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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 474 477, the wool is hard to gather

Mao Lilan quickly replied: “How can you say that? Senior, this is just a child. No matter how obedient and sensible he is, he cannot be treated as an adult.”

“…Then you plan to wait until I get back?”


“Okay, we’ll be there in about half an hour.”


Seeing Mao Lilan’s finishing touches, Sano made a series of dots – some of the jokes and usage habits he brought over from his previous life have been learned to some extent.

Come to the downstairs of your home.

Sano saw the light coming from the crack in the door next door, the little girl’s house.

“Listen carefully, children cannot go out alone at night.”

Still eight feet away from the crack of the door, Sano heard Mao Lilan’s serious voice.


The little girl asked curiously.

“Because… I will be captured by monsters!”

“What monster?”


“Sister is lying. Our teacher said there is no such thing in the world.”


Sano leaned against the door, listening with interest to Mao Lilan and the little girl talking nonsense.

Seeing that such a big man as Mao Lilan was faltered by the little girl’s few words.

Sano couldn’t help shaking his head and sighing.

I have no choice but to help.

After Sano pinched his throat, he bent his fingers and swiped hard on the door panel.


Amid the harsh sound that made people unconsciously get goosebumps.

Sano, who scraped the door panel several times, said quietly: “I died so miserably… I died so miserably… I died so miserably… So miserably… Miserably… ah…”


Under Sano’s shrill and cold voice.

The sound behind the door panel disappeared instantly, and there was no more movement at all.

A dead silence fell.


After Sano blinked, he chose to scrape the door panel again.

This time, before Sano could open his mouth, a ghostly cry and wolf howl came from the room that was even more pitiful than his own.


Sano was frightened. After pushing the door crack slightly wider, he saw the two Mao Lilan, one big and one small, hugging each other, with broken expressions.


After raising his hand to pick his ears, Sano knocked on the door twice.

“Okay, stop screaming. If I scream again, I’ll call you out.”

Sano’s voice was heard.

The two finally stopped shouting, and looked as if they had seen the savior, showing expressions of great surprise, and then talked incoherently about what had just happened.

It wasn’t until he finally regained consciousness that he noticed the unbearable curve at the corner of Sano’s mouth.

Only then did Mao Lilan react.

With a resentful look in his eyes, he asked: “Senior, was it you who did it just now?”

Sano blinked his big innocent eyes.

“What are you talking about? I don’t understand.”

The corner of Mao Lilan’s mouth twitched, and her face darkened.


…After sending Mao Lilan away, Sano temporarily took the little girl back to his home.

In fact, Sano didn’t think it was necessary.

The little girl probably thought so originally – but that was also the original idea.

As for now.

It was really necessary to be frightened by Sano.

“I’m going to sleep first. If you want to sleep, you can go to sleep. If you don’t want to, just wait until your mother comes back and go back by yourself.”


The little girl took out a novel from the book piled in dust in Sano’s corner.

I sat there by myself and read a book.

Sano was thinking wildly as usual before going to bed – mainly thinking about Akai Shuichi.

Because just today, Sano got the news.

Shuichi Akai threw himself into the street.

It is said that Gin felt that Sui Wu Lina’s “rescue” went too smoothly that day.

…It’s other people’s business to lose the prize, Shui Wu Lian is on the other side.

It really didn’t cost Gin any effort.

Therefore, Gin suspected that Reina had fallen into the water and asked the other party to fish out Shuichi Akai.


This proves Mizuno Reina’s position.

As a result, under Gin’s surveillance, Mizuno Reina killed Akai Shuichi.

Sano is not sure about the specific details.

But since he can fool Gin… no, this guy is still easy to fool, whether it’s Sano or Conan or others.

I have fooled Gin countless times.

What’s more, since Shuichi Akai intended to send Reina Mizuna there, he should have made preparations for such a development in advance.

Is it most likely a fake death?

Just like the one who “escorted” Mizuno Reina, it seemed that he was an FBI agent named Cameron.

Is it a similar technique?

The only problem is that Akai Shuichi faked his death in order not to be seen through in the future.

He should no longer appear in the organization’s sight, or in other words, he will deliberately avoid the organization’s sight, at least for a long time.

From now on, it may be a little difficult to harvest the wool of the FBI sheep.

…Sano didn’t really care much, or was curious about the inside story behind this matter.

It’s just a subconscious thought before going to bed.

As I thought about it, the picture in my mind drifted to the plot of the new book.

Relying entirely on instinct, I sketched the picture, and in the end my consciousness became increasingly blurred.

Completely into a dream.

“Hey, Sano, I sent you a message that day, saying that I was going to confront the organization. It’s okay if you don’t reply. Why didn’t you let Kurosawa come over to help?”

Sano raised his eyes, glanced sideways at Conan, and said disdainfully: “I’ll say it again, first of all, that Kurosawa and I have nothing to do with each other, and secondly, you’re trying to kill yourself. It’s a matter of love for others to help you, and it’s a matter of friendship if they don’t help you. Duty.”

“He’s just a little white-eyed wolf. Is this the first day you’ve met him?”

Hui Yuan Ai took over the conversation and said leisurely, making the corners of Conan’s mouth twitch.

“I asked you two, do you know what the situation was like that day?”

Conan scratched his head and sighed: “Forget it, the matter is over, there is nothing more to say, but that Rye is really getting more and more dangerous.”

“It’s almost like a mobile fort.”

Haiyuan Ai touched her chin: “No, the fort is a bit exaggerated. Mobile bomb?”

“The FBI’s operational limits in Neon are getting bigger and bigger, so we have to pay attention to it in the future.”

Sano glanced at Conan, who had a heavy face, and raised his eyebrows.

“Do you still know how to write the word be careful? I thought you were just seeking death.”

“…You are very annoying.”

Conan, who was ridiculed by the two people one after another, wanted to have dead fish eyes welded on his face.

“So, how come you, a busy person who is rarely seen in daily life, would think of hanging out with us little brats today?”

“I’m bored, just looking for something to do.”

Sano lazily lit a cigarette and then turned his gaze to the other side of the road.

He appeared jumping up and down, after noticing Sano here.

It quickly changed to a trio of real kids who came slowly and slowly.

“…Hello, Brother Sano.”


The real kids were hiding their heads and winking at the fake kid duo.

Probably he wanted to ask why Sano appeared here.

Conan shrugged, indicating that he wasn’t particularly sure.

Today is Saturday, a day off.

The reason why the Plague Team met today was not because there was any activity.

Instead, I received a commission from my classmates.

It is said that there is a strange guy among the tenants of the house, so I want to entrust Conan.

Investigate it.

Conan, or to be precise, real children, naturally accepted it happily.

Conan can only accompany him.

As for Sano, he received a commission to join the Plague God Squad.

Only then did I find him.

“Okay, everyone is here, let’s go take a look first.”

Haiyuan Ai guided the situation and took the lead towards the destination of this commission.

Trojan Village.

The name of a small apartment.

It’s not too far from Sano’s house.

According to the previous situation of Sano and Conan breaking up.

The classmate who commissioned the Plague Team was the son of the landlord of this apartment.

Because a tenant in the apartment often behaves strangely in the middle of the night.

I felt something was not right, so I made an appointment with Conan to come over today to explain the situation.

Just wait until Sano and his team arrive.

What he saw was a house that had been burned by the flames, leaving only a pile of dry shelves.

“……This is!?”

Conan’s expression changed amidst the cries of crows.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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