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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 459 462, the more you look at it, the more you read it

If the silver fox is really in danger.

Then there are only three risk factors.

One is the man who killed this woman.

The other one is the big beard that may be deliberately arranged.

In the end, maybe one more Maorilan has to be included… Sano quickly thought of the problem. Could it be that he was considered a dangerous factor again?

“The guy seemed to have sensed something was wrong and ran away.”

After coming back to their senses, Mouri Kogoro and others turned their attention back to the current problem, only to realize that the murderer of this woman had disappeared.

“The old administrator is also missing. Was he kidnapped? Damn it, we have to find him quickly and find out what happened!”

Kogoro Mori directly assumed command.

Except for the uncle and the long-haired man who were left behind, the other five people, including Sano, began to look for those two people in order to facilitate their movement.

Sano proposed splitting into two teams.

The bearded Kogoro Mouri and Conan are in a group.

Sano was in a group with Mao Lilan, and the two sides acted separately.

But after the two sides separated, Sano immediately followed the map and found the two guys.

As expected, Silver Fox really let that guy hold him hostage.

This makes Sano feel even more unacceptable… Is this guy pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, or is he a real person? By the way, if this guy really accepted the commission from Big Beard, or was caught by fishing .

There’s no need to pretend to be an administrator, right?

Isn’t it better to just do it? What are you thinking in your head?

Sano, who was incomprehensible, looked at the two people not far away and frowned slightly.

Mao Lilan next to him asked: “Mr. Kurosawa, what should we do?”


Before Sano could finish speaking, he heard another “boom, boom, boom” sound.

Turning around to look, it was probably because of the thunderstorm last night that caused the rocks to loosen.

A mudslide has rolled down from above, aiming directly at the two silver foxes below.

…Is this the risk factor?

Sano was stunned, and the extremely fast mudslide had already covered the position of the two people. Fortunately, the man was lucky and hugged a big rock in his panic. He survived and did not die suddenly on the spot.

As for the figure of Silver Fox, it has disappeared.

Sano looked at the map and found that the position was moving rapidly… As long as he didn’t die.

But since he didn’t die in the mudslide, the man was also trapped in the mudslide.

Maolilan’s side was even cut off by mudslides.

Apart from himself, the only risk factor could be the bearded man.

Sano reached out and grabbed Mao Lilan, who was about to rush over: “What are you doing?”

“…Save someone?”

Mao Lilan said blankly.

“How do you save such a big mudslide and fly over it?”

Sano said speechlessly: “He is a murderer anyway, so he will die if he dies.”

Mao Lilan immediately became serious: “Mr. Kurosawa, the life of a murderer is also life. If you are not willing to take risks for a murderer, at least you should not stop me. This is my personal wish.”

“…Okay, okay, you make me look like a bad guy.”

After Sano curled his lips, he took a few steps to the mudslide. With a push of his wrist, one end of the spider’s thread stuck to the guy who was shouting for help with a face full of fear.

“Come here and help pull it, I’m not strong enough.”

Mao Lilan responded, and Sano pulled the spider silk together and pulled hard.

The man was immediately lifted up, jumped several meters, and landed in a safe area.

“Sister Xiaolan!”

On the other side of the mudslide, Mouri Kogoro and Conan must have heard the noise here and rushed over. They saw that Sano and Mourilan were okay.

They all breathed a sigh of relief.

But Sano looked at the two of them and asked a question: “Where is the bearded man?”


Conan and Conan were stunned for a moment. After realizing who Sano was talking about, they looked behind them.

“Strange, where are the people?”

…It seems that he is looking for Silver Fox.

In other words, waiting for the silver fox?

Sano took a look at his position, took a few steps back, and accelerated to take off. A thread of spider silk stuck to the upper section of the big tree on the opposite side, and he used the spider thread to cross over the mudslide.

“Holy shit, what the hell is this?”

Both Mouri Kogoro and Conan were startled by Sano’s spider silk.

But Sano didn’t have time to pay attention and quickly set off to where the silver fox was.

Looking at the map, Silver Fox has stopped moving, and Sano is pressed for time.

Wait until Sano arrives.

As expected, he saw the bearded man pointing a pistol at the silver fox.

…This guy is the real deal!

Sano leaned back tactically and entered a state of self-doubt for two seconds.

But it’s a sigh of relief, no matter whether the silver fox is real or fake, Sano has to be saved.

Try talking about something else.

If you can’t recruit them, they’ll be laid off.

Well, the real deal, sanctions.

After a cobweb stuck to the bearded man’s eye, Sano quickly appeared and with lightning speed, he flipped him to the ground and knocked him unconscious.

same moment.

mission completed.

…The risk factor is actually this big beard.

Sano looked at Silver Fox, his eyes full of contempt and disgust.

The silver fox stared at Sano blankly, unable to recover from the sudden accident in front of him.

“Mr. Kurosawa!”

Mao Lilan didn’t know how she stepped over the mudslide, followed by Conan and Mao Li Kogoro who was carrying the tied man.

The four of them arrived here together.

…The speed is a bit fast, tsk.

Sano frowned secretly. Originally, he wanted to secretly let the silver fox go and try again to see if it would work – for example, if this guy actually had any special abilities.

Or maybe I was just too careless just now, and that’s why it turned out like that.

But once these people came over, they naturally couldn’t do it anymore.

But Sano was not unprepared.

After two or three seconds passed, Silver Fox finally came to his senses, rolled over, picked up the pistol that Bearded had dropped on the ground, and pointed it in Sano’s direction.

Seeing this, Mao Lilan immediately rushed out, and before Silver Fox raised his pistol, he kicked the pistol away from his hand with a high kick.

…It really becomes more and more interesting the more I look at it.

Sano was calm on the surface, but he was complaining madly on the inside.

But just when Mao Lilan was about to take the second blow and completely defeat Silver Fox.

There was an explosion that broke through the air.

A black shadow instantly clung to Mao Lilan from a position about ten meters away.

No matter it is Mao Lilan who reacts quickly but is in the middle of the game.

Conan and Mouri Kogoro still had a wide field of vision from the rear, but insufficient reaction.

The brain is unable to react in time to this situation.

Sano reached out and grabbed Mao Lilan’s back collar and pulled gently.

The black shadow rubbed the tip of Mao Lilan’s nose and hit the tree next to it hard.


Just like the loud noise at the beginning of the previous mudslide, the tree immediately cracked from the lower part, and finally fell to the ground with a bang.

Mao Lilan blinked and raised his hand to touch. Behind his nose, which was aching slightly due to the wind blowing from his legs, the cold sweat on his back suddenly covered it with a “swish”.

If it hadn’t been pulled just now, there is no doubt that Mao Lilan’s head would have been hit by the big tree, and the final result would be.

I’m afraid I’ll have to stay in the hospital for a while at least.


Mao Lilan subconsciously thanked Sano.

“Wha, what’s going on!?”

Conan and Mouri Kogoro finally reacted and made a sound of surprise.

Sano controlled the black cat vest replica to retract its legs, turned around and faced the original body.

…To be honest, Sano actually doesn’t like the feeling of the original body and the clone being together, let alone face to face, looking directly at each other, because it feels weird.

These are two completely different feelings from looking directly at each other in the mirror.

Sano couldn’t explain why.

It’s just annoying anyway.

But in this situation, Sano still did it subconsciously.

Because in the position of “both sides”, the instinct is to target the leader.

This is a normal reaction… In other words, Sano is a little bit into the drama.

Of course, it is also possible that it is not a drama, but a purely instinctive reaction.

all in all.

From the perspective of others, the “two people” looked at each other for three or four seconds.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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