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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 454 457, Dimensional Wallet

Only Chianti’s mind was active in the silence.

Gin knocked on the wine glass, as if to finalize the matter.

“Okay, don’t waste your breath here. I will take care of it with Kiel. After all, she is a cadre member. The FBI cannot easily hurt her life. In the meantime, find her location and rescue her.” That’s it.”

Gin’s words surprised Sano.

“Kiel was arrested by the FBI. Aren’t you afraid that she would be incited to rebel? Are you still planning to rescue her?”

Gin raised his eyebrows and looked at Sano.

In addition to being depressed, there seemed to be a little more confusion in his eyes.

“Do you want Keir to come back, or do you want her to come back? Why are you talking so much?”

Sano shrugged and said nothing.

Be reasonable.

In fact, what will happen to Mizuno Reina in the end?

Sano didn’t care, he just wanted to find a reasonable excuse.

Just to poke Gin’s sore spot.

If Sano really wanted to “rescue” Reina Mizuna.

Then why bother with gin?

Dahei could see clearly where the FBI hid people.

“So, you still don’t want me to get involved in this matter.”

Sano asked, mainly because he was curious about Gin’s current mentality.

“No, it’s not your turn to show up yet.”

Gin drank another glass of wine with gloomy eyes: “I will contact you if necessary.”


Sano probably figured out what Gin was thinking and waved goodbye.

Sano then drew a prize on the way.

As early as the last time he got the second black, Sano could have directly drawn the second prize.

But because Erhei was pretty upright, Sano didn’t move for the time being.

As for now, there is no other reason, it’s just that there’s a lot of money, so it doesn’t matter if it’s crooked.

The atmosphere is over!

“Random strengthening is in progress. Congratulations to the host’s wallet for being strengthened. The strengthening is successful…”


Sano was stunned for a moment. It was rare that something on his body was directly drawn.

No need to even run.

But what effect can this wallet create?

I can’t seem to imagine it. Is it possible to have unlimited gold coins?

That couldn’t be more correct.

After looking around, Sano lowered his hat, came to an uninhabited alley, and took out the wallet in his pocket – to be honest, he actually didn’t like wallets because they were inconvenient and he had no use for them in his previous life. Pass.

But the previous life was the previous life.

Here, a wallet is a necessity.

Since there is no way to pay via mobile phone, cash is a must.

There are also various documents that can be used to replace ID cards, if you don’t have a wallet to carry them.

That’s really inconvenient.

Reinforcement item name: Dimensional wallet.

Grade: B.


Dimensional coins (all dead objects put into the wallet will be converted into banknotes, and they will be converted back to their original form after being taken out).

Restrictions: Dead objects larger than the diameter of the dimension wallet cannot be converted.

Note: Let’s trade, guess how much your soul is worth?

…Just one effect?

Sano frowned, and judging from the effect, it was just an alternative equipment slot. To be precise, it should be a backpack, or something similar to a storage space.

Put it in and convert it into banknotes, take it out and it will automatically restore.

If there was no such thing as the latter sentence, it would be possible to create a setting with infinite money by using a bug and using all kinds of waste.

But that doesn’t mean this thing is crooked.

At least Sano had already figured out a lot of superficial uses at first glance, as for the deeper ones.

Then you have to look at the specific details of this thing.

After rubbing his fingers, Sano changed direction and came to the old map.

It is basically impossible for a superficial setting to cause any problems.

So Sano just threw a few things into his wallet casually, looked at the few extra bills, stopped trying, and spent a lot of effort instead.

I found a large wooden stick that was wide enough to be stuffed into my wallet, but even taller than a Sano man, so I stuffed it into my wallet, and finally stuffed it in.


This is the key to whether it can be converted into dimensional banknotes.

As long as one side is smaller than the diameter of the wallet, it doesn’t matter how big it is.

It can be stuffed into your wallet.

If I had known better, I should have bought a bigger wallet.

Sano looked at them all spread out, but there was still no wallet as wide as his waist.

Slightly regretful.


Sano tried again, stuffing a bag containing various items into his wallet.

After the conversion, there was only one more banknote in the wallet.

Well, this may be regarded as a small bug, which is beneficial and harmless.

At least there won’t be a “full” problem in terms of wallet storage space.

at last.

It is also the place that Sano is most concerned about right now.

After taking out two lollipops, Sano put on his blasting gloves, then transformed them into remote-controlled bombs. One lollipop was put into his wallet and turned into banknotes.

The other one was thrown to the ground a few meters away.

After placing his wallet a few meters away from him, Sano snapped his fingers.


The lollipop that was not put in the wallet exploded immediately.

The dimensional wallet was still lying quietly on the ground.

Sano picked up his wallet with some anticipation and pinched the banknotes converted from the lollipop.

Tug and throw.

The lollipop returned to its original shape and hit the ground without any reaction.

Sano immediately snapped his fingers again and the lollipop exploded normally.

It works!

After taking a deep breath, Sano raised the corners of his mouth.

Among the large number of low-level equipment in Sano’s hands, the explosive gloves are undoubtedly the equipment with the highest minimum limit. Yes, it is the lower limit, not the upper limit.

The reason why I say that.

It’s because of this piece of equipment that Sano can fabricate bombs at will.

Everyone understands this stuff.

Sano didn’t rely on this thing to solve problems once or twice.

Relying on a traceless, deceptive appearance, it doesn’t matter whether it is concealed or not.

The main thing is that it is powerful enough.

But the blasting gloves are not without their flaws.

There are only two ways to detonate, one is remote control and the other is timed.

Both have their own trouble spots.

The remote control is a unified remote control. If one is detonated, the others must follow suit.

Not to mention the timing, it’s completely random.

This resulted in Sano basically having to make a bomb on the spot if he wanted to use it again after a round of blasting. Small-power bombs were fine.

The power is usually slightly greater.

It’s simply impossible to make it in time.

Therefore, Sano suffered from great limitations in the operation of the blasting gloves.

Especially since there are more and more equipment in the back.

Sano’s dependence on this gadget has become weaker and weaker, and he uses it less and less.

But it’s different now.

The restriction of remote detonation alone can lift this.

All kinds of slutty things came to Sano’s mind.

It’s a tactical use.

Then, Sano tried to see what it would be like to have a timely detonation bomb stuffed into a wallet, and the result was – stillness.

That’s right, Countdown will go into a standstill.

It takes a few seconds to explode before you put it in your wallet, and it still explodes a few seconds after you take it out.

This is no surprise.

Since the remote control can get stuck with this bug, then the timing should also be able to get stuck.

In this way, Sano only needs to put each timed explosion conversion bomb into his wallet at the same time, and then when necessary, he can take it out and explode it without snapping his fingers, which is very convenient.

outside of this.

It doesn’t have to be a bomb made with a blasting glove, either.

Anyway, the storage range of the dimensional wallet only depends on the caliber, and does not distinguish other things.

Bombs, firearms, bullets, various artificial weapons and equipment props.

Sano can bring whatever he wants, caliber is justice!

After nodding with satisfaction, Sano rubbed his fingers – because time was delayed, he could barely draw again now.

But this time the goods are more straight than last time. Do you think the next one is crooked?

Should I just turn into a gambling dog, or should I save one more time and forget about it twice.

It can’t possibly be crooked twice, right?

After thinking about it, Sano still didn’t move, and after cleaning up the traces a little.

Return home.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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