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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 479 482, One punch can determine the wind and rain, and there is no god in the world!

Sano took the document bag and glanced at Ireland before leaving.

That guy, it’s okay if Sano doesn’t look at him, but when he looks at him, he has an Irish look in his eyes.

He immediately felt like he wanted to eat Sano alive.

As for that, it’s not like he killed his biological father.

After pouting, Sano left the cocktail.

The phone vibrated, and Sano took it out and saw that it was a text message from Toru Amuro.

“I’m back to Neon.”


“Nothing special happened recently.”

“everything is normal.”


After turning off his phone, Sano looked back at the cocktail.

I have been abroad before and have just returned to Neon Ireland, and Toru Amuro, who has been abroad for a while and has just returned to Neon – between the two.

Is there any connection?

In addition to the two people’s conspicuous features, except for their skin color, they are relatively similar.


Forget it, it’s just a trivial matter that doesn’t matter.

Nothing to do today, Goulan…ah no.

Sano was lazily lying on the corridor railing and staring blankly.

The little girl next to her was too short, so she could only hold on to the railing and put her head in the gap. The white bandage on her left elbow was more conspicuous.

Not a big deal.

It’s just that I didn’t walk properly, fell down, and broke my skin a bit.

Well, actually it was a rather large piece of skin that was broken, otherwise Sano wouldn’t have wasted the bandage and just put a band-aid on it and everything would be fine.

“How have you been studying karate lately?”

“Ah, that’s good.”


Sano turned on his stomach and lit a cigarette: “Did anyone bully you in kindergarten?”


“If there is any, fight back, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.”



Suddenly, Xiao Hei’s shout came in his mind.

Sano’s hand shook in fright, and he dropped the cigarette he had just lit up and took a puff of.


After letting out a speechless breath, Sano immediately responded: “What are you shouting about? If you lower your fucking voice, you will die, right!?”

“But boss, the puppet is missing!”

Xiao Hei’s “tone” was full of anxiety and grievance.

After a moment of substitution, Xiao Hei who was almost crying seemed to appear in front of Sano.

“That stuffed doll, didn’t you say it was running outside all the time and would come back every few days? Why, did it take too long this time?”

“Well, it’s been five days. I haven’t seen it for five days…”

“It’s only been five days, why are you panicking?”

Sano lit up another cigarette nonchalantly: “Besides, I’ve warned you about this a long time ago. If you don’t care about it yourself, you have to let a… cat run outside, even if something really happens, Then who can blame you?”


“No buts.”

Sano calmed down: “I should have told you that as long as you think about it, there is nothing in the world that you want to find but can’t find. But similarly, you can only blame yourself if you haven’t been able to use it. Too rubbish.”

“If you want to find a cat, it’s easy, just work hard.”

“……ok, I get it.”

As soon as he finished speaking, before he could turn off the microphone and receiver, Sano immediately became stunned.

After hitting a row of points, Sano noticed something strange and pulled out the map speechlessly.

A newly emerged red dot is clearly visible.

What the hell, is this the so-called power of “love”? ?

This is like a scumbag student who was educated by the class teacher in the morning. Regardless of whether he is a revolutionary or not, he got the first place in the school in the mock test in the afternoon.

Just outrageous.

It’s just that Sano doesn’t even need to look at the specific location of this location. Just by looking at the red dot next to this location, he can tell that this is the Black Death’s Stray Animal Rescue Center – isn’t this right next to it?

Sano quickly contacted Xiao Hei again.

After some exchanges, Sano finally understood.

This red dot is actually not the ragdoll cat.

It was different from what Sano originally imagined.

Although Xiao Hei has already recorded the smell of the Ragdoll cat because of getting along with it more often, he wants to use lock tracking.

Still have to “ingest” the smell again.

This is probably a limitation that has not been clearly stated.

But this is just Sano’s personal guess.

Because Xiao Hei on the other end is still a little confused as to what the specific situation is.

You have to wait until the cooldown has passed before trying a second time or even more.


Although he didn’t particularly understand the situation, he generally understood that he had done something that satisfied Sano, and spoke cautiously.

The meaning is self-evident.

“I’ll ask someone to help me look for it, but I guess I won’t be able to find it within a day. If not, I’ll see if I can find the fur of the Ragdoll cat or other smelly things tomorrow, and just look for it myself. .”

As Xiao Hei wished, Sano, who was in a good mood, agreed to this small matter.

“Okay boss, thank you boss!”

After hanging up the phone, Sano took out his cell phone, but his eyes turned to the little girl next to him.

“Hey, have you and Xiaopang seen the ragdoll cat from last time recently?”


The little girl pulled out her head, thought for a few seconds, scratched the back of her head, and replied: “A few days ago, I saw it once, but I didn’t touch it. It was eight feet away, so it ran away. Recently For two days, no.”


Sano nodded and continued texting.

“I still have something to do, so I’ll leave first.”

“Okay, bye bye!”

It’s true that something happened, but it wasn’t a mission, and it wasn’t time for Sano’s daily work yet.

Xiao Hei’s last effect finally came out.

For Sano, it was a good thing, not too big or too small, to make this ordinary day.

There is an additional “good luck” setting.

Therefore, Sanoye decided on a whim to “take advantage of the victory and pursue it.”

“It is being strengthened randomly. Congratulations to the host for the bandage being strengthened. The strengthening is successful…”


Sano, who was going downstairs, paused. Is this equipment for treatment?

……Wait a moment.

Sano retracted his foot, pulled out the map again, and confirmed that the bandage here was the bundle at home, the bandage he had just taken out for the little girl.


I habitually walk to the old map and forget where the equipment is and haven’t looked at it yet.

Sano turned back and walked upstairs.


The little girl pulled out her head again and asked doubtfully: “Why are you back again, Sichuan?”

“I forgot something.”


After arriving at home, Sano picked up the bandage that had not been taken back.

Reinforcement name: Martial Arts Bandage.

Grade: B.


Martial artist (after wearing this bandage on both hands, the martial arts level will be upgraded to the top of the neon martial arts world).

Restrictions: None.

Note: One punch can determine the wind and rain, and there will be no gods in the world!

…There is only one effect again, but compared to the last time, the effect this time.

But it’s much simpler and clearer.

And still, it’s strong enough and simple enough.

It can be seen from the slightly middle-of-the-road remarks that this thing is at the top of its game.

It is relatively similar to the special attack server and most compatible with it.

Sano pulled out the bandage and wrapped it around his two fists, and then he realized it.

My equipment is not this bundle of bandages.

It’s just these two pieces tied to my hands.

After clenching his fists, Sano air-struck twice casually. As if it was an instinct engraved in his bones, the muscles began to move and correct themselves.

A sound broke through the air.

The punches broke through the wind, and the strength was much stronger than normal.

Martial arts.

This is a very general concept.

Specific factions have similarities but also differences.

Sano doesn’t understand it very well because he hasn’t had systematic and in-depth contact with this aspect.

But it feels like the definition of “martial arts” for this thing.

Is it a similar existence to what Gin taught me, a hodgepodge?

As for grade level.

As mentioned above, “The pinnacle of neon martial arts”.

This is also similar to the special attack server, the adjective “peak”.

It was enough for Sano to know that this meant being on par with the strongest.

And the strongest person in the neon martial arts world.

If nothing else, he should be the person Sano was thinking of.

…I originally thought it would be a medical auxiliary equipment, but I didn’t expect it to be like this.

Because the effect is too simple, there is no need to even go to the old map.

Sano looked at the bandage on his hand, and after thinking for a few seconds, his heart moved.


The white bandages immediately turned into black gloves.

…Is this even possible?

Sano raised his eyebrows. After revising it, he put the bandage back into his backpack.

“Hey, I’m going to have lunch, why don’t we go together?”

After opening the door, Sano asked the little girl who was still staring blankly.


The little girl pulled out her head again and asked doubtfully: “But didn’t you just say, Shumao, that you have something to deal with next?”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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