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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 467 470, Variety Star King

That’s why Sano chose to seize the sword in the last hand-to-hand battle – of course, now that he has spider poison that kills him if touched, there is no need for him to seize the sword again.

Taking the knife away is not as efficient as this.

But there are still too many people here.

Even though it seems like it doesn’t take much effort and only requires one touch to deal with the enemy, the secretion of spider venom still requires physical strength, not to mention that under the human sea tactic, once injured, it will be like falling into a swamp.

Perhaps the most troublesome thing is what Gin said.

The combat researched by these guys against Yu Sano has been further improved.

Of course, it’s hard to say whether it’s an improvement or a temporary move.

Throwing knives.

It seemed that the speed was not as fast as the bullet, so Sano tried to dodge it easily.

But once the quantity comes up.

The overwhelming number of knives in all directions was the result of Sano’s flexibility.

There must be an upper limit.

Just relying on spider venom is not enough.

Seeing that the second wave of flying knives was about to be thrown, Sano quickly spit out the cigarette butt that had been burned to his butt in his mouth just in case.

The arson effect activates.

A huge fireball appeared out of thin air.

While blocking their vision, they briefly stopped these guys.

Several throwing knives were also deflected by the fireballs.

Wait until the fireball disappears, leaving only a few flames dancing on the ground and in the air.

Sano had already reached into his pocket.

follow closely.

Sano pulled out a large bill from the wallet that was spread out in his pocket.


No one saw the note.

What he saw was that Sano pulled out a large bag half a man’s height from his pocket.

The bag is full.

Sano grabbed one side with both hands and swung it violently.

Everything inside flew around and fell to the ground.

These things are cylindrical in shape.

It’s about the size of your palm and looks like a drink can.

“be careful of bombs!”

Although it was somewhat incomprehensible how Sano was able to take out such a big bag from a small pocket, due to the tense situation, no one had the intention to pay attention to these small details.

Everyone’s first thought was that what Sano threw was a bomb.

However, because the things on the ground are not too big in size, and due to the distance, if the power is too great, it will definitely threaten Sano himself.

So no matter how you look at it.

These bombs are not very powerful.

So in an instant reaction, the guy who was not afraid of death directly suppressed the “bomb”.

Just minimize the damage and close the distance again before the second wave of bombs is thrown.

Then the result will not change.

…Unfortunately, what I threw was not a bomb.

The corner of Sano’s mouth curled up, and the next second, he only heard a “pop” sound.

A large amount of white gas began to spurt out from under those people, gradually covering an area of ​​tens to hundreds of meters with Sano as the center.

Even some areas on the second floor were affected.

……smoke bomb?

The middle-aged man on the third floor frowned slightly. He felt like he couldn’t beat him and wanted to run away.

However, in just a few seconds, the middle-aged man saw what was underneath again, and his men suddenly began to stagger again.

Finally fell down.


No, is it an anesthetic gas?

But such a ranged item that doesn’t distinguish between friend and foe…

The middle-aged man turned his gaze to the blurry silhouette in the center of the smoke.

Didn’t fall down, why?

When the smoke dissipated, the middle-aged man discovered that under Sano’s peaked cap, there was a gas mask that only covered his mouth and nose.

……How can this be! ?

This was clearly not available just now!

Although it may be because of the angle, the middle-aged man has never been able to clearly see the face under the peaked cap, but no matter how wrong the angle is.

A gas mask that big cannot be invisible.

If it had been discovered at the beginning that Sano was wearing a gas mask.

Then things won’t be so simple.

By the way, when this guy came in, he had a cigarette in his mouth!

The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes.

Did you take it out and put it on the moment the anesthetic gas was sprayed out?

Forget it, it’s not a big problem.

… Sano stood in the smoke, his eyes dull.

Putting aside the use of spider venom for close combat, the current situation is another combat mode developed by Sano that combines a vest and a wallet.

to be honest.

In order to master the skill of accurately pulling out the banknotes he needs from the wallet full of banknotes, Sano spent a lot of energy and practice continuously, but what is more important is the new use of the vest. .

The versatile effect of the vest allows Sano to modify his clothing at will.

In addition to being used when switching vests, it can also be used to modify various types of clothing and equipment. This is what Sano originally thought was the upper limit of this effect.

But just some time ago, Sano had a sudden idea and had a magical idea.

When modifying clothing, in addition to the appearance of the clothing, Sano can also modify the inner material.

For example, are the clothes pure cotton or something.

So is it possible that Sano can modify his clothes into body armor?

Despite the limitations of “clothing”, Sano cannot completely create a brand new costume out of thin air based on his wild imagination.

But body armor is a garment that already exists.

As long as the composition of the body armor is mastered in detail, it should be possible?

So Sano started trying this again.

Body armor, diving suits, and even armor made of all steel.

After experimentation, it can be done.

Then Sano thought of various auxiliary equipment – such as changing the mask into a gas mask, changing the glasses into infrared thermal imaging night vision goggles, etc.

…It should also be no big problem.

However, due to time constraints, Sano has not been able to fully develop this area.

Just this kind of thinking made Sano unconsciously think of a movie that he often saw on TV and watched countless times when he was a child.

Variety Star Lord?

That seems to be the name.

It’s just that unlike that thing, Sano’s side is a little less outrageous.

It’s just that Sano now has a wallet, so this effect is used.

It seems that there is nothing worth paying attention to. Sano can put all kinds of equipment and props in his wallet, but if he does this, he can either take them out or wear them after taking them out.

It’s all quite time consuming.

Even if you modify the clothing, it still takes a little time to “imagine”.

But at least relatively speaking, it’s simple enough.

… Just as Sano raised his feet and planned to continue walking to find the middle-aged man on the third floor, there was a sound of footsteps, and a group of people poured down from the second floor again.

This time, the other party even put on a gas mask.

Playing away from home is really troublesome, and problems with numbers and equipment are not a problem.

“It’s a pity, Rye, that’s why I say that you picking me first is not really a wise choice. I don’t know if you still have extra tranquilizer bombs on your body, let alone your I carry as many bombs as I can, but I don’t lack people here, and even support is on the way.”

The middle-aged man once again tried to persuade Sano to surrender: “While the losses on my side are not too big, you still have a chance to regret it. Otherwise, if you continue to fight, the final result will really be a fight to the death.” .”

“Until death?”

Sano didn’t even raise his head, and the gas mask on his face suddenly disappeared.

“You don’t think I will stop before you die, do you?”

Faced with this situation.

It’s useless to dodge bullets 100%. Even if spider venom is used, it is still easy to be injured and may not be able to hold up. Anesthetic gas is also useless.

At present, it seems that Sano can only draw bombs.

And you can’t use high-power bombs, you can only use low-power bombs to win by quantity.

But that would be too much trouble.

Sano has a simpler and more violent approach.

After putting his hands in his pockets, Sano was under the astonished eyes of those on the opposite side.

He took out a submachine gun that was longer than Sano’s arm from his pocket.

…What kind of pocket is this? It’s a mobile arsenal, right? ?

A group of people’s eyes widened, and they felt a sense of terror, and the hairs all over their bodies stood on end.

“The main show has just begun.”

Sano pulled the trigger, and a “click” sound sounded instantly.


Amidst the roar, many people who did not react in time fell to Sano’s gun.

Because of Yu Sano’s strategy, he wanted to fight without relying on firearms.

Then we must first limit the role of Sano’s firearms in battle.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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