Switch Mode

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 470 473, Belmod: Rye’s bomb skills have improved again

For a while.

A huge shadow seemed to envelope Shuichi Akai… and perhaps Conan next to him.


Belmode also noticed Sano above.

The sound of surprise reached Gin’s ears on the other end, making him feel relieved instantly.

“Everything remains the same, Chianti, just hold on a little longer.”


Gin took out his cell phone and quickly called Sano.

“I will be responsible for Kiel’s side. You give priority to keeping Belmod and Cohen. Chianti is a bit far away… Can Calvados come over?”


Sano was too lazy to say anything more and hung up the phone directly.

He stepped on the roof of the car with his foot, and Calvados stuck his head out. After Sano said “Contact Chianti”, he jumped out of the car and jumped directly from the higher road. The road where car No. 2 is located below.

…The spy who was far away from the organization at this moment was dragged out by Conan and forced to death by Shuichi Akai.

Two days have passed.

The night before yesterday, Sano issued a “challenge” against Ni’s participation in the meeting.

The next day, most of the cadres who attended the meeting gathered together for a meeting.

Sano very simply used his black cat form to leave a powerful bomb at the meeting place of those guys, directly blowing up a building.

I don’t know how many people were killed in the group.

Then there are some people who slipped through the net and did not come to the meeting due to various factors.

Sano wore a rye vest and followed Calvados, while controlling the black cat vest, acting on both sides, hunting the remaining guys separately.

Finally, before dawn today, everything was done.

At this point, except for the two Sano who took the time to squint for a while during the day yesterday, they were already extremely sleepy – after all, neither of them had gotten enough rest before taking action the day before yesterday.

Originally, it was not easy to finish the work.

Sano and Calvados should have gone back to their homes quickly and slept.

But who asked Sano to receive another mission?

Emergency rescue – ensure the safety of Black’s personnel.

[Please ensure the survival of the mission target within the mission time limit. You will receive 100 strengthening points upon completion. The remaining time of the mission is – 00:08:42].

Judging from the positioning, it is the other three besides the gin and wine duo.

But let’s be honest.

Sano really didn’t expect that at the home court of the organization, Gin would be able to step into the hole dug by Shuichi Akai while still having the upper hand.

…Did you drink too much fake wine in broad daylight?

Furthermore, if you say you want to step on it, just step on it. Don’t you know how to move reinforcements as soon as possible?

If he hadn’t popped up, when did he plan to call himself?


Gin felt that he was busy with personal matters, so he was embarrassed to disturb him?

While distracted, Sano landed on top of a car.

After a roll, Sano grabbed the edge of the roof and hung on the side.

…Damn it, did this guy show up after all?

Didn’t he say that he was having trouble with the Mud Ginseng Association?

Was it already resolved, or had Gin noticed something was wrong before, or was it simply a matter of safety that he called this guy over?

Akai Shuichi’s eyes were dark and unclear.

I was already thinking about whether I should retreat first.

Conan had quietly come down to avoid being seen by Sano.

Sano didn’t want to give Akai Shuichi time to think.

When Akai Shuichi approached Sano’s tool man to find out the whereabouts of his rye vest, it didn’t surprise him, because judging from the situation, the conflict between the two parties had happened in the past few days.

But Sano originally thought that Akai Shuichi was trying to find out his whereabouts.

I want to avoid being wiped out by the group, or I want to find peace of mind.

I didn’t expect that I actually had such thoughts, I can only say.

remarkably brave?

Sano casually gave a shuttle of bullets to Akai Shuichi.

The front and rear windows of Akai Shuichi were shattered.

Akai Shuichi also got down, but his foot did not take off the brake.

What a shame, I don’t know how to get down the stairs for you, why don’t you just pretend to get off work as soon as possible?

After exhaling impatiently, Sano threw away the gun in his hand under the horrified gaze of the unrelated car owner next to him, and then took out a ball from his pocket.

This ball is not big and is made of pure iron.

After Sano obtained the “Arsenal”, the bombs produced in batches were of medium power, roughly equivalent to the TNT equivalent of one or two grenades.

After casually dropping the iron ball.

The iron ball immediately started rolling under the action of inertia.

The rolling speed is not fast, but Akai Shuichi’s car is moving forward.


Shuichi Akai saw Sano’s movements through the corner of the car window and immediately sensed something was wrong.


Press the brake quickly.


The explosion nearly erupted in front of Shuichi Akai’s car.

If it had been slower by just 0.5 seconds, Akai Shuichi’s car might have overturned by now.

……This guy.

Taking advantage of Akai Shuichi’s braking opportunity, Belmode quickly turned the front of the car, squeezed through the gap, and pulled the accelerator to the maximum to accelerate forward.


Sano let go and jumped into the back seat of Belmod’s car.

Seeing this big trouble leaving his car, the owner of the car next to him finally breathed a sigh of relief and quickly accelerated to leave this place of right and wrong.

Behind, two other FBI cars were also speeding up to catch up.

Before Akai Shuichi could issue a new order.

Sano pulled out a large bag filled with steel balls from his pocket.

“Ding ding ding…”

Sano scattered countless steel balls on the road behind, jumping or rolling.

Akai Shuichi, who had just straightened up, saw this scene.

In an instant, I felt that all the hairs on my body stood up.

“No, brake quickly!!”

Amid Akai Shuichi’s exclamation, dozens of explosions erupted at the same moment.


Fire shot into the sky.

Several cars were overturned directly from the front or rear, and several others were either pushed by the shock wave of the explosion or simply frightened by the explosion.

The steering wheel is crooked.

Either it hit other vehicles or it just ran off the road.

This is the situation of vehicles twenty or thirty meters in front of Shuichi Akai.

As for the cars behind Akai Shuichi, they braked suddenly.

It caused a series of rear-end collisions.

The airbag in Shuichi Akai’s car deployed instantly.

In fact, Shuichi Akai is a little better, but when he unbuckles his seatbelt, Conan’s cat is underneath.

But it’s not that easy.


After struggling to climb out of the car, Shuichi Akai looked at the tragic scene in front of him.

His face was extremely ugly.

At the same time, Sano had been driven hundreds of meters away by Belmode.

Belmod couldn’t help but look back again.

When the explosion just now broke out, Belmode couldn’t help but look back.

Be reasonable.

Belmode didn’t think it was strange that Sano caused such a big explosion, but such a big explosion was composed of dozens of explosions.

It made Belmode feel a little surprised.

Did he stuff a box of grenades into his body? ?

And how did so many bombs detonate at the same time?

Has this guy’s accomplishments in bombs improved a bit?

“Sister Bei.”

Sano knocked on Belmod’s helmet: “I know I’m handsome, but now please look at the road, don’t just look at me, and drive safely, okay?”

Belmode tilted his head, and when he turned back, the corner of his mouth twitched.

…Forget it, I’m tired and have no energy to reply.

By the time the two Sanos caught up with Cohen who was further ahead, there was no trace of the FBI around him… It was probably Shuichi Akai who was behind him. He knew that continuing would only be harmful and useless, so he issued the order to retreat.

But even so, Cohen was still slightly injured and was shot in the shoulder.

After all, this is still a huge disadvantage with more people fighting less.

Not to mention different from those FBI agents hiding in the car.

Cohen was a man of steel, with absolutely nothing that could be used as a cover.

Failure is inevitable.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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not work with dark mode