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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 456 459, I was thrown over the shoulder by an ant when I went out

Of course, Sano could also choose to test the situation secretly with a hammer, but he was so bored that he decided to keep some sense of mystery.

Just think of it as boredom and having some fun.

After glancing around calmly.

Sano already has a rough grasp of the “suspect”.

Including the client who came with the Mori family and the others who joined the team.

There is also a dark-skinned college student, an uncle, a long-haired man, and a young couple. Everyone seems to be normal, but everyone seems to have something wrong – one of them, the dark-skinned college student, was beaten in the middle of the fight. When making the phone call, he used his left hand, so Kogoro Mouri listed him as Silver Fox’s number one suspect. The specific reason was that the bearded man quietly told him that Silver Fox was a left-handed killer.

…This reminded Sano of Gin unconsciously.

That guy seems to be left-handed, right?

In reality, the proportion of people who are left-handed is actually not that small.

But whether it is the previous life or this life.

Sano seems to have actually encountered very few left-handers.

Even less than the black-skinned group.

Well, besides this black-skinned college student, the problem lies with others.

The old man wearing a hat has been secretly glaring at the bearded client.

The young couple was worried secretly.

There seems to be some hidden secret behind everyone – oh, there is also the long-haired man, his presence is so low that Sano subconsciously ignored it.

But this does not mean that there is nothing wrong with this long-haired man or that there is something wrong with him.

It can only be said that this guy has nothing to attract attention for the time being.

last of the last.

The bearded man as the client is not without problems.

After joining the Plague God’s team, the Plague God had a one-sided communication with Sano.

Output detailed information status to Sano.

From this, Sano also knew that when Big Beard was at the Maori Detective Agency, he had been assassinated by the Silver Fox and fired several sniper bullets from a distance.

He almost didn’t hit the bearded man’s head directly.

This is undoubtedly contrary to what Big Beard said and agreed with Silver Fox to take action during mountain climbing activities. It feels like this guy deliberately found someone to do this for the purpose. Just to make Mouri Kogoro believe that what he said was true.

… Could it be that the silver fox was also an illusion created by this guy?

Sano frowned, the probability of this was actually not small.

It is normal for the cases involving the God of Plague to have a bit of a reversal.

But there is such a setting.

The probability of development in this way will increase a lot.

Then wouldn’t he have to go on a trip in vain?

It’s rare for me to get up so early just to sneak in and recruit people!

Gee, the father and daughter Mao Lilan are quite outrageous.

It’s such an obvious logical flaw, but no one could find anything wrong with it.

…If Mao Lilan had told Sano this at the beginning, he would have just gone to bed at home. How could he have come all the way here to waste time just for a little chance? .

Just when Zuo Ye felt a little depressed, Conan, who had never received a response, finally gradually turned his attention to other issues.

“Hey, Kurosawa.”

Conan touched his pair of glasses, which had not yet been updated and repaired by Dr. Ali. After thinking about it, he still did not mention the incident that almost scared him to the point of peeing that day, and instead curiously asked another point. .

“Why did you suddenly remember to wear sunglasses?”


Sano came to his senses and replied casually: “Why, can’t you.”

“That’s not true…”

Conan shook his head – not many people wear sunglasses in daily life.

There are only two types of people who use it as an outfit.

One is serious and cold, similar to a bodyguard.

The other one is a loser, basically the second generation of rich people.

Kurosawa’s style.

It should be the latter.

The already outstanding features have been strengthened, making him look even more handsome?

… Sano lifted his sunglasses, which were naturally modified from sniper sunglasses.

There are only extremely subtle differences, less than one millimeter.

As long as necessary, Sano can modify it back to its original form at any time for sniping.

That’s right.

Sano planned to use the sniper sunglasses for the No. 3 vest.

Just like the cat demon form of the black cat vest.

Sano actually already had the idea of ​​giving Kurosawai’s vest a new setting.

As mentioned earlier, there is a conflict between the Kurosawa vest and the black wheat vest, both of which require the use of mask pendants. Most of the time when it is necessary to double-open, Sano gives the pendant to the former, while the latter relies on other equipment. Hold on.

Once or twice is fine.

Sano felt really uncomfortable after too many times.

After all, for a rye vest, you need to fire as many times as you need to dodge bullets 100% of the time.

A bit much.

My body can’t bear it.

Sometimes when things are done, Sano is in a state of being thrown over his shoulder by an ant when he goes out, which is worse than the forty-eight times a day.

Of course, Sano can also choose to use the rye vest for long-range sniping.

Anyway, this setting has been thrown out a long time ago.

But in this case, the other equipment of the rye vest will no longer be able to play its role.

Not to mention that every setting of the rye vest is too rigid.

If he suddenly only does this kind of thing, it will inevitably arouse Gin’s suspicion.

Of course, no matter which side it is, Sano actually finds it quite troublesome when it comes to sniping——

Because you need to bring a sniper rifle.

It is inconvenient and can easily cause unnecessary trouble.

It would be much better if the sniper was directly enhanced with a gun… Of course, that was in the past, not now.

The size of Sano’s wallet.

Unless it’s a sniper cannon, it’s very easy to stuff it in.

And of course, as mentioned before, equipment sharing.

It may cause some trouble.

Although what Sano said, it shouldn’t be said to be sharing, but… transfer?

At that time, Sano was wearing sunglasses and playing sniper game in front of Gin. Did it arouse some thoughts of the gangster, but he didn’t show it.

Sano didn’t know.

But I’ve already played it all.

It would be better to simply fix it to death.

Not to mention now having a dimensional wallet and Sano’s rye vest.

The upper limit will be raised significantly.

At most, you can just look at it when you need it, it’s not a big deal.

Compared to principle.

Sano still prefers to adapt to circumstances, just like how flexible he is.

Just this step reminded Sano of the gold-rimmed glasses in Black Cat’s vest.

Originally, Sano was thinking that if necessary, he could give the killer a vest and a sniper setting, but now.

The black cat vest has been strengthened, and Kurosawai’s vest has this setting.

Just right.

With this mentality, Sano planned to wear sunglasses every time he appeared in this vest, so that he could move freely at both long and short range.

Very fragrant.

“Okay, there is still the last part of the journey, let’s rest here for a while.”

The end point of this mountain climbing activity is a resting place.

If nothing else goes wrong, Sano and his party will have to sleep there overnight and go down the mountain tomorrow.

But if something unexpected happens… going back and forth on the same day, or staying in the mountains for a few days… well, it actually means “disaster”, it’s all possible.

“Hey, where is that person?”

As soon as he sat down, Conan noticed that there was a missing person in the team and asked questions in confusion.

“Maybe he knew he had been exposed and got scared, so he ran away.”

Said some breathless bearded man.

Sano swept around and found that the black-skinned college student was indeed gone.

…If there is a mission, Sano wants to be able to grasp the overall situation.

There is a high probability that he will be hanging at the end of the mountain climbing team. It is impossible for Sano not to notice the movement of such a black-skinned college student… But this is not the mission.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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