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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 455 458, Sano: I am the director of the zoo

It is worth mentioning that it was only at this time that Sano discovered that the mobile phone number of his identity had received two text messages from Conan today.

One was “Thank you”, sent in the evening.

The other one came at noon.

It probably means that Mao Lilan and his daughter are in danger, so they want to ask Sano for help.

…I didn’t notice it at all.

Sano scratched his head, he could almost understand Conan’s thinking.

It was just like last time, thinking that Sano called his teammates to help.


There was no way Sano would admit such a thing.

So just a second later, Sano replied with a question mark.

Unexpectedly, Conan on the other end was also a night owl, and he immediately replied to Sano with a question mark.

…Forget it, let’s continue pretending that we didn’t see it.

Sano turned off his phone directly, washed up and went to sleep.

Time flies by for several days.

The newspaper headlines these days have undoubtedly been dominated by two entries: Sano’s black cat vest and Domon Yasuki.

The details behind the existence of Sano’s black cat vest.

It was also picked out by many people, which led to the assignment of Sano Black Cat Vest on the professional killer platform, and the greetings in the private chat channel.

rises in a straight line.

Of course, Sano ignored these.

Firstly, I’m not interested, and secondly, I can’t handle it.

Unlike the Armed Detective Agency, Sano is the only one here who handles all matters.

Everything should be done as a small matter.

I’m afraid that there are too many things to handle.

…Well, actually, it’s just that Sano is afraid of trouble and lazy.

Therefore, a unified approach was adopted – a bowl of water is flat, and it’s all done by pretending to be cool.

And even if there were several of them, Sano felt that there were familiar guys.

Sano still didn’t reply.

for example.


That’s right, Vodka sent a private message to Sano’s black cat vest.

But the content of that mission was just a gimmick at first glance.

Most likely, Gin wanted to see if Sano could be recruited into the factory.

Of course.

It’s also possible that Gin didn’t become interested in talents after knowing what happened that day.

But the organization wants to know whether Sano is a cat demon.

If it is, then “open” it and take a look, if not, then keep looking.

Let’s see what’s fishy about Sano.

Other private chats must be more or less mixed with people who have such a purpose.

Sano couldn’t tell them apart, and it was impossible to tell them one by one.

As for the “invitation letter”.

Sano had no intention of actually finding anything by himself.

As long as you are willing, the other party will naturally come to you on his own, but it is really not possible.

Tokyo is so small, it’s only a matter of time before it happens.

Take your time and there is no need to rush.

Anyway, it’s not a big deal…

Sano simply wanted to know something.

But the professional killer platform is still a problem after all.

Sano originally thought that once he became famous, the platform would have more tasks.

This way, if Sano needs anything in the future, he won’t have to spend his own money.

But now there is more, but it is not so much that the platform has more tasks.

It might as well be that Sano has too many tasks.

This is like having to spend money to buy food to fill your stomach, but now the food fills a room, and after eating one portion, there is a high probability that another portion can be generated out of thin air, which is a renewable resource. It seems like this It seems very good, but if you don’t get rid of these foods in a short time.

Then the food just goes to waste.

Not only is it wasteful, but it also stinks.

As a result, no new food will appear later.

To solve this problem, Sano has two ideas.

First, change the “environment” and let everyone come and eat together.

Second, find friends to eat your share so that this portion of food will not be cut off.

The former is too difficult and is equivalent to changing an industry.

If it’s the latter, it’s a gang problem.

If I had known at that time, I should have handcuffed the spider to neon, and hammered it until it became an honest and obedient tool. This time it would come in handy.


Mao Lilan sent a text message. Sano came back to his senses and took it out to take a look.

“Senior, we are going to go hiking. Do you want to go together?”

Sano replied skillfully: “Which one of us?”

Mao Lilan replied quickly: “Me, my father, Conan, and a client.”

Oh haha, someone is going to die again.

Sano asked quickly: “Client?”


Mao Lilan quickly explained the situation.

Probably, the client is the president of a company. Because of a misdiagnosis by a hospital, he thought he was about to die, so he hired a killer with the intention of killing himself to defraud his insurance. However, he regretted it when he found out that it was a misdiagnosis. .

But this guy couldn’t contact the killer.

So he came to find Kogoro Mouri and wanted to entrust him to find the killer and protect himself.

… Why does this oolong feel like an old routine?

Sano thought of several movies he had watched in his previous life, but his eyes were on “The Killer”.

Stayed for several seconds.

“By the way, that killer seems to be quite famous. His codename is Fox in English, also called Silver Fox. Because the client made an agreement with him that he can only kill people when he is mountaineering, so he might have done it in the past. There is some danger, senior, please think about it before contacting me.”

Mao Lilan added a lot of settings.

Silver fox?

Sano rubbed his fingers, quickly exited the killer platform, searched for relevant information about the killer, and finally discovered that this guy happened to be the top killer in Neon territory – because of his great reputation, this was a recognized fact.

There is no false person under the great reputation.

You can consider recruiting them for a try.

However, if I really conquer this guy…

Sano touched his chin.

Black cat, spider, silver fox.

…Is this a plan to take on the name of a zoo? ?

Then you are the director of the zoo?


After smiling and shaking his head, Sano closed the computer, turned on his mobile phone, and sent a message to Mao Lilan.

“When are you going?”

“tomorrow morning.”

“…You dare to invite me about what happened in the morning?”

“Ha ha ha ha……”

“I won’t go. You should be careful. After all, he is a killer.”


…The time came again the next morning.

Danyuan Mountain.

Mao Lilan’s family of three and a bearded man, who was the client this time, were chatting with several other climbers at the initial position of the hiking trail. After some exchanges, they finally decided to form a team to go up the mountain.

But at this moment.

A figure suddenly came into Conan’s eyes, causing him to stop in his tracks.


Both Mao Lilan and his daughter were stunned, and turned around to see Sano, who had put on a Kurosawa vest, wearing sunglasses and walking towards him with his hands in his pockets.

“…Did senior invite you here, Mr. Kurosawa?”

After Mao Lilan came to her senses, she suddenly asked the question, leaving Conan stunned again.

Sano was already not surprised by this.

Think whatever you want.

“Just come here to climb a mountain.”

Sano picked his ears and said: “After all, as a detective, it is necessary to maintain a good physical condition… But since I met you here, it seems that this leisure activity will not be leisurely. .”

Maori Kogoro:”?”

Mao Lilan: “?”

Conan: “?”

Does this mean that you are talking about some of your bad luck?

“It turns out that senior didn’t ask you to come over and help.”

Mao Lilan blinked, not sure if he really took in what Sano said, and then said: “But since we have already met, it is fate. Come climb the mountain with us, Mr. Kurosawa.”

Sano glanced at Conan’s tape-covered glasses and chuckled.

“I can do it, it doesn’t matter.”

“It would be great.”

Mao Lilan looked at Mao Li Kogoro happily. Although she didn’t pay much attention to the killer named Silver Fox, the guarantee could be higher.

It’s certainly not bad.

But Mouri Kogoro didn’t think so.

Similar to Maori Lan, his daughter, Maori Kogoro doesn’t care about Silver Fox, the killer.

Therefore, the appearance of Sano gave Mouri Kogoro only a sense of crisis that his prey was being targeted by others and that he was here to steal his job.

But Mouri Kogoro didn’t forget it either.

In addition to being a detective, the man in front of me is also a superhero.

From hard to soft.

Even Mouri Kogoro was embarrassed.

So in the end I could only sit there and sulk with a bad face.

From this, Sano successfully sneaked into the Plague Brigade and went up the mountain.

Sano observed the other people in the team and found nothing strange at first glance.

There was no movement.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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