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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 453 456, Chianti: 12% of things are wrong


Gin was shot in the back and groaned.

Gin stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

Oh shit……

Gin looked behind him with red eyes. He was indeed wearing a bulletproof vest.

But the body armor is bulletproof but not impact resistant!

To be precise, with the current body armor technology, there is no way to absorb all the kinetic energy of the bullet… except for the extremely weird super-tech equipment that the guy wore. .

Therefore, even though Gin’s body was not penetrated by the bullet.

But the excruciating pain was not light.

The bones are probably cracked.

But what concerned Gin more was the meaning of this shot.

From Akai Shuichi’s first shot to the moment when Gin drained the gun of bullets, Sano only fired two shots in total.

Shot through Gin’s hat.

One shot shattered Akai Shuichi’s sniper scope.

This was enough for Gin to understand that the opponent’s sniper skills might not be weaker than Akai Shuichi.

As long as he had thoughts, Gin’s head would be shot through at any time, especially if he didn’t seek cover to hide, but in fact he didn’t.

Looking at it this way, let’s relate it to the experience of being hung on the rooftop last time.

It was as if the other party had no intention of killing Gin at all.

But it’s different now.

Gin was shot in the back of the heart.

If it weren’t for the body armor, Gin would be dead by now.

Of course, it is also possible that the other party had already guessed that Gin was wearing a bulletproof vest.

Hence the deliberate playfulness.

But Gin didn’t think that was the case.

It’s not that it’s impossible, it’s just that Gin felt that in order to make himself feel the actual murderous intention, he gambled on whether to wear the body armor or not.



In other words, it’s not necessary.

From Gin’s perspective, the more likely situation is that the other party doesn’t care about his life or death at all, and just wants to give him a shot.

To die is to die.

It doesn’t matter if you are alive, just continue.

Like an innocent child admiring the ants being watered by boiling water.


Sure enough, before Gin could even get up, he shot him in the back with another shot. It was exactly the same position as the previous shot, and it was accurate, as if to prove his superb spear skills. .

The impact knocked Gin to the ground and passively rolled him forward half a meter.

Then came the second shot.

The third shot, the fourth shot…

Gin was just forced all the way from the rooftop into the rooftop passage.

The moment that guy rolled down the stairs.

Gin felt that his back was no longer his own, and his intuition was almost gone.

The whole person is in a state of numbness.


Belmode followed them in cursing, but secretly they were thankful – luckily it wasn’t them who were being targeted, otherwise the bullets they received along the way, whether it hurt or not, would have been embarrassing. Can’t pick it up from the ground.

“Take the gin and leave quickly!”

Belmod temporarily assumed the role of conductor, and several people quickly evacuated. After squeezing into Gin’s Porsche parked downstairs, he swerved and knocked over a trash can on the street. Then he accelerated wildly, wanting to step on the accelerator.

This also made Gin’s heart hurt in addition to his back.

…Sano’s car hasn’t been reimbursed yet, and the paint needs to be touched up again.

Damn it!

And watched the Porsche gradually disappear from sight.

Judy, who was hiding in the dark, turned to James and asked, “Why don’t you try to chase him?”

James shook his head: “Forget it, you will definitely lose me, so don’t waste your energy.”

Judy nodded and said no more.

As for Conan, who was absentmindedly listening to Moori Kogoro’s curses, he used his pair of science glasses to activate the lock-on magnification function.

He was staring straight at Sano on the rooftop a few hundred meters away.

The three-party development on the rooftop may seem like a long time ago, but in fact, from the first shot fired by Shuichi Akai to the time Gin was beaten away, less than a minute passed. .

During this time.

Conan couldn’t do anything except wait nervously.

If you have to say it.

Just found two other snipers besides Gin.

Akai Shuichi didn’t say anything.

What’s surprising is Kurosawa.

Of course, what surprised Conan was not the appearance of this person, but the other person’s new setting.

Didn’t you expect that this guy’s sniper skills were so powerful?


Sano also noticed Conan staring directly at him.

What are you looking at? Have you never seen a handsome guy?

After pouting, Sano threw away the cigarette butt and raised the gun again.

Um? ?

Seeing Sano’s move, Conan unconsciously raised a question mark.

What’s going on? Is there still danger?

Or near you…?

Conan gradually opened his eyes, and a bad feeling came to his mind.


Conan’s glasses are in pieces from the stand on the right side.


Damn it!

Is this guy so crazy? ?

Aren’t you afraid of being hit crookedly and piercing your head? ? ?

Conan’s legs softened as his face turned pale, and he sat down on the ground.

Speaking of which, why does this scene feel inexplicably familiar? ?


A group of people are drinking.

Among them, Gin had the most empty bottles in front of him.

Sano crossed his legs and glanced back and forth between several cadres.

Finally spoke.

“So, the six of you acted together, but the mission was not completed. Sister Kil was lost, and Master Gin needed to recover from his injuries for a while…”


Facing Sano’s question, none of the Belmodes said a word.

Sano let out a long breath, sat down next to Gin, and put his arm on his shoulder.

Just when everyone else thought that Sano wanted to comfort Gin.

Sano couldn’t hold it back and laughed out loud.

…Does this guy want to?

“Oh my god, Lord Gin, you are so weak, how could you be bullied like this?”

As he spoke, Sano “touched” Gin’s back.

That kind of dull pain made Gin, who was not in the mood to pay attention to Sano, couldn’t help but cast a glance at Sano and asked coldly: “Why, did you come here just to laugh at me?”

Sano and Gin looked at each other for two seconds and blinked: “What else?”


Chianti and others gasped, and Gin himself almost lost his breath.

But Gin really couldn’t refute it.

Because as a matter of fact, Gin lost, and lost miserably.

More importantly, it would have been if it weren’t for Gin who didn’t let Sano participate.

Then the results may change.

In depression, Gin drained the wine in the cup with a dark face.

“But at least Domon Yasuki is indeed dead.”

Perhaps because of the sad mentality of the rabbit dying and the fox dying, Bellmode said a rare word for Gin: “Although I don’t know who did it, the other party’s plan has an inexplicable overlap with our plan.”

“Gin’s injury is not a big problem…”

“What about Keir?”

Sano interrupted Belmode and pointed out the most critical issue to the point.

It is also the psychology of sadness when the rabbit dies and the fox dies.

Even if you are not familiar with Reina Mizuna, you are still a member of the cadre.

Reina Mizuno, who lost contact, has been confirmed to have been captured by the FBI.

This undoubtedly cast a shadow on the hearts of several people in Chianti.

Even Chianti and the others were still like this, let alone Sano, who had shown affection for Reina Mizuna, what kind of mood he was currently in.

Therefore, it is natural for Sano to complain about Gin.

…Suddenly, Chianti’s train of thought came to an abrupt halt.

Something is wrong, very wrong, very wrong.

Because if what Sano cares about is really the kidnapped Reina Mizuna.

Then why did you laugh out loud just now?

This is obviously not the slightest bit, do you really care about Shui Wu Lian’s life and death?

Did he really come here specifically to laugh at Gin?

No, there is another possibility.

That was because he was concerned about Gin’s injury, but he didn’t want anyone to know, so he made an excuse.

Wait a moment.

Chianti’s train of thought took another turn – why was it that out of the six people involved in the operation, only Reina Mizuna was arrested by the FBI?

Not Belmode, not Gin, not Chianti.

Is it Shui Wu Liannai?

By chance?

It can’t be…

For a moment, Chianti had a bold guess in his mind.

What the hell, pretending to be public for personal gain… No, avenging private revenge for public benefit! This is it! ?

Chianti gasped again.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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not work with dark mode