Switch Mode

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 473 476, is this considered Gin’s cornerstone or Belmod’s cornerstone?

Of course, these have nothing to do with Sano.

Putting aside the sniper duo who were in trouble, as well as the five people, Reina Mizuno and Gin Sano, who were arranged to go over to check up on their health.

Sitting over a cocktail, relatively speechless.

Be reasonable.

Gin was a little embarrassed.

Because counting the number of times he stepped on the wheel and overturned in front of Sano.

It’s not just once or twice.

Obviously, I can only count the number of times such a situation has occurred in my entire career, but this guy happened to run into it all.

Gin, feeling threatened by his superior’s authority, rubbed his temples.

“I heard that several of that guy’s puppets were captured?”

Finally, Gin took the initiative to break the silence and asked, “Is it okay?”


Sano yawned: “He is not a fool. He knows what happened. Moreover, these guys didn’t do anything about the situation at that time. The police can’t do anything.”

This was part of the intimidation campaign against Shuichi Akai.

Because it took too long, although Sano himself and Ito Taka were driving.

Relying on brute force, they broke out of the encirclement before the situation really formed a whirlpool.

But the other ones are the puppets responsible for delaying the FBI agent’s car.

But several were caught – to be precise, the Neon Police probably caught a few puppets when they caught those FBI agents.

There is no way, the big fish can’t be caught, and there are only a few small fish.

I’m afraid the Neon Police is no longer a matter of pressure or not.

Even the FBI agents seem to be on the “victims” side.

But there is always no doubt that possession of firearms is illegal.

“If those FBI agents caught by the neon police do not confess their identities, they may be charged with more serious crimes than they should have been, to attract attention. If they confess, at least they will still be Deported, let the FBI from America come over to deal with him.”

Belmode smiled and said: “Because of Rye, many people died, some were injured, and some were caught. The FBI’s current power in Neon is only one-tenth of its original strength… It’s just a pity. Shuichi Akai is still alive.”

“That’s enough.”

Gin turned the glass and said calmly: “In this way, at least in a short period of time, the FBI will not dare to make any small moves again.”


Gin looked at Sano again and asked, “Have everything been resolved over at the Mud Shenhui?”

Sano nodded: “Yes.”

“I heard that the foreign aid you hired was the black cat?”

Gin narrowed his eyes: “When did you become familiar with him?”

In the task of participating in the mud party, Sano’s black cat vest did not deliberately cover up anything. The big explosion in the middle and the “checking for gaps” at the back were forgetful. The “declaration of war” the night before yesterday even had to be high-profile. of.

Otherwise, let alone the fact that the declaration of war will not have the intended effect.

Then if only the rye vest shows up throughout the whole process, even if Sano took the photo.

There is no guarantee that the platform will definitely determine that this task was completed by Sano.

Therefore, even if Gin did not deliberately arrange for anyone to follow him, or Calvados tipped him off in private, he still knew this.

“Not familiar.”

Sano lit a cigarette and said casually: “We were just using each other to form a temporary team.”

“Mutual advantage.”

Gin Jiu said thoughtfully: “Didn’t you pay for him?”

“What a joke.”

Sano curled his lips and said, “How expensive do you think that guy’s appearance fee is? Gin-sama, this is not a business trip. Who will reimburse me for spending this money?”

Gin: “…”

Vodka: “…”

Belmode: “…”

Calvados: “…”

To be honest, the four of them are not poor, but they are not particularly rich either.

Not to mention the entry price of Black Cat, the leap is indeed a bit astonishing.

But the four of them still couldn’t understand.

How can a cadre be so vulgar and confident?

“…Then what’s going on here?”

Belmod was the first to recover and ask questions, saying he was unfamiliar with it and didn’t spend any money.

Why do the two of them still get together?

“I don’t know. Anyway, he came to me and said he wanted to take action against the Mud Gathering Association. He asked me if I was interested in playing together. It would be much faster, so I agreed.”

Sano said so.

“It should be that I received a task related to the Mud Council, or there may have been some unavoidable conflict with the Mud Council because of what happened last time.”

Gin thought about it: “It was the same last time. Knowing that Busushima Kiriko and Domon Yasuki were not going to deal with each other, I found the other party’s contact information and borrowed a bunch of cannon fodder.”

“He is a person who is used to borrowing other people’s power.”

Belmod held up his chin and said with interest: “Rum seems to be very interested in this guy. Otherwise, Rye, you can communicate with him and see if you can draw him in.” Our organization?”

“Compared to me, there are probably better candidates for this kind of thing.”

Sano looked at Calvados: “Brother Ka should have something to say.”


Several people’s eyes turned to Calvados.

Calvados didn’t mean to hide it, and said: “I joined the Black Cat’s team.”

“…Are you crazy??”

Belmode suddenly opened his eyes.

After Gin frowned, his expression didn’t fluctuate much.

“This is your freedom, but you should know where you belong.”

“Well, just treat it as a part-time job. When necessary, I will put the organization first.”

Calvados was not too surprised by the answer.

The same was true for Sano – from the moment he confirmed that Calvados had a professional killer platform account, he knew that there would be no big problem.

This may be the same as Sano’s identity as a detective.

As for why Sano picked Calvados.

In addition to this sniper, there is a high probability that he can meet the entry standards of Black Cat’s killer team.

More importantly, Sano discovered something unusual about Calvados.

Calvados likes Belmode and is a dog-licker.

That’s why Belmode called him to help in the first place.

In the end, he almost died at the hands of Shuichi Akai.

Although later due to Sano’s intervention, Calvados survived.

This little detail doesn’t seem to be important.

But the fact is-Calvados is dissatisfied with Belmode.

What happened that night was that the FBI laid a trap for Hubert.

Belmode noticed this, pretended to be Judy, and asked them to withdraw.

This should be fine.

But who made Akai Shuichi stay, and who made Bermod not tell Calvados the whole story in advance, causing him to almost lose his life?

This is like treating ants that can be discarded at any time.

Finally, the licking dog woke up.

Correspondingly, Sano, who saved Calvados, did so invisibly.

I gained a lot of goodwill.

After Calvados turned around, he didn’t say anything unnecessary.

In addition to thinking about Belmod’s old feelings, isn’t it because of this?

…Perhaps this can be regarded as thanks to Belmode?

After all, if there is no contrast, there will be no harm. With green leaves, flowers will be more beautiful.

all in all.

Sano extended an invitation to Calvados.


The specific details are not as simple as they appear – Calvados and Sano’s black cat vests have nothing to do with each other, so they just joined the gang.

The key point still lies in the relationship between Calvados and Rye Vest.

Of course, now that Calvados has joined the gang, Sano is naturally not afraid of this guy talking nonsense… If this guy doesn’t agree, it would be even easier, just silence him and say he was killed by someone who participated in the meeting.


Is this considered to be poaching Gin’s legion or Belmode’s legion?

“Then, you guys can chat slowly, I’m going back to sleep.”

After waving his hand, Sano stood up and left the cocktail, but under the counter.

But there is a black one hanging on it.

Just a small measure just in case.

I hope you won’t do anything stupid, Calvados.

“Senior, when will you come back?”

Sano, who had just finished the mission, saw the message sent by Mao Lilan and replied with a question mark.

“Is something wrong?”

“It’s nothing serious. I just came over to teach that little girl karate today. It was already dark, and I didn’t see her mother come back from get off work. None of the neighbors were at home. I felt like she was a little scared to be alone.”

Sano scratched his head: “It’s not just once or twice. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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not work with dark mode