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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 475 478, a sultry man

Sano glanced at the crows.

The big black crows mixed in were screaming randomly, and they didn’t know about the other crows.

Can you understand it?

But at least the big black book… the crow crows quite happily.

“Na na na, what do you neon crows usually like to eat and do?”

“Do you understand what I’m saying? If you understand, just click once. If you don’t, click twice.”

“Don’t ignore me…Actually, I don’t really want to talk to you.”

“After all, I am different from you. In fact, I have an owner and am a domesticated child.”

“No, the most handsome one over there is my master.”

“It’s really good to be raised by a master. You can’t be blown by the wind or hit by rain. You can eat and drink three meals a day, and there are all delicious and spicy things. Do you want to consider following me?”


…Is this guy triggered by this attribute after hearing Xiao Hei’s idea last time? He plans to rule the crows in Tokyo and create an army of crows?

Sano rubbed his fingers, if that’s possible, it seems good?

While Sano was distracted, Conan and the others had already completed communication with the police at the scene.

The elementary school student who invited the Plague Team over and his father are both in the hospital.

Nothing serious, but still in a coma.

The hostess was traveling, so she was not affected at all.

I have received a call from the police and am on my way back.

The fire broke out at around two o’clock last night. Because of the “evidence” of Conan and others, this case was likely to be classified as an accident.

At this moment, the suspicion of arson became stronger.

It seemed that this was not the first time that the strong police officer had met Conan, after he found the diary written by the elementary school student from the hands of his subordinate.

Three tenants who were out last night and were not injured are the suspects.

He was called over for questioning.

It is worth mentioning that after the three suspects came over.

The fake loli’s face suddenly turned ugly. She tensed up like a frightened cat and hid behind Sano.

This was not the first time Sano saw such a reaction from a fake loli.

Is the tissue breath sensing radar effective?

Sano looked at the three people with interest.

A middle-aged fat man and two young guys, one is fair and tall, wearing a pair of glasses, with squinting eyes… He has a head of hair that is a bit close to pink, and the other has dark skin and a tattoo on his face. Bandage.

Adhering to the principle that anyone with narrowed eyes is a monster.

Sano observed the sultry man first – with his flexibility, he could easily detect the direction of his sight through the gaps in his narrowed eyes.

That’s right, it’s the fake loli behind Sano.

Although Sano doesn’t quite understand the principle of Haibara Ai’s radar mechanism.

But this does not prevent Sano from discovering the pattern – those who will be noticed by the fake loli are not necessarily loyal members of the organization, and members of the organization may not necessarily be noticed by her, or in other words, those in the organization It seems that the second and fifth boys are not necessarily noticed, but they are noticed.

Even if he is a young man, he does have some relationship with the organization.

who is it.

Do you know yourself?

Which party does it belong to.

Peripheral members, or cadres, if it is the former, are they pretending to be pigs and eating tigers?

Or is it the same as Taka Ito, but there is just not enough time?

After thinking for a while, Sano moved his steps slightly, completely blocking Haihara Ai behind him, completely cutting off the sight of the sultry man.

This made the sultry man turn his attention to Sano’s face.

At the same moment, Sano could notice the fake loli tugging at the corner of his clothes.

Suddenly he stopped shaking.


what’s the situation?

This guy’s radar won’t be interfered by the presence of objects, right?

Could it be that the opportunity is sight?

Sano looked at the sultry man calmly.

After the two sides looked at each other for a few seconds, the menial man was pulled out of sight because of the police’s questioning.

“…Sano, please come forward.”

Hui Yuan Ai whispered, although there was nothing strange anymore, but he wanted to take the initiative to find out the strange behavior, which confirmed that beneath the surface, he was the same as Conan.

The essence of a naughty child seeking death.

Of course, if you have the ability, this is not considered suicide.

Of course.

In Sano’s view, fake lolita are definitely not considered “capable”.

“Just stay down.”

Sano pushed the fake loli’s head back.

“…So, none of the three of you have an alibi, right?”

The burly policeman who had finished the interview frowned.

“Just in case, let me ask first, what are your favorite colors?”

The focus of this case lies in the color.

In the diary, the primary school student gave the three tenants different colors, nicknames, red, white, and yellow.

According to the diary, the yellow person is the one who often behaves abnormally in the middle of the night, that is, the elementary school student who wants Conan to investigate, at the same time.

The yellow man also had a quarrel with the landlord last night.

If this was indeed a deliberate arson.

Then this person is undoubtedly the biggest suspect.

But how was this color chosen?

It really left Conan and the others feeling confused for a while.

Let’s talk about skin color, white and yellow are fine, red is always wrong.

It can be said that it is the favorite color of these three people.

Judging from the answer I got after asking calmly just now.

Another one that doesn’t match up.

Don’t even have to ask the fat guy.

One blue and one black.

This possibility was directly rejected.

Could it be referring to the characters of these three people?

“The red of justice, the white of purity, and the…dirty yellow.”

Sano said in Conan’s ear, successfully distorting the God of Plague’s thoughts.

“Yellow, yellow!?”

Conan looked at Sano with wide eyes, and his exclamation attracted the attention of everyone around him.

Some people can’t understand the meaning of Conan’s words, some people understand it, but not all of it, and some people also understand it, but they only understand the surface.

Conan’s face instantly turned red under the strange gaze.

“No, no, I didn’t mean that…”

After hesitating for a while, Conan lowered his head and chose to pretend to be an ostrich.

“I remember you were the high school detective, Shinichiro Sano, right?”

At this moment, the burly policeman seemed to recognize Sano and asked.

“Do you have any ideas?”

…Without that sentence, brother, it always feels a little weird.

Sano shook his head and said nothing, not that he didn’t want to say anything.

Just don’t know what to say.

If I have to say it—that sentence just now was really Sano’s train of thought.

As the saying goes, there is only the wrong name, not the wrong nickname.

Although strictly speaking, this is not a nickname, and it originated from the hand of a primary school student.

But the rules are inevitable.

The source of the law is nothing more than two directions: internal and external.

In addition, skin color, hair color, clothing color…the last one is the least likely.

Guilt, character, and behavior are all possible.

The elementary school student spent time with these three tenants day and night, so he should be considered to know these three people very well, so the specific basis is very wide.

Just consider that the God of Plague is needed to solve the case.

There is a high probability that it shouldn’t be what it is, and it takes a long time to get along to find out.

Not at first sight.

But it can be seen in a short time… It can’t be too simple, and it can’t be too complicated.

Sano began to recall all the details after these three guys appeared.

The little black guy who is not as tan as Hattori Heiji is a carpenter. He went out to drink with someone last night. The sultry man with narrowed eyes is a college student. To be precise, he should be a graduate student. He went for a drive last night.

And that fat man is a flexible employee.

He does all kinds of work on weekdays, but what’s more concerning is that this guy also speculates in stocks.

But it seems to be just leeks.

Last night I went to Abeido Town to watch an all-night movie.

Can’t seem to see what’s wrong.

While Sano was deep in thought, Conan noticed the dirt between the fat man’s nails.

After a lot of “Ahem”, another piece of new information came out.

It turns out that this fat man is a fan of live shooting games in the wild, also known as live CS, which also led to his favorite color.

Camouflage military green.

Just looking at Conan’s eyes, there seems to be something wrong with this.

Then, pieces of new information gradually appeared in front of Sano’s eyes.

First, there are a lot of toy cars in the primary school student’s room – this is not surprising at first, but the number is as high as three digits.

It’s a bit concerning.

Second, Conan seems to have color.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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