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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 466 469, Calvados: Can coffee and milk also make people drunk? ?

Otherwise, if Gin is really offended.

When the time comes, it’s okay if Gin doesn’t help. I’m afraid it will in turn help him again. When the time comes, Sano becomes depressed again, and maybe he will take out his anger on her, Belmod – I feel that if it weren’t for her If that phone call is exposed, there won’t be any problems or anything.

“Okay, okay.”

Sano didn’t bother to waste time.

The time for this task of participating in the mud conference is quite tight, only two days.

However, Sano is currently unable to determine the number of targets.

There is a high probability that there are quite a few.

Otherwise, Sano wouldn’t want to make such a big fuss – of course, this is not actually a big fanfare. It can only be said that there is no idea of ​​​​acting in secret and solving the problem without anyone noticing.

Of course, being high-profile is not a good thing in Sano’s eyes, but it’s not a bad thing either.

At this time, Gin took out a second, thicker document and handed it to Sano.

Inside is the detailed information of all cadres and members of the Mud Association and above.

…Wait a minute, why did Gin prepare this range of information just right?

Before leaving, Sano realized something was wrong.

Could it be that this guy knew it from the beginning, or was he just planning to target this group of people attending the meeting like himself?

Sano looked back at Gin.

Forget it, none of this matters.

Sano turned around and came downstairs with Calvados.

Drive from Calvados to the location of the first objective.

Sano glanced at Calvados again.

Having said that, this arrangement seems to be an opportunity.

But it’s better not to be so anxious and finish this matter first. Even if it fails, it will drain the value of Calvados.

Calvados, who was driving, suddenly tightened his back and secretly looked at Sano next to him.

But he found that not to mention his gaze, even Sano’s facial features could not be seen clearly under the visor.

…an illusion?

The time soon came to midnight.

The Mud Society is a criminal organization, and it is also a criminal organization that dares to take care of the winery.

If a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

Then he must have strong strength.

Sano’s deep impression of the Mudsenkai still lingers on Busushima Kiriko.

Busujima Kiriko is a cadre of the Mud Council and the leader of a Yakuza organization.

You can tell from this alone.

The so-called mud participation.

In fact, it is a large organization composed of many small organizations.

Equivalent to…an alliance?

Inside, cadres, large and small, either formed gangs or worked independently.

Logically speaking.

Sano only needs to deal with the cadres of the camp who are hostile to the organization, but who needs it for the mission?

We can only kill them all.

“Forty-eight people in total, spread out over a wide area.”

Sano looked at the information on the cadres and members in the file: “I’m afraid it would take a day and a night just to run through all these points.”

…Fortunately, this is a local snake organization.

If the mud conference is a multinational organization.

Sano still has to travel back and forth between various countries.

Calvados took over the conversation: “Yes, not to mention these locations, they will inevitably change over time, and it will take time to re-explore them.”


After Sano turned to the page he wanted to see, he raised the corners of his mouth.

“So, we have to let them sound the alarm and get them to gather.”

Calvados was immediately stunned when he heard this: “Why, doesn’t this make it more difficult? Isn’t the best choice to start with the simplest one, and use the best route and the fastest speed as much as possible?” We need to deal with more cadres quickly, so that even if other cadres later react and gather together, it will be relatively easier to solve?”

“What matters is the difficulty, but the time, Brother Ka.”

Sano tilted his neck and looked at Calvados.

“As the saying goes, time is money. There is also a saying that killing someone’s money is like killing their parents. Why, are you interested in my mother and me, Brother Ka?”

Calvados: “…”

What the hell is this?

It’s totally wrong. Can coffee and milk also make people drunk? ?

And Brother Ka, what the hell is his name?

After scratching his face, Calvados finally said nothing.

…After all, no matter what aspect of this matter, Sano is the leader, not Calvados, and he can put forward his suggestions.

may be disapproved.

It all depends on what Sano wants.

So, the two of them came to a building.

This place is a company on the surface, but the president behind it is actually the largest cadre in Ni Shenhui.


Taking action directly at the opponent’s base camp would undoubtedly be detrimental to Sano.

But it’s still the same sentence.

Sano didn’t bother to waste time.

After taking out a pure black mask and putting it on, pulling it up to his chin to expose his mouth, and lighting another cigarette, Sano walked straight to the door of the building.

“Rye, what should I do?”

Seeing this, Calvados quickly stuck his head out of the car and asked.

“Just wait in the car.”

Sano waved his hand without looking back.

After kicking open the door, Sano raised his hand and fired two shots, knocking down the two oncoming men.

“Let your president speak out.”

Under countless dark gun muzzles, Sano stood motionless and carefree until a minute later, a middle-aged man in a suit poked out half of his body from behind the fence on the third floor. head.

Staring straight at Sano.

“Rye whiskey, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

“I thought you would take action soon, but I didn’t expect you to endure it for so many days… Or is it that your injuries do not allow you to take action so quickly?”

Sano glanced around, ignored the other party, and walked towards the stairs.

But in the next second, a large number of people in suits poured down the stairs.

“…To be honest, I expected that you would take action against us, but you picked me first, which is really beyond my understanding.”

The middle-aged man put his hands on the railing and said with interest: “If you have any ideas, I can stop it at any time. You are welcome to join us.”


Without any instructions, hundreds of people in suits on the first floor took back the firearms in their hands and took out knives at the same time in a tacit understanding.

Hand-to-hand combat begins.

Sano also made no unnecessary moves.

As he retracted the pistol, his right hand turned black.

After hitting the first wave of people head-on, Sano did not make any offensive moves.

Mostly for dodge and defense.

It’s not that Sano doesn’t want to attack, but it’s not necessary, or in other words, he’s already attacking.

In defense in close combat, in addition to raising the arm to block, the only thing left is pushing and pulling with the hands.

Especially in this situation of confrontation with cold weapons, the latter method can basically only be used.

Sano touched many people’s wrists or arms with this.

The spider venom has quietly entered these guys’ bodies.

After about ten seconds of fighting, Sano suddenly activated the spider poison.

In an instant, more than a dozen people with ferocious and painful expressions stopped moving and fell to the ground. Finally, after struggling for two or three seconds, there was no movement.

“This is!?”

The crowd stagnated.

“Be careful, this kid is poisonous!!”


Amid the exclamation, Sano raised the corner of his mouth and waved his right hand forcefully.

Dozens of drops of spider venom were spread out by Sano. The exposed skin of the nearest people was “hit” and they died instantly on the spot.

“Damn it!”

After subconsciously taking a few steps back, the men in suits forcibly calmed down, then looked at each other and threw out the daggers in their hands without knowing anything.

Dozens of knives flew towards Sano.

Sano frowned and dodged sideways.

To be honest, even with the blessing of one hundred flexible attributes, Sano’s close combat effectiveness is far beyond ordinary people, but after all, he does not have the abnormal endurance of the special attack suit.

Especially if you want to kill the enemy quickly, it is even more difficult with just a pair of fists.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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