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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 468 471, King Jiji

At the beginning, it was nothing more than closing the distance so that Sano could not reload.

Even if Sano found a chance to change his ammunition.

He can still rely on the advantage of the crowd tactics to overwhelm Sano.

But these are all under the premise that Sano is using a pistol.

With this continuous-fire automatic submachine gun with dozens of rounds of ammunition, even if you are not afraid of death, you can’t say that you are willing to die in vain, right?

“Where on earth did this guy hide his weapon??”

The group of people who were temporarily hiding behind the bunker felt a little depressed.

But even so.

These people don’t think they have lost.

What happened to the gun?

So what if it’s a submachine gun?

Is it possible that this gun can also have infinite bullets?

It’s just that the sacrifice is a little bigger, compared to last time anyway.

There are also more people here.

The middle-aged man with a gloomy face thought so.

I can only blame this guy for insisting on targeting himself, causing me to replace the other guys who participated in the conference and pay a lot more price.

No, when the matter is resolved, we have to find a way to make up for this loss.

However, just when the middle-aged man started to consider and plan afterwards.

The gun in Sano’s hand has been shot in one stroke.

“Quick, while he’s changing the magazine!”

A group of people hiding behind the bunker rushed out immediately.

Sano also reached into his pocket again, as if to take out the magazine.

But when Sano’s hand came out of his pocket, he brought it out.

But it’s also a submachine gun.


The corners of Sano’s mouth raised slightly.

Unlimited bullets are out of the question, but unlimited firepower should be barely considered.

After all, in such a large arsenal, if you don’t put the loaded gun, put the bullet or the loaded magazine, isn’t that a bad idea?

…that is, there are caliber requirements, otherwise.

Sano must have stuffed a few Gatlings in just in case of emergencies.

one way or another.

Game over, little Karamis.

“Da da da!!”

The gunshots that had paused for a moment rang out again.

The middle-aged man upstairs shrank his pupils and grasped the railing, veins popping out in his hands.

Damn it, why do I feel like I’m following this pace?

It is no longer a question of the size of the loss, but a matter of life and death?

I’m afraid that even if they win in the end, the casualties will make it extremely difficult to “negotiate claims” afterwards, and they may even be directly expelled from the conference.

It’s all a big problem…


The middle-aged man shook his head. The key now was his own life.

Judging from the current situation, we have to compete with the number of people and the ammunition in the opponent’s hands…or let our men take out the guns again and give it a try?

There are currently plenty of people here, but they are not endless.

Support should be arriving soon…

The middle-aged man finally started to feel a little anxious.

…On the other side, Calvados was sitting in the car, using a sniper rifle to observe the situation inside the building through the passenger window.

The viewing angle is too narrow to see everything.

However, rye seems to have the upper hand?

By the way, what on earth are those guys thinking? After all, they are among the best cadres in the Nidonghui. Their subordinates can’t even afford a gun, right?

Just when Calvados, who had no information due to his dull temper and did not know the inside story, was feeling puzzled, cars suddenly appeared from the road and sprinted over at extremely fast speeds. “Squeak -” he suddenly braked and stopped next to the building.

Dozens of men in black quickly got out of the car and rushed to the door of the building without saying a word.


So fast?

Calvados frowned and turned his gun.

There is a high probability that this is just the first wave. I don’t know how many waves there will be in the future. When will they arrive? It’s better to help attract some firepower and solve it as soon as possible, right?

But before Calvados could shoot, a figure in his sight made him startled.


The group of men in black running at the front looked towards the alley next to the building.

A foreign man in a suit puts one foot on the ground and raises his arms back.

It looks like… a pitcher’s posture in a baseball game.


Sano stepped out hard and swung his right arm out like a whip.

A harsh sound broke through the air.

Countless small black shadows traveled a distance of twenty to thirty meters in an instant.


What followed was the sound of flesh and blood penetrating.

No one could continue to stand within the 20 meters covered by the small black shadow.

Even if it was not directly hit, the penetrating injury would not be considered minor.

There were constant wails and screams rolling all over the ground.

At the same time, some small black beads wrapped in blood can also be seen in the pool of blood on the ground.

Steel balls.

This is also a method that Sano came up with on a whim.

The main source of inspiration is Sano’s last experience of throwing people at the Twin Towers, and reference to the character nicknamed King Jiji in a certain anime.

Use your super strength to throw things.

Is this a long-range attack?

At least relatively speaking, it’s a long distance.

Of course this is not actually important.

Because this method of throwing has limitations in distance.

Compared with the speed of rushing directly to get close to you, it’s actually not much different.

The most critical thing is that thug suits and Superman pendants have a similar problem.

Not durable enough.

Although the thug suit can bring Sano enough attack power to kill him instantly.

But due to the limitations of fists and feet, no matter how you can kill instantly, it is only limited to a single target.

Perhaps compared to the battle mode of the Superman pendant, which requires spider venom to make up for the attack power, the thug suit consumes less physical strength, but it is only a little smaller, especially when attacking, it is not random. With such a little effort, it can be solved easily.

Therefore, the thrown objects are quantified to produce the effect of a range attack.

It will be a good strategy when facing the human wave tactic.

Sano even thought about converting these steel balls into bombs, or applying spider venom to achieve better results. Of course, for now, this is not necessary. Ordinary small steel balls are enough. .

…The reinforcements following behind were frightened by this sudden accident.

Come to your senses again.

Sano had already taken out a second “baseball” and assumed the same posture as before.

“call out!”


Looking at the densely packed steel balls brings out the image of countless blood.

Calvados’s forehead was already covered with cold sweat.

…What kind of terrifying power is this?

Can he actually throw steel balls with his bare hands, with a power more terrifying than a shotgun?

In horror, Calvados recalled the previous conversation between Sano and Gin.

Because he never showed up, Calvados almost forgot about it.

Is this guy the foreign aid invited by Rye?

Watching that man beat a large group of people until no one was still standing after three consecutive throws.

Calvados looked stunned.

Wait a minute, this appearance and characteristics seem to be somewhere… is the killer black cat?

Calvados suddenly remembered that, because he and Rye went on a mission together and failed to participate. The six men of Gin conducted it, but failed to finish it.

The task was finally accepted by an outsider.

…To be precise, it shouldn’t be taken over by an outsider, it’s just a coincidence?

However, this man was rumored to be a monster. Calvados, who had been in the underground world for so many years, would inevitably have some unfavorable opinions.

Why is Rye involved with this guy?

Calvados, who frowned, didn’t wait to think about it.

Then I discovered that the black cat, after dealing with the people outside, did not enter the building to provide support.

Instead, he walked towards himself.

After being stunned for a moment, Calvados quickly raised his guard and quietly took out his pistol while shouting: “Wait a minute, we are not enemies!”

…Does this guy think that he is a member of the Mu Conference?

Sano kept walking and finally stood in front of the car.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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