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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 46 46, Sano: Plan pass? √ (smile)

Chapter 46 46, Sano: Plan Pass √ (smile)

But that’s not important.

The important thing is that Gin doesn’t know about this, so he can fool him.

Toru Amuro is very aware of Gin’s style of doing things. He is a dog who is absolutely loyal to the organization. As long as there are factors that are detrimental to the organization, he can calmly and quickly eliminate them without any personal feelings.

Correspondingly, as long as it is a factor that is beneficial to the organization, such as creating a talent that is useful to the organization, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to reject it because of personal emotions.

On the other end of the phone, Gin was sitting in his car lighting a cigarette. He was actually not that surprised by Toru Amuro’s suggestion.

Because all core members of an organization basically have a dual identity, one bright and one dark.

If Sano develops according to the path originally set by Toru Amuro and really becomes a famous detective, it will naturally be the same.

It’s just that the sense of separation between identities and the need for secrecy are probably not as strong as what Toru Amuro said just now. It’s almost like being undercover.

This idea is of course a good idea, but… it’s too fast.

“He is just a peripheral member. Is it worth your putting so much effort into it?”

Toru Amuro could already hear signs of looseness in Gin’s voice, and he felt a lot more relaxed.

“You are a peripheral member now, but that doesn’t mean you will be in the future. Don’t forget who completed the Maple Leaf Gold Coin mission. What’s more, wasn’t it precisely because you were optimistic about him that you arranged for me, a core member, to contact him at that time?”

Toru Amuro paused for a few seconds. Seeing that Gin was noncommittal, he continued: “Also, if you really read today’s newspaper carefully, you will find something different.”

Gin on the other side raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and looked at the newspaper in his hand again, and then saw two reports that were not very large.

“The truth about the burglary and murder case five years ago was revealed. Detective Shinichiro Sano, a high school student in the haunted house, led the children to catch the murderer.”

“In the Murder Case at the Medieval Art Museum, the famous detective Mouri Kogoro was defeated again. High school student detective Sano Shinichiro saw through the truth and took the lead.”

Gin narrowed his eyes. Did that boy’s reputation rise so quickly? Yes, it was inevitable if he had the ability. So it’s no wonder that Toru Amuro is so anxious.

On the other end of the phone, Toru Amuro was still explaining the pros and cons.

“Obviously, Sano’s potential is far beyond your expectation, Gin, and if I remember correctly, you just eliminated two undercover agents today?”

Speaking of this, Gin finally let out a breath. Yes, the organization is increasingly short of people, especially those who are useful and available.

“Ha, I understand. For the time being, I will not enter Sano’s identity into the peripheral member information database, and I will try not to assign tasks to him in the future.”

“Then it’ll be hard work.”

After hanging up the phone, Toru Amuro couldn’t hold back the smile on his face. He sighed deeply and finally got over it.

…Then, there was this guy who made me struggle to wipe my butt.

Toru Amuro looked up quietly at Sano, who was sitting opposite.

“Are you satisfied now?”

Sano crossed his legs and smoked a cigarette that came from Toru Amuro’s desk. He gave him a rare grin and said, “Sorry for bothering you, boss.”

Yes, this was Sano’s ultimate purpose in deliberately showing up in the Black Dragon Society mission and causing such a big thing.

It was just to convince Tohru Amuro and others to completely cut off the connection between the two identities of Sano and Heisei.

Sano had had a chat with Toru Amuro before about what Gin was busy with all day long. After getting the answer of “clearing out the rats”, he knew that the situation in the organization was definitely not as good as he thought.

So I came up with this plan.

Of course, if you speak directly, the chance of success is definitely not high, but now Sano is cutting first and then telling you, forcing him hard, which is equivalent to rushing a duck to the shelf. As long as he is really valuable, the other party will not refuse.

In short, Sano’s true identity cannot be targeted by the police, but his vest has been targeted. If Gin knew about it, he might want to silence him, so he just exposed his vest directly. At the same time, he told the other party that his true identity was of great value, so that Gin not only did not want to silence him, but also helped him hide the connection between the two identities.

It can be said that it solves the shortcomings of both parties at the same time and kills two birds with one stone.

However, this plan is not impossible to fail, but there is nothing in the world that is 100% perfect and has no risks. You may get hit by a car when you go out, so it is not a big problem.

If it really failed, at most it would be that Sano would jump to the red side or find another home. Anyway, if he ignored it, the situation would not be better when Gin found out that the police were investigating his vest.

The only thing that surprised Sano was that his boss, Toru Amuro, was surprisingly easy to talk to. Even the rhetoric he prepared was useless, and the other party accepted his statement, and even turned around to help him persuade him. Got gin.

Did I misunderstand the other person before? This person is actually quite good?

Zuo Ye couldn’t help but have such doubts.

At this moment, Toru Amuro felt very complicated inside.

Because Toru Amuro brought Sano to his detective agency just to avoid him being exposed to the bloody missions of those organizations. In fact, it was just a delaying tactic.

If Sano continues to be unable to produce results for a long time, Gin will of course have other ideas. At that time, he will probably deliberately arrange some “results” for Sano, and then persuade Gin not to interfere with Sano like today.

It’s just that Toru Amuro never expected that such a thing would happen yesterday by coincidence.

Toru Amuro deliberately found out the location of the Black Dragon Society’s criminal evidence. He originally wanted Sano to report it to the police, and then take advantage of the chaos to steal the USB flash drive Gin wanted.

But who knew that Sano not only didn’t do this, but also made such a big fuss.

But fortunately, Sano’s thinking was clear enough, and he didn’t just act recklessly. When he lined up the various reasons, hey, it can be considered a good thing.

“I said, shouldn’t this be your purpose from the beginning?”

Toru Amuro asked Sano tentatively: “Just to avoid being implicated by the organization, do you want to remove yourself cleanly?”

In Toru Amuro’s view, such a possibility is not impossible. Sano has good skills in solving crimes and is naturally a smart person. It is not surprising that he came up with such a method.

It’s just that even now, Toru Amuro can’t completely trust Sano. After all, as an undercover agent, one step is a step into the abyss, so it’s hard to make it clear directly. He can only test it out. It’s always right to be cautious.

Sano shrugged: “Who knows.”

In any case, Sano’s butt can be considered to be completely wiped clean now. He doesn’t have to worry too much about the police finding him, nor does he need to worry too much about the organization taking measures to silence him.

The plan was completed perfectly and it was finally over.

“Anyway, thank you boss for today. I still have to go to school. See you later.”

After taking advantage of his boss, Sano naturally gave up the idea of ​​continuing to chat with Toru Amuro. He stood up and left the Amuro Detective Agency, leaving Toru Amuro alone to continue to be in a daze on the sofa.

I don’t know why, but there’s always this weird sense of instant visibility that the boyfriend who pulled up his pants found an excuse and left him in the hotel afterwards…


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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