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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 458 461, Sano: This is the worst killer I have ever seen

Sano’s mouth twitched.

After resisting the instinctive urge to slap Erhei to death biting his earlobe, Sano was about to secrete spider venom, but unexpectedly discovered that the spider venom produced through Erhei’s mouthparts was in his body. , or in other words, when it is in the body of a living thing, it can actually be controlled by itself.

…This is not a big surprise.

After sitting up, Sano turned his attention to the commotion in the room.

The lights have been turned on.

Those in the house and the beds were missing a lot of people.

Sano only saw Conan and Mouri Kogoro at a glance, and ran out of the house quickly.

He seemed to be chasing someone.

Sano looked down at the quilt on his body again. After thinking about it, he lay down again and pulled the quilt up… It was quite cold at night.

If you can’t move, you might as well stop moving.

“You kid, I asked you to wake me up, but who asked you to bite me?”

After all, he had been awakened, and Sano didn’t feel sleepy for a while.

I started to complain about Erhei’s wake-up call service.

Who the hell did you learn this from?

Erhei replied with some grievance: “I am the master who called me normally, but you were so deep asleep that you didn’t react at all. I was afraid of delaying things further, so I thought of taking a bite. In the end, there was still no movement, and then some venom was secreted. I’m sorry, I was wrong…”

…Have you slept so well?

Sano sighed: “Wait a minute, can your poison also control secretion?”



Sano thought that if he was bitten by Erhei, he would definitely be poisoned.

It turns out that this guy can also control the secretion of venom.

I was distracted because I didn’t eat anything last night.

Sano’s stomach began to protest.

Although the silver fox said that his dinner could be given to Sano, considering that besides poison, there are other things that can make people incapacitated.

Sano feels that it is better to be self-sufficient in terms of food.

Anyway, Sano has a supply depot with him.

After his head retreated into bed, Sano took out his wallet and picked through it.

Sano ate cake and drank coffee.

After eating and drinking, Sano felt sleepy again, but the other people who went out came back.

As a result, there was a scream outside the house.

Conan rushed into the house, put his hand under Sano’s bed, and tugged on his clothes.

“Kurosawa, don’t sleep. Someone is dead outside, about ten meters outside the house. Did you notice anything wrong in the house?”


Sano opened his eyes. He was completely covered in quilt just now, and the wind was loud outside.

I really didn’t notice any movement.

After getting out of bed, Sano followed Conan outside the house. The woman in the young couple was lying on the ground with a knife stuck in her body, and she was still alive.

Sano glanced at the others.

In addition to the person who was chased out of the house by Sano, there was a bald man.

I am having a very happy chat with the bearded man at the moment.

Sano looked at Conan.

Conan immediately explained sensibly – in the middle of the night, he saw a figure holding a knife and trying to kill Mouri Kogoro, but he yelled and scared away.

The group of people then gave chase.

But when they chased them to a cave, Conan and the others saw a trembling uncle.

It turns out that this uncle has something, claustrophobia?

Sano didn’t hear clearly either.

Anyway, this uncle’s “suspect” has basically been cleared.

“Looking at the position of the knife, the murderer must be left-handed.”

Mouri Kogoro turned his attention to the long-haired man who was lighting a cigarette. This guy’s hand was lighting the cigarette.

It’s the left hand.

It just so happened that Kogoro Mouri had paid careful attention to it after receiving the information about being left-handed. Before that, the long-haired man had always used his right hand.

This makes it seem like the long-haired man is deliberately hiding this.

So there is no doubt that Mouri Kogoro pointed the finger at the long-haired man again.

He talked a lot, and also mentioned the long-haired man’s identity as a novel writer.

Sano didn’t pay much attention.

The mission to find the murderer has arrived… at least there will be extra money.

It’s not a wasted trip.

As for why Sano didn’t bother to listen to Mouri Kogoro’s beeping, it wasn’t entirely because he felt that this guy’s reasoning could only be a method of elimination.

What’s more important is what’s in the corpse’s manicure.

Sano discovered this after habitually carefully examining the corpse.

Sweater fibers.

Because of the cold weather and the fact that it is in the mountains.

The members of the mountaineering team basically wore sweaters.

But the only sweater of this color and material seems to be the boyfriend of the deceased.

Among the people who chased him out at that time, in addition to the extra uncle, there were also two missing people.

Silver Fox, and the boy in the couple.

…There is also a less serious clue, which Erhei told Sano.

The guy who took a knife and tried to stab Mouri Kogoro in the house at that time.

Not someone else.

That’s this guy.

The killer Silver Fox, the murderer in the village below the mountain, the possible third murderer of the black-skinned college student, plus the bearded client who may have an ulterior motive to reserve murderers, are on this mountaineering trip.

Currently, the problem is that there can be at most four such people. Excluding the dead black-skinned college student and this woman, there are only six suspects in total. It is impossible for all of them to be evil people. There are probably some. In terms of superposition, at least Sano felt that this long-haired man was fine.

Of course, such a development is not completely impossible.

But at least in this matter, Sano can be sure that the character will not go wrong.

“Stop staring at him. The murderer is the deceased’s boyfriend.”


Hearing this, Conan, who had also noticed what was in the woman’s nails, turned around in surprise: “But isn’t that person left-handed?”

“Who said the murderer must be left-handed.”

After Sano picked up Conan, he simulated stabbing him in the back with his right hand at various angles, which was the gesture of death: “If you want to, you can stab such a knife with your right hand. After all, it has never been done before.” There is no evidence that the murderer struck from directly behind the deceased.”


“No buts.”

Sano interrupted Mouri Kogoro: “If you don’t believe it, just find that guy first. At worst, wait for the police to come and test the contents of the deceased’s nails. If you want to talk about the silver fox, it’s the administrator.”

“…Silver Fox is the administrator??”

Mouri Kogoro and others were shocked again, while the long-haired man and the uncle looked confused.

“silver fox??”

Conan touched his chin and finally came to his senses: “So that’s it, that administrator is also left-handed, and his skin is too white. If he is someone who stays in the mountains all year round, it is impossible for him to be so white. I understand, that college student He was the one who killed him. Because he often came to this rest house, he must have been very familiar with the original administrator. Therefore, Silver Fox was worried about being exposed, so he wanted to kill and silence him. There was also dinner, and that guy was at the bottom of the mountain. At that time, I reported the number of people to the administrator, and the administrator also prepared the number of dinners based on this.”

“If I hadn’t known that the college student was dead and spilled my dinner last night, I shouldn’t have said that there was no extra dinner.”

Sano added one of Conan’s remaining explanations.

In fact, Sano also thought of this when he was hiding in bed and eating breakfast.

Through this, Sano knew that Silver Fox was not retiring here.

However, Sano is not sure whether the black-skinned college student was killed by Silver Fox.

First of all, there is no evidence.

Secondly, Sano didn’t know in advance that the black-skinned college student often came here, and he didn’t know that he was calling the rest house to inform the rest house of the number of people staying overnight, but it was clear.

The real culprit of this second murder case, by the way.

Because the task of finding the murderer is over, new extra money has emerged.

“Guarantee the survival of the killer silver fox”, this is the mission requirement.

… Sano blinked and read it again.

After confirming that he was right and that what he wanted to ensure was the safety of Silver Fox, not the survival of someone else, Sano felt speechless for a while.

God damn protects Silver Fox.

Isn’t this girl a top killer? ?

The co-author is also a five-star killer?

Sano had to admit that, excluding the other five-star killer, Silver Fox was really the worst killer he had ever seen.

Even if there is Mao Lilan in the team, it is impossible for her to kill people… Even if she has murderous intentions, let alone solving it, she cannot even deal with it.

Isn’t that a little too much?


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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