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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 477 480, Conan: Are you tired of it?

Akai Shuichi glanced at the confused Haibara Ai and said with a smile: “Why, if I refuse to pull off my collar, am I considered a bad person? What’s the point?”

“My truth is truth.”

The Hammer of Justice slipped from Sano’s hand, and he hit Conan so hard that he squatted in the corner holding his head.

“Kudo Shinichi next door is my good friend, so I can naturally decide the right to use his house.”

…You fart!

Conan stared at him, that was clearly his house!

“You can choose to be tough and beat me, and I will let you live there, or you can choose not to live there, and then naturally everything is up to you.”

Sano said to himself, but it put Akai Shuichi and Conan in a dilemma.

Because the current situation is.

Akai Shuichi’s apparent identity is Subaru Okiya, but he doesn’t know that Conan is actually Kudo Shinichi… Of course, in fact, he doesn’t know either.

Maybe Akai Shuichi had some suspicions in his mind, but it was not clear.

But at least according to the original development, Akai Shuichi can live there.

And after Sano got mixed up like this.

Even Conan is willing to reveal his identity in front of Shuichi Akai.

That still doesn’t make sense, unless Conan lets uninformed people know that Akai Shuichi was involved in his plan, so it stands to reason.

The right to use the house is still in Conan’s hands.

It seems a bit messy.

Anyway, I still have to spread it out.

to be honest.

If possible.

Conan didn’t want Akai Shuichi to know that he was Kudo Shinichi, and he didn’t want Haibara Ai to know that Okiya Subaru was actually Akai Shuichi.


Can’t this guy just stop? ?

…Of course, Akai Shuichi can also do what Sano said and be tough.

As long as he defeats Sano, maybe he will keep his promise.

The problem is that neither Conan nor Shuichi Akai think that even if Sano’s strength is not bad, it is impossible to compare with the FBI ace.

But on Akai Shuichi’s side, it’s not just a matter of winning.

In order not to reveal his true identity, Shuichi Akai had to protect his collar.

Secondly, you have to protect your face.

Forget it about Shuichi Akai, then why the hell doesn’t Conan know about Sano?

Not to mention that Sano just mentioned the collar issue, he just didn’t mention it.

Conan still thinks so.

This guy probably has to say hello to everyone’s face.

In this way, even if Shuichi Akai can fight again and again, he may inevitably overturn.

Shuichi Akai doesn’t seem to know Sano’s strength either.

In order to prevent Akai Hide from accidentally losing Jingzhou, Conan quickly spoke out again.

“Ah hahaha, it’s already noon. I’m already hungry. Brother Sano, Dr. Agasa, you must be hungry too. Let’s have lunch quickly. Brother Okiya, you’re new here. Please treat me to a good meal for everyone. chant?”

Delay strategy.

As long as the time is delayed, Conan will take the opportunity to intervene in the middle.

The problem will naturally go away.

The premise is that Sano is willing to let Conan drag him down.

Akai Shuichi looked at Sano.

Sano thought for a moment, took back the hammer, and went to the sofa next to him: “Can you eat anything?”

Akai Shuichi smiled: “Anything is fine.”

Upon seeing this, Haiyuan Ai’s eyes suddenly widened.


I bought it for you with just one meal! ?

Although the fake Loli didn’t understand the whole thing, it didn’t prevent her from seeing the key turning point of the matter through Conan’s little thoughts.

But before Haiyuan Ai could speak, Conan pulled her aside.

The villa next to it belongs to Conan’s family after all.

Haibara Ai is not as unreasonable and messy as Sano.

Therefore, Conan solved it very easily…at least it was not difficult compared to Sano.

Then it depends on whether Sano is willing to continue to pester after finishing the meal.

If Sano chose to skip this matter.

That means everyone is happy and happy.

But if Sano still refuses to let go, then Conan will have to take this guy out alone and deal with it.

“Ding dong!”

“Hello, delivery is available everywhere.”

After a while, the takeaway ordered by Sano arrived.

Just listening to this voice… why does it feel familiar?

After sitting up from the sofa, Sano took the initiative to open the door and saw what happened.

He was carrying a bunch of yellow hair for food and drink in both hands.


Seeing Sano, Huang Mao was also stunned. After reacting, he subconsciously followed the rules of riding everywhere and said: “Hello, the meal has been delivered. I wish you a pleasant meal…”

“…Why, you cleaned up the house so much that you don’t even have enough people to deliver food?”

Sano asked curiously as he took the pile of food and drink.

Because according to what Sano learned, although after that day.

Many people in Black Death passively and proactively withdrew.

But it’s damning, that is, there are only one or two out of ten, not to mention the number of riders who can go anywhere, and not all of them are members of the Black Death. There shouldn’t be enough riders, so Huang Mao, the second in command, has to Only when you go into battle in person.

Huang Mao blinked: “No, it’s just making money, there’s nothing strange about it.”

Sano also blinked, remembering that Huang Mao accidentally moved next door to him.

“Are you short of money?”

“Who would think it’s too much money?”

Huang Mao waved his hand: “If I get a call back later, please give me a good review.”

After saying that, Huang Mao got into the car and left.

Sano watched Huang Mao’s back, smacked his lips thoughtfully, and then went back to the house to eat.

After eating and drinking.

Akai Shuichi said he wanted to check out the house next door.

Under Conan’s cautious observation, Sano lit a cigarette and said, “Let’s go, I’ll accompany you.”


Does this mean consent?

But why should we go together?

Are you really worried and planning to observe it again?

While thinking, Conan followed Sano and Akai Shuichi, and the three of them came to the next door together.

As soon as I entered the house.

Akai Shuichi couldn’t even speak yet.

A dark gun muzzle was already on Akai Shuichi’s head.

Conan’s eyes instantly widened, while Akai Shuichi’s body stiffened.

what’s the situation! ?

“Mr. Okiya, I didn’t say everything I said just now in front of that girl. Rather than saying that you are a bad person, I think it is more accurate to call you a perverted copper smelting addict. Sorry, I am not a good person. , for someone like you, evidence is not needed.”

…What the hell, you just have a perverted copper-smelting addiction! ?

Akai Shuichi looked solemn. He didn’t know why Sano had such misunderstandings about him, but he was certain that he had indeed been misunderstood.

We need to quickly explain the misunderstanding.

Otherwise, at this distance, even Akai Shuichi would only end up with a headshot.

By the way, isn’t this guy a detective?

Why do you carry a gun with you? It has pure killing intent and is experienced and skillful in operating it. It feels like there is no hesitation or hesitation in the beginning. It seems that this is not the first time to do this kind of thing. Where? He looks like a good person…or rather, does he look like a kindhearted woman?

“wait for me……”

“I’m not interested in hearing your explanation. Goodbye.”

Sano’s eyes were cold and he directly pulled the trigger without any nonsense.

Akai Shuichi’s pupils shrank, filled with shock.

Damn it, do you have to be in such a hurry?

At least let yourself say a word!

Could he really be like this and die here without knowing it? ?

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Akai Shuichi’s mind.

But after all, this still cannot change the fact that Shuichi Akai has no way to save himself.


Watching the water dripping from Akai Shuichi’s face to his chin.

The speechlessness in Conan’s eyes next to him was almost out of his eyes.

Be reasonable.

At the first second, Conan was really shocked by this sudden development.

But that was just an instinctive reaction.

After seeing clearly the extremely familiar gun in Sano’s hand in the second second.

Conan already knew in his heart what kind of development would happen next.

…By the way, how many times has this happened?

Hattori Heiji who was not present last time, Conan who was not present last time, Haibara Ai who was present last time, Conan himself who was present last time, and his parents, is this the fourth time?

Are you tired of it?

Conan curled his lips in boredom and helplessness, and then found a place to sit by himself.

Akai Shuichi was startled by the cold water on his face.

After reacting.

Akai Shuichi tilted his neck in confusion and typed a question mark.

What does this mean?

Sano took back the water gun and shrugged: “It’s just a hello. Thank you for the lunch. It tastes good. I hope there will be more next time. So, bye.”

Watch Sano close the door and leave.

Akai Shuichi came back to his senses from the incident of being tricked.

But he still couldn’t understand why he was being fooled.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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