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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 476 479, turns out to be a lolicon

Well, the color here is of course not the color it refers to.

It means that whether in the diary or in yesterday’s exchange, the primary school student referred to Conan as Mr. Black and White, that is, a black and white person.

This is a bit concerning.

Because earlier when James first came to Neon, he was mistaken for a rich man.

As a result, he was kidnapped.

Later, Conan mentioned to Sano the part that he was not involved in.

There is one place among them that is very similar to this place.

Sano actually couldn’t remember the specific details.

There was only one piece of information that still left an impression, and that was the black and white police car.

Then contact the clues behind.

Third, there are many band-aids in Xiao Heipi’s pocket because he is often injured.

Fourth, the squinty-eyed man often watered the plants in the apartment yard.

The answer is already obvious.

…In fact, as early as the first point came out, Sano felt that this was the source of color determination.

I’m afraid it’s on those toy cars.

But what kind of “rule” it is, Sano really can’t think of it.

But when the second, third and fourth appeared one after another.

If Sano couldn’t react any longer, it would be pure evil.

A white ambulance or a red fire truck will match.

But yellow…what kind of car is it?


Suddenly, Sano thought of the mud between the fat man’s fingernails, excavator?

Can this be considered a car?

The unusual behavior in the middle of the night, could it be that he was burying the body?

At the same moment, Conan, who was frowning next to him, suddenly relaxed his brows.

Sano took the lead and put a hand on the fat man’s shoulder.

Seeing that the fat man was in pain, Sano, who was able to confirm, spoke.

“Don’t think about it, the yellow guy is him.”


Sano was too lazy to talk nonsense and just threw out his thoughts: “…There is no need to cite any evidence. The father and son in the hospital were not burned to death. We only need to wait for them to wake up and they can directly testify. “

“Contact Officer Megure and detain him. Just don’t let him run away early.”

Before anyone could react, Sano suddenly reached out and touched the sultry man’s shoulder.

As a result, this guy subconsciously ducked sideways.

The response speed is very fast.

Sano looked at the sultry man who was still a little dazed and narrowed his eyes: “What are you hiding from?”

The sultry man raised his glasses and smiled: “It’s just an instinctive reaction. Besides, I don’t like to be touched casually by someone I don’t know.”

“Then what if I insist on touching it.”

Sano’s rhetorical question instantly made the smell of gunpowder in the air thicker.

Whether it’s Conan or the policemen nearby.

Looking at the two people with electric sparks faintly flashing between their eyes, cold sweat was streaming down their heads.

I want to persuade but dare not, or I don’t know how to persuade at the moment.

Fortunately, the arrival of a phone call turned things around.

It was said that both the father and son in the hospital had woken up.

Conan quickly seized the opportunity and suggested, changing the subject: “That’s a good thing. Let’s go to the hospital to visit them first, right?”

The trio of real children followed suit and echoed Conan’s suggestion: “Then let Dr. Ali drive over and take us to the hospital.”

“Dr. Ari?”

The sultry man approached with interest and asked, “Is this person a doctor?”

“Yes, yes.”

The trio of real children glanced at Sano timidly. After all, the person in front of them seemed to be displeased by the other party. If he didn’t make his position clear.

The trio of real children were afraid of being treated as the opposite by Sano.

“Then can you introduce me to them?”

The sullen man said so.

Before Haihara Ai could refuse first, Conan agreed: “Okay.”


Sano raised his eyebrows at the side – Haihara Ai’s radar reaction just now.

Conan should have noticed it too.

At this time, instead of alerting this sultry man, you give him a chance to get closer?

That’s not how you seek death.

Something seems wrong.

“Then let’s go together.”

Sano chose to get involved and said to the sultry man: “You said before that you like to drive at night, which means you have a car. I’ll share one with you.”


Why is this man talking to himself so much?

Just now, he looked like he was going to get into trouble if he didn’t agree.

In the blink of an eye, he said that he wanted to ride on his own coat?

After a few seconds of silence, the sultry man finally agreed.

So after a trip to the hospital, the trio of real kids quickly ran away.

The tomboy duo, the Sano duo, and Dr. Agasa returned together and gathered in the large bungalow of Dr. Agasa’s house.

After some polite greetings, the sultry man finally revealed his true purpose.

“I think this house is very big. There must be a lot of spare rooms.”

“Do you mind having one more person?”

Upon hearing this, Haibara Ai, who moved from behind Sano to behind Dr. Agasa, was immediately unhappy. Although her radar mechanism stopped responding after the first round, her intuition told her that she.

The person in front of me is definitely not a good person.

Therefore, it is naturally best if you can keep a distance.

Sano next to him, on the other hand, had a weird look in his eyes – I originally thought this guy was just being sultry.

Why watch it now?

You have to stick to the fake loli shamelessly.

Could it be that she is a lolicon… No, saying this is an insult to the title.

It should be called a perverted copper-smelting addiction.

“It’s better to live in brother Shinichi’s house next door.”

At this moment, Conan smiled and provided a new compromise suggestion.

Although this compromise seemed very wrong to Sano.

The more I look at it, the more something is wrong.

Don’t say that this guy was targeted by Haiyuan Ai, even if he wasn’t.

Under normal circumstances, would someone let a guy they just met live in their home?

Obviously not.

Unless, these two guys didn’t just meet.

As a new character, Conan has a certain degree of trust. Haibara Ai can feel a certain organizational atmosphere and reacts very quickly, aiming to get close to the fake loli.

Take a look at all the details.

Zuo Ye almost already has the answer.

“I forgot, what’s your name?”

Akai Shuichi here had just accepted Conan’s suggestion when he heard Sano’s question again.

“Okiya Subaru.”

“Mr. Okiya, it’s such a hot day. Why don’t you wear a high-collared shirt? It’s not hot.”

At this time, Sano, who was looking at the question with the answer, discovered another anomaly.

It’s just that most of the people Sano comes into contact with on weekdays are people who wear fixed clothes. They wrap themselves up in rice dumplings on hot days and bare their legs and arms on cold days.

Not a few.

The weird ones have become less weird.

That’s why Sano couldn’t react immediately.

After Sano said these words, Conan was being criticized by Haibara Ai.

The face turned pale obviously.

Akai Shuichi also fell silent.

Could this guy have discovered something?

Conan, who “knows” Sano’s abilities best, felt panicked.

However, Sano also has uncontrollable characteristics.

Plus, get to know the heroic duo of Black Death Kurosawa.

What if, with a little knowledge, this guy does something unexpected, and the situation becomes uncontrollable…

Conan broke into a cold sweat immediately.


“Brother Sano, please come out and I have something to tell you!”

Conan, who was shouting randomly, dragged Sano and started to run outside.

I plan to explain the situation separately.

But Sano didn’t intend to give Conan this chance, and remained fixed in place.

His eyes were fixed on Akai Shuichi without moving at all.

“Just in case, could you please pull down your collar and show it to me? After all, this fake… this little girl has a very good relationship with me. She is so afraid of you, and you are so shameless? Posting this really makes people wonder if there is something wrong with you.”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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