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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 47 47, Is it better to have a meal or a banquet at Hongmen?

After leaving the Amuro Detective Agency, Sano came to Teitan High School.

The reason for coming is naturally because the system triggered the school mission again.

And this time the time limit is only one day.

Calculating carefully, it seems that it has been how many days since the last time I went to school?

Yesterday was the Black Dragon Club mission, the day before yesterday was the art museum mission, the day before yesterday was the haunted house mission at night, the day before yesterday was the Valentine’s Day party mission, and I just came to school the day before yesterday.

Four days passed, and there was a Valentine’s Day holiday in between. Mao Lilan seemed to have just gone to school when he was at the art museum. The haunted house was a school day, and yesterday was a rest day. He also said that he missed two days of classes and would be expelled in three days. It was very difficult. Reasonable.

“Huh? Yesterday, there were serial murders on the ship your family borrowed from the island when they came back from the island?”

As soon as he walked into the class, Sano heard Suzuki Sonoko’s bluffing voice.

“Yeah, so I didn’t get much sleep. It lasted until midnight. When I came to school in the morning, I was in a hurry and was so sleepy.”

…Is this Conan’s troublemaker causing trouble again?

Sano perked up his ears.

“Ah, senior.”

As if some kind of sensor device was installed specifically for Sano, Mao Lilan quickly turned back to say hello to Sano.

“Good morning Sano-senpai.”

Suzuki Sonoko also said hello to Sano, which made Sano stunned.

If I remember correctly, during the Valentine’s Day party incident a few days ago, after Mouri Kogoro said that Sano was a stalker, Suzuki Sonoko should have looked like she wanted to keep a distance.

Why does it seem that after a few days, it seems to be back to its original state, and even… seems to be a little more enthusiastic?

Mao Lilan, the “culprit”, naturally saw Sano’s doubts, but she had no intention of taking credit, so she quickly changed her attention and said, “Senior, did you come to school today?”


Sano sat back in his seat, and while skillfully borrowing homework from Mao Lilan, he asked casually: “Didn’t you go to school yesterday?”

“Well, I didn’t go.”

Mao Lilan nodded: “But the day before yesterday we went to senior’s house and knocked on the door, but no one answered. Was senior not at home that day?”

Then he went to block him at the door of his house…

Zuo Ye was silent in his mind, and then thought about the timeline. The day before yesterday, during the day of the haunted house mission, he should be at home. He was probably too asleep in the morning and didn’t hear it.

“Well, I have something to do when I go out.”

Sano didn’t want to waste any time talking about these matters, so he just brushed it off casually.


Suzuki Sonoko came closer to Sano and said with a smile: “It’s just a pity that we, Xiaolan, specially made the bento for senior that day, but senior couldn’t eat it, so I had to eat two portions. If this continues, I will get fat. “


Mao Lilan touched the back of his head awkwardly: “It’s just something I did casually.”

“Ah, by the way, senior, do you know that there is something great happening today?”

Suzuki Sonoko’s little mouth is like a machine gun without stopping.

“Really, what a good thing.”

Sano copied the homework, not paying attention to others at all, and followed Suzuki Sonoko’s words.

Suzuki Sonoko didn’t care at all about Sano’s perfunctory, and happily reported the “good news”: “We only have morning classes!”

“…Wow, what good news.”

Of course Sano didn’t care, because the task given by the system was just one class. As for whether Didan High School was a one-day class or a half-day class, it had nothing to do with him.

“Hey, senior, don’t you understand what I mean?”

Suzuki Sonoko said with a mean smile: “We only have half a day of class today. Of course Xiaolan doesn’t know how to make lunch, so at noon today, do you want to go to her house to eat?”

Sano glanced at Mao Lilan, who was also smiling, and couldn’t help but feel a little sweaty.

Is this Mao Lilan too innocent? Haven’t you seen the teasing meaning in the words of my best friend just now?


Just as Sano was about to shake his head and refuse, another prompt sounded from the system.

[Please go to Mao Lilan’s house for lunch. If you complete it, you will get 10 strengthening points. The remaining time of the task is – 5:59:59]


Although the system task only meant to go have lunch, Sano always felt that Conan’s busybody would bring different troubles to this meal.

This is not a casual meal, it is clearly the Hongmen Banquet, and the reward is only ten strengthening points…

“Okay, I’ll go.”

Sano accepted this Hongmen Banquet, but he had no choice but to make him lack of strengthening points now.

Originally, after the last mission, Sano’s total strengthening points had exceeded one hundred, but when he tried to strengthen, the system reminded him that he did not have enough strengthening points.

Now Sano needs a full two hundred strengthening points to strengthen, which is one hundred points more than before, or in other words, twice as much as before.

This is certainly not good news for Sano, but it is not the most important thing. After all, the higher the level, the harder it is to upgrade. This is an old routine in the game, so there is nothing surprising.

What Sano is more concerned about now is whether the next enhancement after this enhancement will require 300 enhancement points or 400 enhancement points.

A hundred more and twice as much are two different concepts.

There is a long way to go…


Suzuki Sonoko was surprised this time. She never thought that Sano would really agree to go to Mao Lilan’s house for lunch.

The corners of Mao Lilan’s mouth had just turned upward when Suzuki Sonoko asked with shock on her face: “Senior, are you really attracted to Xiaolan? Although I know that Xiaolan is very good and senior is also very good. , but she has someone she likes!”

Mao Lilan’s smile froze: “Yuanzi!!”

“That Kudo Shinichi?”

Sano continued copying his homework without raising his head: “Don’t worry, I have no idea of ​​falling in love, and to be honest, someone like Moori-san is not my cup of tea.”


Suzuki Sonoko’s gossip aroused: “What kind of person do you like, senior?”

“Short hair.”

Sano said casually: “What kind of person are you?”

Suzuki Sonoko’s smile froze, and the redness gradually spread from her neck to her face and ears. Finally, her entire face was as red as a monkey’s butt, and wisps of white air rose from the top of her head.

Is this the Steam Princess? This is the first time I’ve seen her…

Sano glanced at Suzuki Sonoko in surprise.

“Ha, hahaha, you are so serious, senior. I never noticed before that you would actually make such a joke!”

After shaking his head, Suzuki Sonoko quickly laughed.


Sano raised his head and glanced at Suzuki Sonoko: “I’m not kidding.”


After Suzuki Sonoko blinked her eyes, she immediately coughed and smoothed the hair beside her ears. Her originally bluffing voice also became softer: “Does Senior really think that I am no worse in appearance than Xiaolan?”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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