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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 478 481, good deeds must leave a name

Akai Shuichi looked at Conan.

Conan blinked and said with a smile: “Ha, don’t worry about it. This is his, um, unique way of greeting you. It can be regarded as expressing his friendship to you. I, and Huiyuan, have all done the same thing. Experience.”

Akai Shuichi: “…”

Is this considered as comforting myself?

But this Sano is really… maverick.

It’s no wonder that this guy just now looked so skilled.

Except that the essence of the matter is different.

More importantly, this is not the first time.

…are you familiar with it?

“But he just left without asking a question. Did he know my true identity, or did he only have a partial understanding, or something else.”

Akai Shuichi, who was completely speechless, raised doubts.

Conan touched his chin, thinking of the duo.

“You should probably know everything. Forget it, it’s all trivial matters.”

Akai Shuichi frowned: “A trivial matter?”


Conan nodded solemnly: “Because he is a teammate we can absolutely trust.”

Seeing what Conan said, Akai Shuichi stopped asking any more questions.

There is definitely curiosity, but it is just like knowing that something is wrong with Conan.

Akai Shuichi still didn’t bother.

Although Akai Shuichi now understands that Sano is not an ordinary high school detective.

But as long as it doesn’t hinder yourself, it doesn’t matter if you let it go.

“That’s it, you can see for yourself, I’m leaving first.”

Sano, the only person who needed attention, had left, so there was no need for Conan to stay here anymore.

After saying hello, Conan left the house.

Akai Shuichi was left stroking the water stains on his head and sighing quietly.

Hondo Yingyou transferred to another school and left Neon.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Sano.

According to what Conan and Sano said, the reason why Akai Shuichi was able to get Reina Minato to cooperate at that time was because he took advantage of the existence of Hondo Eisuke.

As part of the deal, the FBI should protect Hideyou.

Unfortunately, Hidetoshi Hidesuke, like Haibara Ai, has no plans to join the FBI Witness Protection Program. Instead, he talks about joining the CIA.

Sano didn’t care either.

Different from the beginning, Conan now seems to be in the area of ​​information sharing.

It has become less positive… maybe it’s just because.

The lesson learned from being blocked by Sano last time comes first.

Forget it, it’s all trivial matters. Sano was more curious at the moment.

It is a condition of yellow hair.


Hearing the news from Dahei who was arranged by him to follow Huang Mao.

Sano frowned slightly.

“Can you investigate more carefully?”

“I’m eavesdropping, Master.”

Dahei directly broadcast it live.

Sano heard a rough idea. The situation was that Huang Mao’s mother…his mother seemed to be suffering from a terminal disease and was currently hospitalized for chemotherapy.

The cost of treatment was extremely expensive, which forced Huang Mao to join the team of riders to make money while moving to this small shabby building in Sano.

The most important thing is that this thing cannot be cured even if it costs money.

It’s just procrastinating, and it’s like spending money to buy your life – tens of millions a day.

Sano calculated Huang Mao’s “salary”.

Hmm…it’s okay not to know about it, but not to do anything if I know it.

I always feel like something is weird.

But what can I do?

Should I just cover all the expenses for Huang Mao’s mother until she dies?

The second thing is whether I feel bad or not, the main thing is that it doesn’t make any sense.

Be reasonable.

Sano has always felt that such things are adding burden to patients.

Just suffer.


After rubbing his fingers, Sano got up and set off, arriving at Huangmao’s fucking hospital.

After switching to the Black Death Vest without the special attack suit, Sano lowered his passerby hat.

Then he secretly found Huang Mao’s damn case and film, then came to the ward, looked around, and pushed the door open.

After locking the door to the ward, Sano walked towards the middle-aged woman on the bed.

His consciousness seemed to be somewhat lost.

He was shaped like a gaunt tree, with a haggard look on his face, and his white hair was so sparse that people couldn’t bear to look straight at it.

“let’s start.”

Sano raised his right hand, and the spider poison quietly entered Huangmao’s body.

Half an hour later.

Sano quietly left the hospital again.

It worked.

After raising his hand to wipe the sweat on his head, Sano’s face felt a little happy.

It’s because he did a rare and undoubted good thing.

It was also because Sano’s wild idea earlier was now realized.

Relying on the characteristics of spider venom, Sano can indeed use this thing to cure diseases.

Even terminal illnesses can be cured.

Of course, this thing can’t cure all diseases.

At the very least, Sano had to know first what exactly it was in the patient’s body that he wanted to destroy, and in which part it was located, if it was a key location.

Then even if it’s just a tiny bit off.

Perhaps it could all be the other way around, turning saving people into killing people.

Therefore, Sano’s behavior is no different from experimenting on his yellow-haired mother.

It looks very inhumane.

But Huang Mao’s mother’s days are numbered, and Sano is acting like a dead horse.

It’s a huge profit, but it’s not a loss either. It can even be said that he can replace Huang Mao to help his mother end the pain as soon as possible, so as to save him from struggling with it.

one way or another.

At least the current fact is that Sano succeeded.

After taking out his mobile phone, Sano sent Huang Mao a text message.

“I found a friend. Your mother’s disease has been cured… to be precise, the root cause has been removed. Go to the hospital and have a look. The follow-up should be some recuperation work. Don’t reveal this matter to anyone. The doctor said yes.”

Sano doesn’t have the habit of doing good deeds anonymously.

To be precise, why should we deliberately avoid things that are beneficial and harmless?

After such an experience.

I’m afraid Huang Mao’s loyalty will have to be maxed out immediately, and it will be difficult for him to decline.

Even if some rumors really leak out.

Sano also felt that it didn’t matter – if he wanted him to be cured, just spend money to buy his life.

Of course, whether you can buy it or not is another matter.


Sano turned his eyes and saw Asai Narumi hurriedly walking into the hospital wearing a white coat.

Sano hadn’t seen this white god of death for a long time.

I don’t know if the heroic behavior in private is still continuing, or if it’s just luck and I haven’t encountered any problems that one person can’t solve.

Anyway, I never contacted Sano again.

But why is this guy here?

Don’t you work at Mihua General Hospital?

After tilting his neck, Sano still didn’t care and glanced at Huang Mao’s message.

Just go back the way you came.

Time came again that night.

Sano walked into Cocktail and looked for Gin to get the task.

As a result, as soon as he entered the door, Sano saw something unexpected.

New faces.

That was a male with Western white appearance.

Around thirty years old?

He is tall and tall, looks fierce and cold, and has short light blond hair.

What’s more important is that this guy has been staring at Sano viciously since he came in, his eyes full of hostility, as if he were looking at the enemy who killed his father.

Who is this?

Sano looked at Gin.

Gin noticed the direction of Sano’s visor and said casually: “Ireland, I just came back from abroad.”


Is it whiskey too?

Sano nodded, sat next to Gin, and asked: “Then did he have a grudge against Akai Shuichi, or… something else.”

“I have a grudge against you.”

Sano blinked: “Have I met him before?”

“never seen it.”

“Where does the hatred come from?”

“Pisco is his father…but not his biological father.”

Sano was stunned by Gin’s answer, and it took him a few seconds to react.

“Godfather, or stepfather?”

“It’s not much different. Anyway, the two of them… At least Ireland’s one-sided feelings for Pisco are very good. Pisco died in your hands after all. When he knew about it, he couldn’t help it. There will be some complaints.”

Gin took out the document bag and handed it to Sano.

“You don’t have to think too much. As long as I’m here, he won’t dare to make any small moves.”



Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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