Switch Mode

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 465 468, Gin: This guy still thinks he is his boss?

But as time passed, Sano lost interest.



Unexpectedly, he was hit by his own gun again.

There’s nothing you can do about it, you unfortunates.

Sano took out his cell phone and called Belmode.

…Different from the situation at that time when it was like finding a needle in a haystack, now that it has been determined that the goal is to participate in the Mud Conference, Sano actually does not need to start from within the organization and can directly pull it out from the Black Death’s intelligence library. All the information related to the Mud Participation Conference is correct.

But as a Black Death, it is not suitable to obtain this information. If you use another identity to obtain this information, you will have to spend money. Although the Black Death’s money is the same as Sano’s money, there is still a difference in whether it is working capital. of.

The second is compared to the organization’s intelligence base.

The Black Death’s intelligence library seems a bit superficial.

What’s wrong with getting more detailed information for free?

“Hey, Sister Bei, long time no see. Can you send me a copy of the information about the Mud Participation Conference?”

As soon as the call was connected, Sano got straight to the point.

But he didn’t expect that after a few seconds of silence, Gin’s voice came from the other end of the phone.

“What do you want to do by asking for information about attending the meeting?”

Gin’s voice was a little cold, showing his not-so-beautiful mood.

Sano: “…”

Why does Gin answer the call to Belmode?

Wait a moment.

Why do you feel like something is not right about this problem?

After touching his chin, Sano turned his attention back to business.

“Ah, Lord Gin, I didn’t expect Sister Bei’s cell phone to be in your hands.”

“Don’t change the subject and answer my question.”

“Isn’t this a grudge I had made before? Now that I think about it, I feel like it’s time to clear it up.”

“I should have warned you not to do this.”

Sano sneered: “Why, is Gin-sama’s desire for control so strong that he even has full authority to manage the personal affairs of his subordinates?”

“If it is really your private matter, forget it, but your private matter will probably involve the organization and become a public matter. What’s more, I have never seen anyone’s private matter need to be solved with the organization’s intelligence library. questionable.”

Gin went straight to the key point and said, “Unless you are using it for public use.”

“……so what?”

“Cocktails, half an hour.”


After hanging up the phone, Sano scratched his head and cleared away irrelevant traces on his computer.

Finally close the computer and go out.

After wandering all the way, Sano came to the cocktail.

Here, in addition to the Gin duo, Sano also saw Belmode and Calvados… forgetting the previous ones, this last one.

Why are you here?

Sano calmly came to the counter and sat down.

The direction of the visor is slightly tilted towards Belmod’s back, even though his face cannot be seen clearly.

Belmode could also feel Sano’s questioning and accusing tone.

After shrugging helplessly, Belmode said that it was none of her business.

…After all, Belmode didn’t want others to think, or know, that there was some secret special connection between her and Sano if it was not necessary.

This time, I simply received a call from Sano, and happened to be caught by Gin.

Before he could even react, Gin snatched his phone away.

Sano couldn’t figure out the reason from Belmode’s performance.

But you can probably still know that it’s not a big problem.

Otherwise, Belmode would definitely not be so calm.

……It is worth mentioning that.

Compared with the last time they met, Belmode was no longer secretive about his face.

I just don’t know if it has recovered or if it is an extra fake face.

Sano looked at Gin again.

Gin didn’t waste any time and handed a document directly to Sano.

“This is the information for the Mud Participation Conference. Take a look.”


Sano was stunned for a moment, then took the file and flipped through it – there was actually nothing interesting to see.

It’s just some superficial information.

Basically, it just introduces what the Mud Participation Conference is and how big an organization it is.

Sano already knew this information because he had seen it when he bought Busujima Kiriko’s information from the Black Death Information Library.

Gin showed this to himself…could it be that he wanted to give up in spite of the difficulties?

“Have seen it, what’s wrong?”

Gin put down his glass and looked at Sano: “So, you still want to take action?”

“Why not.”

“Are you sure?”

“Master Gin, what you said is a bit redundant. Will I do something that I am not sure about?”

Hearing Sano’s words, Gin frowned.

“Last time, they had already made countermeasures for your situation, and achieved certain results, proving the feasibility. This may have reached their ears because you did not hide it deliberately. If you go again this time, you are very likely to encounter such countermeasures again, even improved ones, not to mention that the person who wants to take action is you instead of Mu Ni. For this reason, as the active party, you will inevitably bear more consequences. Big risk.”

“It doesn’t matter, they have their own countermeasures, and I also have my own response.”

Sano looked confident and determined to win.

After patiently analyzing a lot of things for Sano, Gin, whose mouth was already a little dry, felt a headache – how could he be so stubborn and not listen?

At this moment, Gin has some understanding of parents whose children are in the rebellious stage.

What kind of mood is it.

But to be fair, Gin was not afraid of Sano not listening to his advice.

I was afraid that this guy would be so stupid, so he ran over by himself without saying a word.

This may not be pure loss of control.

But what if the car overturns?

Although it can’t be said that what happened last time was completely reversed, it was at least a big bump in the road, right?

What displeased Gin the most.

Naturally, Sano skipped him and went directly to Belmod for information on this point.

What do you mean?

In this guy’s mind, is Belmod more reliable than him?

Gin rubbed his temples. What he couldn’t understand even more was Sano’s confidence.

Where did it come from?

Yes, Gin knew that Sano was ridiculously strong.

But human beings have their limits after all.

No matter how he looked at it, Gin didn’t think Sano should have this kind of confidence.

“…Let me ask, what do you want to do?”

Ginjiu said in a low voice: “Are you trying to destroy the Ni Shen Guild, or what?”

“The group is destroyed?”

Sano raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: “Lord Gin, you think too highly of me. There are so many people in the Mud Party, but you just arranged it for me and had these guys line up for me to kill one by one. It won’t be possible to kill them all in just a few days. Every injustice has its owner, so why don’t we just kill all the members above the cadre level?”

…It turned out that the group was not intended to be wiped out, so the difficulty was indeed reduced a lot.

Gin turned the glass: “Then there’s no need to target all the cadre members. It’s enough to kill the leading guys.”

Sano took the old actor’s coffee and milk from the bartender without asking.

Take a sip, one second, five seconds, ten seconds.

…Aren’t you going to say anything more? ?

Gin twitched the corner of his mouth and took a deep breath: “In that case, I won’t stop you, but just in case, you have to bring a helper.”


Sano smacked his lips: “I have already found foreign aid.”

Gin was stunned again… First, he skipped himself and went to Belmod to get information. Now, even the foreign aid was secretly looking for him quietly. Does this kid still think that he is his boss? Already?

“No, at least let Calvados follow you.”

Listening to Gin’s decisive order, Sano looked at Calvados on the other side with some surprise.

Is that why this guy is here?

And so Gin actually had no intention of stopping him from the beginning?

“What’s the use of asking him to follow me?”

Calvados next to him twitched the corner of his mouth, was he despising himself for being useless?

Sano didn’t pay attention to Calvados’ thoughts and looked at Gin curiously: “If you really just want to help me, is Gin-sama too busy to have time?”

“Because Rum said that this is your private matter and we are not allowed to interfere.”

Belmode said for Gin: “I just received the news… However, it seems that only Gin and I have received the news.”

Sano was stunned for a moment and then laughed: “So, this should be said to be Gin-sama taking advantage of Rum’s explicit prohibition and taking advantage of it?”

“Don’t take advantage of it and still behave well.”

Belmode was blaming Sano on the surface, but actually he was reminding him.

Just accept it as soon as you see fit.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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not work with dark mode