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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 469 472, Akai Shuichi: This is sure

After staring at Calvados in the car for a few seconds, Sano finally asked.

“Are you interested in working part-time?”

Calvados: “…What?”

“If nothing else, the accident is coming soon.”

In Miwa General Hospital, Conan was looking at the sky with a worried look on his face.

Some time ago, Hondo Eisuke was looking for his sister, only to find out that Rena Minami was his target, and he searched for the reason for this hospital along the way.

Through his father, a CIA undercover agent, Conan learned that there was an organization spy in the hospital – a guy named Kusuda Rikudou.

Although Akai Shuichi quickly caught up with Kusuda Rikuchi after escaping from the hospital.

It even forced Kusuda Rikudo to commit suicide.

But the disappearance of a fixed-point spy will inevitably attract the attention of the organization.

No, there are snipers watching near the hospital.

Even if you want to transfer, you can’t transfer anymore.

Fortunately, Conan has also given up the idea of ​​transferring.

What needs to be considered now is how the organization will act.

And how to act on your own side.

The thought just arrived.

The unexpected happened.

In densely populated areas centered around Mihua General Hospital and not far away, various accidents occurred, causing countless injured patients to flood into the hospital.

Under such circumstances, even organized people sneak into the hospital.

On Conan’s side, it might be difficult to tell the difference.

Just when everyone at the FBI felt a little overwhelmed, the front desk of the hospital received another express delivery that was undoubtedly sent by the organization.

Conan dug out a bomb underneath.

After the operation of Cameron and Judy, this trouble was finally solved.

Unexpectedly, this was just an appetizer – the hospital received a terrifying sixty express packages sent by Kusuda Rikudou.

There are undoubtedly bombs inside.

The FBI quickly began searching for all bombs in the hospital.

But the bombs haven’t been collected yet.

Suddenly, Shui Wu Lina’s live broadcast started playing again on the TV.

This frightened the FBI, and they quickly went back to find the ward where Reina Shuiwu was.

As a result, Shui Wulian was still lying on the hospital bed, and James, who stayed in the ward, realized something was wrong.

Open the bombs on the agents and take a look.

There is a locator.

Shui Wu Lina’s detailed location has been completely exposed.

The FBI finally reached the transfer stage in order not to be intercepted by Gin’s side.

The agents were spread out among three vehicles.

If you want to use this to confuse the public, you have no choice but to save the water.

…Of course, on the surface it was to keep Sui Wu Reina.

In fact, Akai Shuichi planned to send Reina Mizumu back to the organization.

Because just last night, Akai Shuichi and Conan had successfully aroused Mizuno Reina, who was pretending to be asleep, through Hondo Hidesuke in the hospital, and reached an agreement.

By sending Mizuna Reina back, Akai Shuichi not only suffered no losses.

Also made money.

Of course, this “gift” cannot be too deliberate.

Otherwise, Shuiwu Reina will definitely be suspected.

In addition, besides sending Reina Mizuna back, Akai Shuichi had other ideas.

That’s the “deal”.

An unfair deal.

Gin wanted to take back Rena Mizuna, so Shuichi Akai captured the other cadres.

One is not a loss, two are profitable, and three are even better.

All in all, the more you can grab, the better.

As for why Shuichi Akai is still thinking about “dealing” in this situation, where he seems to have completely fallen into Gin’s net and is just struggling to death.

Then I have to thank a certain junior who inherited the nickname of Shuichi Akai.

When Sano was in America, he gave James and the other FBI a hard slap, so when he was later called to Neon by Shuichi Akai, considering the existence of this person, he brought a few more people with him.

Not to mention that in the following period, more FBI agents would enter Neon from time to time.

If this is not the factor.

So there may only be a dozen or so FBI people working in Neon.

Under such a premise.

It is definitely impossible for Akai Shuichi to do any unnecessary actions again.

But it’s different now.

Excluding the twenty or so people stationed at Mihua General Hospital.

Outside the hospital, there were twice as many people waiting for orders.

Gin most likely doesn’t know this.

Caught off guard, he took the opportunity to arrest two cadres. It was not as difficult as going to heaven.

Fortunately, that troublesome character didn’t seem to be here today.

…It’s not that Shuichi Akai looks down on Gin, it’s just a matter of fact.

What Akai Shuichi is most afraid of is indeed the new cadre.

Therefore, Akai Shuichi had previously approached the Black Death and spent a large sum of money to try to buy the trace information of “Rye”, and Sano also accepted the money smoothly. It is impossible to be too detailed. .

But telling Shuichi Akai what Sano was busy with was no problem.

Therefore, it is currently in Akai Shuichi’s cognition.

“Rye” is entangled with the Mud Ginseng Society, and it is impossible for him to have the time to take care of this.

This one is stable!

Akai Shuichi carried Conan and followed the No. 2 car. He stared at Cohen riding a motorcycle in front of him for a few seconds, and then looked through the rearview mirror at Bell, who was also riding a motorcycle and following his car. Mode.

The lineup is similar to that of the Domon Yasuki incident.

It’s just that there’s no Reina Mizuna on Akai Shuichi’s side.

“Brother, there are only two people in car No. 3, one in the driver’s seat and the other in the passenger seat. They both have bombs with locators on them, so they shouldn’t be the target.”

Vodka used an infrared thermal imaging instrument to detect the conditions inside Car No. 3.

So reported to Gin Club.

As for the other two cars No. 1 and 2 followed by Cohen and Chianti, each contained nine people, and in the middle of each car lay a figure who did not have a locator bomb on him.

Undoubtedly, several people set their sights on cars No. 1 and 2.

But at this moment, Akai Shuichi suddenly shifted into gear and accelerated, rushing towards the No. 2 car.

It seemed that Gin and the others were deliberately focused on the No. 2 car.

Gin immediately realized something was wrong, commanded Vodka and the others to target car No. 3.

Akai Shuichi seemed to have discovered that he had accidentally exposed himself, and became a little anxious. He then directed the No. 1 and No. 2 cars to intercept the members of the organization next to them.

As for Belmod, Shuichi Akai intercepted it.

…I didn’t quickly turn around to save Car No. 3, but just intercepted the people next to me. Did I have full confidence in the person in Car No. 3?

Gin raised his lips.

It seems that Akai Shuichi has been away from the organization for a while, and his head is already rusty.

“Cohen Chianti Belmode, play with them, Vodka, follow the No. 3 car, I will be there soon. After taking back Kiel, we will retreat immediately!”


However, Gin had just started the car and followed Vodka when the people on the other three sides gradually realized that something was wrong, and a voice came from the intercom.

“Gin, something is wrong. Akai Shuichi is not trying to hold us back, he is trying to catch us!”

Belmod looked at Akai Shuichi in the pickup truck on the left. On the right side of the road was a suspension of about ten meters, with a car in front and behind.


Cold sweat broke out on Belmod’s forehead under his helmet: “He wants to trade three of us with Keir!”


Gin was stunned, and veins popped out on his forehead.

Damn it, I hit the mark!

Akai Shuichi put one hand on the car window with a confident smile on his face.

If you think about it at this time, no matter how hard you rush, Gin will most likely only be able to catch up to one side – on the line of car No. 2, Cohen and Bermod are not far apart.

Gin should choose this side.

The Chianti on the No. 1 train line must be eaten steadily.


Suddenly, a black shadow flew in front of Shuichi Akai’s car, briefly blocking the sunlight that hit his eyes, and then rose into the sky and flew to a road higher up next to the No. 2 car line.


Akai Xiu looked over consciously.

On top of a car that was sticking close to the edge of the road and driving at about the same speed as Akai Shuichi, there was a man in a black sweatshirt and a peaked cap.

The hood fluttered in front of him, revealing the white hair on the side of his head.

The black crows resting on the shoulders provide a stark contrast.

Sano put one hand in his sweater pocket and held a conspicuous submachine gun in the other.

Taking advantage of the height, he looked down at Shuichi Akai below.

The corners of Akai Shuichi’s mouth froze for an instant, and the originally bright sky seemed to become dim because of the black figure above.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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