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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 461 464, Li Kui meets Li Gui?

You know, because the glasses were shattered into pieces.

Conan doesn’t wear glasses now.

There was already a certain risk of exposure, and then he was guided like this by Sano.

If he was really recognized, Conan would be dead!

In response, Sano curled up his lips and pushed up his sunglasses.

“Childish ghost.”

Hearing Sano’s taunt, Conan’s lips twitched.

Who is more naive about this?

“Seriously, Kurosawa, I heard from Xiaolan that you and that black cat seem to know each other. Are you two familiar? How much information do you know about him?”

Conan didn’t want to waste his words and asked the question directly.

Sano said lazily: “I don’t want to answer the same question twice.”


Seeing Sano quickening his pace, Conan hurriedly followed. Worried that continuing to entangle might cause resentment, he changed the question: “Hey, Kurosawa, why did you break my glasses last time? Is it because you wore them?” When you wear sunglasses, do you think everyone who wears glasses is provoking you?”

…What kind of shabby way to provoke generals is this?

Sano was speechless: “No, I just hate being spied on by perverts.”

Conan: “…”

Why did this thing become a pervert on its own?


What kind of thing is it just for peeping on yourself?

Conan squinted at Sano with his dead fish eyes, so he was obviously instinctively investigating the situation, right?

“That day, I saw your cat in Aido Park. Is it a coincidence?”

Conan didn’t want to pay attention to those insignificant problems, and asked again: “That’s your cat, I think. It seems to be very smart. Are you using its biological advantages to collect intelligence and detect situations for you?”

…Conan had almost forgotten about this incident, but the appearance of the killer black cat that had the same name as the black cat made him think of it again.

It would be fine if there was no subsequent sniping stage that day.

Now that there is, Conan will naturally have some associations and curiosity about this aspect.

However, in response, Sano just asked: “What cat?”

“That’s it, the black cat.”

Conan thought for a moment and added: “That was the time when I was almost captured by cat abusers, but you found me and… beat them up.”

“Oh, that’s not my cat.”


Conan immediately raised a big question mark: “Didn’t you say that was your cat?”

“Did I say that?”

Sano touched his chin: “Maybe, after all, I have fed a lot of stray cats.”

Conan blinked and realized – this guy looks just like Sano.

Is it also adopting the stocking mode?

“Whose cat is that?”

“how could I know.”

Sano cast a look of disdain: “If I knew, could I still say it is a stray cat?”

“It’s probably not a stray cat.”

Conan thought: “I think its hair is smooth and clean. It should be raised by someone.”

“Who knows.”

After the trip to Danwonsan.

There was another minor disturbance in the neon professional killer circle.

Because another person has joined Black Cat and Spider’s team, eh.

A veteran top killer.

silver fox.

However, in the world, the extent of this incident can only be said to be that of throwing a pebble into the sea, and the splash is not as big as that of urine.

Sano also received a rare assignment to go to school.

After arriving at school.

Sano accidentally bumped into a guy wearing a black death suit on the same floor.


“excuse me.”

When the other party bumped into Sano, he was also stunned. After reacting, he laughed, took the initiative to apologize, and then walked into the class next door.

Sano turned around and looked.

The other students in the corridor seemed a little timid.

“Good morning, senior.”

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko walked out of the class and approached Sano. After saying hello, they glanced at the class next door and said, “As expected of a senior, that guy usually relies on his status as a member of the Black Death, but he is very arrogant. , In front of you, he acts like a good baby.”

The two of them said this not only because they thought that Sano and Heishei knew each other, but also because they thought that guy was afraid of his identity as a detective.

But in Sano’s view, the latter is the main reason.

Because even among the members of the Black Death, except for that guy Huang Mao, not many of them really took the photo thing to heart.

It’s hard to say whether I still remember it now.

Of course, what Sano thinks so, the more critical factor is——

“This guy probably isn’t from the Black Death.”

As soon as Sano said this, the two best friends were immediately stunned: “Huh?”

“Isn’t he from the Black Death? Senior, how do you know?”

“There’s nothing strange about it.”

Sano said casually: “Members of the Black Death, especially those in Tokyo, basically have the status of riders who can travel anywhere. Even if they work casually, they are guaranteed to run for four hours every day. If This guy literally has to carve out four hours a day to work.”

“Then no matter how free he is, if he excludes school time, he will not have the energy to dominate in the school, unless he skips class and becomes a rider, but in that case, the school of Didan High School will It’s impossible to ignore him, I should have fired him long ago.”

Listen to Sano’s, um, reasoning.

The two best friends both looked thoughtful.

“So, this guy is actually not a member of the Black Death at all. He is a fake, a fake. He just relies on a piece of clothing and the name of the Black Death to gain power in the school.”

“There’s nothing surprising about this.”

Sano was too lazy to stand and walked towards the class: “There are so many Black Deaths with distinctive characteristics and easy-to-use names. Those who are bolder will inevitably have distorted thoughts.”

“Okay, so that’s it.”

Suzuki Sonoko followed up and said with a sneer: “He actually fooled us. I heard that many people were paying him protection money. I will expose his true colors later and see how he behaves.” what to do!”

“There’s no need to waste your energy.”

Sano sat down: “If he does this, he will definitely attract the attention of the Black Death over time, and then they will naturally… clean up the door.”

In fact, there are not many such things.

Not to mention pretending to be a member of Black Death, just pretending to be Black Death, or even Sano Black Mask, Rye – the faceless bomb maniac on the surface, and the Black Cat from some time ago, are nothing. Something very strange.

The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds.

Either there is an ulterior motive, or it is simply to impress.

In addition to Sano’s various vests, there were also impostors, large and small, pulling on the skins of other tigers.


It’s just that Sano had only heard about things like this before, or caught some traces of them. Like this time, it was really the first time for him to bump into it head-on.

Fortunately, this guy didn’t pretend to be a black man.

Otherwise, it would really be Li Kui meeting Li Gui.

In addition, what Sano said was not nonsense.

If someone pretends to be the Black Death and deceives them, the reputation of the Black Death will be ruined.

Whatever is impossible.

As for those disguised as Sano’s other vests.

Ha, not to mention the demons and ghosts who have their own hatred and grudges.

But he may not be as merciful as the Black Death.

Sano had often heard rumors that Gin had found the Black Mask somewhere.


The bestie duo nodded.

Sano did not continue the topic.

Turning around, he saw a thin girl with short hair and glasses standing next to Sano’s table, looking at him with a shy giggle.

“Ah, senior, this is the new transfer student. You don’t know him yet, right?”

Mao Lilan immediately introduced Sano: “His name is Hondo Eiyu, he is a bit rash…Senior, please don’t mind, it’s natural.”


Sano didn’t have time to react, what do you mean by being a little rash?

I noticed the problem with Mao Lilan’s wording again.

It turns out to be a man, but why does he look girly… and a bit familiar?

Sano stared at Eiyu Hondo for a few seconds, and finally discovered where the abnormal point was.

Those are Hondo Hideyoshi’s eyes.

This guy’s eyes look very similar to Shui Wu Liannai’s.

If there’s one thing that stands out, it’s that the shape of the eyes is very similar to a cat’s eyes.

It’s just that Shui Wu Liannai is too outstanding in all aspects.

So much so that people cannot notice this problem at first sight.

This hall Yingyou.

Does it have anything to do with Shui Wu Reina?

“Well, although he looks like a girl, he is actually a boy.”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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