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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 48 48, Tokyo Ghost Stories +3

“I don’t know much about public aesthetics, but as far as my personal aesthetics are concerned, your face shape and facial features are all on the same level.”

Speaking of this, Sano suddenly raised his head again and said seriously: “Of course, I’m just talking about your appearance. In other aspects, you are not suitable for me at all.”

The joy that had just appeared on Suzuki Sonoko’s face faded again: “What, I’m just happy for nothing, but does the senior’s love standards have any requirements other than looks?”

“Appearance is just the first thing, because I control my appearance, and the second thing is personality, I like to be quieter, and then the temperament, family background, etc.?”

“But you can’t say that. After all, I feel it, and these are probably just nonsense.”

“But all in all, I would probably be interested if Suzuki-san could become a mute sometime. Also, maybe you could consider taking off your headband and making your hair pure black and perming it a little?”

Dumb, dumb…

Suzuki Sonoko was silent and muttered: “This is too much…”

“I’m just stating my standards for choosing a mate, and I’m not belittling you. There’s nothing excessive about it.”

Sano continued to copy his homework with his head down: “And you don’t have to be in such a hurry. Everyone’s aesthetics and mate selection standards are different. There will always be someone who likes you in the future, and you will always meet someone you like, and the other person also likes you. Yes, after all, at least you belong to a high-quality group and you are not afraid that no one will want you.”

Hearing what Sano said later, Suzuki Sonoko couldn’t help but blush again, the corners of her mouth couldn’t help but raise, and she laughed: “Aside from Xiaolan, senior is the first person to praise me like this.”


Sano was noncommittal and worked hard on the copy.

“By the way, have you seen the new Tokyo Monster Story?”

Suzuki Sonoko brought up a new topic, which slightly aroused Sano’s interest: “Tokyo Kaitan, is it that side media? The haunted house and museum armor you mentioned last time were seen from above?”


Suzuki Sonoko smiled mysteriously: “Today’s Tokyo Ghost Stories, three ghost stories were posted at once, and one of them is even related to today’s headlines!”

Today’s headlines…

There was a sudden thump in Zuo Ye’s heart, then wasn’t it him?

“You all know that the Black Death, the largest gangster organization in the history of Tokyo, attacked a gang organization yesterday. The problem lies with their boss.”

Sano’s mouth twitched, it was really…

Suzuki Sonoko kept talking: “I heard that the guy who was originally the owner of the name Black Death appeared without any warning. No one knew his identity, let alone his appearance. It was like a person who didn’t exist at all. Likewise, Tokyo Monster Talk says that this guy is probably not a human at all, so he is called the Black Death!”

Looking at the excited face of Suzuki Sonoko, Mao Lilan, who had personally come into contact with Sano’s vest, couldn’t help but laugh. However, remembering that the police had told her before that the black death should be kept secret, she remained silent.

“What about the other two?”

Sano forcibly changed the next topic. After all, the two strange stories that Suzuki Sonoko said before became his mission. Although it might be a coincidence, it is not a bad thing to know more about them.

Suzuki Sonoko didn’t mind at all, and continued following Sano’s words: “The other two, one is called the beast in the dark alley, and the other is called the rice flower hammer man. They also happened recently.”

Sano: “…”

He seemed to know what these two… strange stories were about.

“The first one is that recently in Tokyo at night, people often find a pair of red eyes in the dark alleys, the kind that are so red that they look like beast eyes!”

“It is said that judging from the proportions of those eyes, it is at least a monster no smaller than a human. It is very scary. More than a hundred people have witnessed it with their own eyes. Many people were so frightened that they could not recover for several days. , a few people even fainted on the spot!”

“Then there’s the Rice Krispie Treat.”

“It is said that he is a being who only appeared recently. He is always wrapped up tightly and holds a hammer in his hand. He specializes in picking out perverts, thieves and robbers.”

“Once those scumbags were targeted by the Hammer Man, they would be pushed to the ground and given a heavy hammer. Even those who were involved in the underworld had no power to fight back. They were beaten extremely miserably, just like killing a pig. No. The Hammer Man will not stop until he is knocked unconscious by the hammer.”

“Because it first appeared from our Mihua side, and because he called himself Hammer Man, he was called Hammer Man.”

But looking at the chattering Suzuki Sonoko, Sano’s eyes gradually became numb.

Yes, these two strange stories were actually caused by Sano.

The former one is for experimenting with the Eye of the Beast, and the latter one is for experimenting with the Hammer of Justice.

As for the self-proclaimed “hammer man”…

Then I have to mention that after one of Sano’s experiments, a beautiful girl who was almost molested stopped him and asked his name, probably because she wanted to marry him.

However, as a successor of socialism, Sano has been taught to do good deeds without leaving his name since he was a child. How could he tell the other party his name?

Well, especially that… beautiful girl, she was so unique. Anyway, Sano couldn’t figure out how deformed that guy’s aesthetics was.

So after a brief thought, Sano left the words “I’m just a hammer man passing by” and waved his hands and left without taking away a single cloud…

Thinking about it now, Zuo Ye suddenly felt a little regretful. Why did he come up with such a… child-oriented name as “Hammer Man” in a flash of his mind?

However, compared to Sano, Mao Lilan was very interested in this: “Hey… that’s a good thing. That Hammer Man must be a good person. I just said that there have been less and less petty thefts around me recently. “

“It’s just that his behavior, although it has good intentions, is ultimately… illegal, right? What did the police say?”

Looking at Mao Lilan, who frowned lightly, Suzuki Sonoko chuckled: “This is the really strange thing, you know Xiaolan, those scumbags who were beaten by the Hammer Man at least dozens or hundreds of times, in the police After I arrived and was taken to the hospital, I didn’t even find any injuries at all!”

“So no matter how shocked the police are, since there is no injury assessment, and there is no surveillance area when Hammer Man is doing justice, there is no reason to issue a wanted warrant for Hammer Man!”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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