster is wearing a bulletproof vest today.



Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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not work with dark mode