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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 457 460, collective blindness?

So Sano really doesn’t know.

When did that black-skinned college student disappear?

Maybe it was just like Big Beard said, he sensed something was wrong and ran away.

Or maybe.

Is has become the first victim.

… Sano’s current vest of Kurosawai was not recognized by other climbers in the team except Maorilan’s family.

There is nothing surprising about this.

Although that incident did make the headlines and caused a great sensation.

But that day was too far away.

As a result, Kurosawai’s face was not very clear in the photo.

It’s okay to have met Sano, or at least to know him as a person in the vest. If you don’t know him, it’s hard to have a clear impression.

Secondly, it is a matter of probability.

Among the many people in Neon, how many people watch the news is a question, and among the people who watch the news, how many people have seen this report is another question.

How many people who have read this report remember it is still a question… After all, there are not a few people who have a photographic memory, in short.

Sano’s appearance did not cause any disturbance.

But this doesn’t mean that there won’t be people who recognize it but don’t show it.

For example, that black-skinned college student.

If that guy is really Silver Fox, he recognizes Sano as a superhero.

It is not impossible to choose to retreat due to fear.

Before Conan could speak again.

A scream of fear came over.

This is! ?

Conan’s expression changed: “It’s that guy’s voice!”

Sano also recognized it. It was the voice of the black-skinned college student.

No time to think too much.

The group of people quickly ran in the direction of the sound.

Then I saw the black-skinned college student under a cliff.

To be precise, he was a black-skinned college student with blood all over his head and a dying face.

…actually became the first victim?

Sano was slightly speechless.

No, this should be said to be gained from experience.

It’s definitely not that I’m a crow’s mouth, well, that’s it.

Sano did not go down, but watched others climb below to check the situation.

Finally get the result.

In addition to the obvious fall injury on the back of the head, the only visible trauma on the black-skinned college student’s body was a small cut on his cheek. There was also a throwing knife not far from the body. He should have been dodging someone throwing it. When he was flying the knife, he was so frightened that he slipped and fell from the edge of the cliff.

“It’s Silver Fox, he seems to like to use throwing knives.”

Sano looked at the throwing knife in Mouri Kogoro’s hand and did not express his opinion.

Because this could also be someone who deliberately stayed here in order to make the Silver Fox’s existence more real. The purpose was to confuse the public.

To put it bluntly, it’s a clue.


As if to match the atmosphere, the color of the sky became darker and darker.

Dark clouds shrouded the place and the wind blew suddenly.

A flash of thunder and lightning flashed.

The group of people could no longer care about the dead black-skinned college student.

“Quick, go to the rest house!”

After all, we were on a mountain road. Facing the strong wind and rain, the group of people still had a serious attitude and ran up the mountain quickly. Sano stayed at the end this time to ensure that no one escaped, and then they entered with peace of mind. Room.

But as soon as the other people opened the door and entered the house, they exclaimed again.

Sano took a look and saw an old man standing in a dark room.

Doesn’t look very human.

It wasn’t until the lights came on that the expressions of the group relaxed.

After some communication, it turned out that the old man was the administrator of the rest house.

The gray hair on his head, including his eyebrows and beard, is abnormally long.

Just like a savage, no wonder he didn’t look like a human being when the lights were not turned on just now.

Because there was no signal on the mobile phone, Mouri Kogoro tried to use the rest house phone to call the police to explain the situation here and that it would be best to take them down again.

But the administrator said that maybe it was because of the thunderstorm.

Even the phone here can no longer be made.

Mouri Kogoro tried it, but it really didn’t work, so he had no choice but to give it up.

Next to him, Sano watched the old man’s performance expressionlessly, and his heart was full of the word “shabi” – they are all blind, right? No one can see the gap as big as the telephone line underneath? ?

Collectively blind, right?

There is no doubt that.

There’s something wrong with this old man.

And the problem is still huge.

Watching the old man prepare dinner for everyone – vegetable buns blanched directly in boiling water.

The hand holding things is the left hand.

silver fox?

Isn’t it a pretense?

Sano subconsciously wanted to rub his fingers, but stopped and quietly found a place to sit down until he took the opportunity of the old man to pass him food.

The hammer of justice hit quietly.

The old man’s hand suddenly shook and his dinner was scattered all over the floor.

The other people in the room were attracted by the movement, but they just thought it was because the old man was old and his hands were shaking, so he scattered things.

“…I’m sorry, because the dinners are all prepared in advance, so there is no extra portion. Otherwise, I would have given you my portion.”

Silver Fox came back to his senses and said apologetically to Sano, but secretly he was already on guard.

If others don’t know, how can Silver Fox not know it himself?

As a professional killer, despite having been retired for some time.

But it’s not like my hands are shaking when holding such a small amount of things.

It was clearly his own wrist when he felt a sharp pain just now.

This will cause things to scatter.

The unusual point just now was that this person touched his wrist.

Regardless of the principle of this technique that can bring such severe pain to people even though it is just a light touch, at least Silver Fox can clearly understand that there is something wrong with the person in front of him.

Are you testing yourself?

Has your identity been exposed?

Sano shook his head and said it was unnecessary.

But he was already sure in his heart that this old man was Silver Fox.

The only question is whether this guy started pretending to be an administrator recently or even today, or whether he disappeared half a year ago.

Just hiding here?

…According to the situation collected by Sano.

The last time the Silver Fox appeared, or appeared with traces, was in a mission half a year ago. After killing the mission target and accidentally causing the death of a kindergarten child, there was no news about him again. .

The specific reason is hard to say.

If this guy had just replaced the administrator recently, then maybe what Big Beard said was true, and his purpose was to kill that guy, but what if Silver Fox didn’t replace the administrator, but was the administrator at all.

If you are retiring here.

Then things are a little different.

First of all, the black-skinned college student who died was probably killed by someone else and framed to blame Silver Fox. The other, and most critical, was this guy’s age.

Is it really as old as it looks?

If he were really an old man, no matter what he did, he wouldn’t be considered one.

Is this the level of Neon Top Killer?

Then the trip was still in vain?

Before Sano could think about it, a new situation appeared again.

Because of the death, everyone present looked a little nervous.

So naturally they began to doubt each other.

During the dispute, when the uncle stood up excitedly, he dropped a knife.

People unconsciously think of the throwing knife next to the body of the black-skinned college student.

The uncle quickly explained that this was just a mountaineering knife for self-defense.

As for how many people are willing to believe it.

That’s hard to say.

Then, the long-haired man suddenly recognized Mouri Kogoro and greeted him with surprise, which caused the young couple to panic.

… In order not to alert others, Mouri Kogoro did not use his real name.

Even at this time, Mouri Kogoro still wanted to keep it secret, so he turned on the radio nearby in an attempt to divert attention.

Unexpectedly, a report came directly from the radio.

It is said that in the village at the foot of the mountain, someone was found murdered in the morning. The murderer fled into the mountain. The police have already entered the mountain to search… But looking at the weather, they probably can’t count on the police who entered the mountain.

Maybe they have even been temporarily evacuated.

Under the complicated atmosphere, a group of people quickly covered themselves with quilts and fell into a dream.

“Pay attention to the situation and call me if you need anything.”

Sano was almost sleepy. If something happened later, it would probably be difficult to pull him out of his dream, so he secretly gave Erhei instructions.

“Yes, Master.”

Erhei responded obediently, and exposed half of his head from Sano’s collar. He opened his eyes wide and observed the situation in the room.

Then continue.

Sano opened his eyes suddenly the next night.

…Is this guy’s way of wake-up call so special? ?


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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