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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 481 484, you have to sleep late at night

After some exchanges with Dahei.

Sano continued to catch up on the drama.

Logically speaking.

Sano should follow Conan and the others closely at all times.

This avoids any possibility of risk.

Even the danger factors this time are roughly in front of us.

But the risk still exists.

After all, if a person is unlucky, he may choke to death even if he drinks water.

But Sano just didn’t want to follow.

Keep within a certain distance, arrange eyeliner tracking, and go there if necessary.

If he couldn’t catch up, it would be over before Sano even had time to stand up.

That can only be regarded as Conan’s bad luck.

In the past, Sano would indeed follow along like a personal nanny on such missions.

But Sano doesn’t want to be so tired now, and he will be like this in the future… Well, in fact, he also knows that he has always been careless about such “principles”.

It just depends on the situation…well, to be precise, it depends on your mood.

“Contact me when they get back to the hotel, and I’ll go out with you.”

“Good master.”

Soon, at dusk, Conan and the three returned to the hotel.

After leaving a message on the guestbook at the front desk, the three turned to the restaurant for dinner.

Conan glanced at the empty space at the door.

Has that person left? I wonder if he is staying in this hotel.



Meanwhile, Mt.

Sano put down the bag in his hand and took out the food packed from the hotel restaurant.

Spread them out one by one.

After retreating twenty or thirty meters, Sano looked at Daikoku on the tree next to him.

Dahei’s neck moved up and down.


“Quack quack!!!”

The trees fluttered, and hundreds or even thousands of crows flew out, landed next to the food Sano placed on the ground, and began to enjoy their dinner——

According to what Dahei said, at noon, it distributed the ham sausage it got from Sano to these crows, and this established a friendly relationship.

Unlike Xiao Hei, who wanted to use strong force to conquer his kind like his Black Death Vest, Da Hei planned to conquer others with virtue… well, I should say.

Eli moved the crows.

Of course, this does not mean that Big Hei is better at using his brain than Little Hei. It is just that it is not that courageous. To be more precise, it is that it does not have the strength.

Even if Dahei is strengthened, he is already considered capable of fighting among crows.

But compared with Xiao Hei, he still can’t beat ten of his kind.

Not to mention buying it with food was just Dahei’s accidental discovery.

It was Sano who took this opportunity to dig further.


There seem to be a lot of neon crows.

I don’t know if the neon lights in my previous life were like this, but Sano saw them all the time.

They can be found in urban areas, suburbs, mountains and forests, everywhere except the sea.

If it can really be domesticated successfully, it will be even more terrifying than the human-hunting network.

After rubbing his fingers.

Sano let Dahei arrange the subsequent work by himself.

He walked around and came to Kyogoku’s tent.


Sano didn’t deliberately hide his traces, Kyogoku discovered him immediately.

“Why, you don’t recognize me.”

After looking at Kyogoku for a few seconds from a distance of about ten meters, Sano walked over.

“……do we know each other?”

Kyogoku really touched his head and couldn’t remember where he had seen this face before.

“No fight, no acquaintance.”

Sano wrapped a bandage on his hand, and the windbreaker of his special attack suit fluttered in the wind, then took out a mask and put it on.

Kyogoku finally recognized it.

“Black Death?”

“If you haven’t been beaten, you don’t recognize him.”

Sano exerted force with his feet and immediately pressed against Kyogoku Makoto: “Let me see how much you have grown!”


Because of the large number of tall maple trees, even if there are no dark clouds blocking it.

The moonlight is not that bright, making the environment seem a bit dim.

Conan is running wildly in the mountains.

Why run wildly?

Of course he was being hunted.

When they first arrived here, Conan and the three of them went up the mountain together, they met a middle-aged uncle, and he happened to be a staff member of the TV series that caused Suzuki Sonoko to send a text message to Kyogoku Makoto and come here.

At the uncle’s request.

After the three Conan people returned to the hotel, they left a message on the guestbook.

As a result, during dinner, Suzuki Sonoko, who had not hung up her handkerchief because the mountain was covered with red handkerchiefs, became more and more depressed.

He patted the table for the last time and dragged Mao Lilan up the mountain to hang the handkerchief.

Then, the three of them bumped into the corpse – it was the uncle who asked the three of them.

After calling the police, the three followed Cao Yamacun, who led the team, and returned to the hotel.

However, although Conan’s side identified three suspects, they were unable to solve the case immediately.

Fortunately, Conan quickly discovered the flaw, returned to the mountain, and directly caught the murderer… But unfortunately, the murderer was discovered.

Over fifty armed criminals.

This disparity in power made Conan immediately choose to run away.


The duo of best friends who sensed something was wrong and followed them were calling out to the God of Plague.

And the God of Plague also successfully brought disaster.

The two men looked fiercely and planned to attack the two best friends from behind.

Conan, who was approaching, saw this and immediately popped out the football and kicked it out.


One person fell.

Mao Lilan reacted and kicked the other person over.

Three people from both sides gathered together. At the same time, dark clouds passed by in the sky, and the moonlight became much brighter.

A group of people surrounded the three people was revealed.

“Yuanzi, hide behind me!”

Mao Lilan’s face darkened, and she stopped Suzuki Sonoko behind her.

Without any nonsense, the battle quickly began – of course, Mao Lilan could not win.

A few people are okay.

Dozens of them, even if Mao Lilan could fight, his physical strength would not be enough to support them.

Not to mention that in such a situation, Mao Lilan would definitely be injured.

The final result will inevitably be a tragic death after defeating a dozen people.

No, it only took a few rounds.

Mao Lilan had already been stabbed on the arm, but fortunately it was not too serious.

But the fear in Suzuki Sonoko’s heart was instantly magnified, and tears burst into her eyes.

“Aren’t you taking action yet? Do you want to grasp the timing of entering the factory… entering the market?”

As soon as Sano finished speaking, Kyogoku had already rushed towards the group of people, and then.

Shadows flew around.

In just a few seconds, Kyogoku broke through the encirclement and came to the front of Suzuki Sonoko and the others, while dealing with the Karami.

There was even Kung Fu and Suzuki Sonoko exchanging pleasantries… albeit in Sano’s eyes.

Then it should be called flirting.

It’s better to end it as soon as possible. This cup cannot be filled by Kyogoku alone.

After throwing away the cigarette at hand, Sano pulled on his mask.

Then, there was another wave of figures flying around.

But unlike the surprise brought by Kyogoku’s real appearance, when it comes to Sano.

Just shocked.

“Heidi…why are you here!?”

Sano didn’t even look at Conan, and without stopping, he rushed straight towards a short, fat old man wearing glasses – this was the leader of the group.

He is also the murderer of this case.

As early as Sano went to Kyogoku’s tent, Daikoku’s crow team had already finished its meal, and it also began its first attempt to officially lead the team.

Except for Dahei, who is tracking at a fixed point, the other crows are doing “patrol-style” investigation.

Not long after, Dahei noticed the strange movements of the crows.

When I looked over, I happened to see the guy who had been in contact with Conan and the other three.

Killed by this old man.

Sano received the message, but did not take any action – because there was no need to take action at all.

This was just an attempt.

Even if this information is known, it only confirms the context of this mission.

In other words, a part of it is further determined.

Walking in the fog, not knowing whether there are any pits under your feet.

Of course we have to wait until the fog clears.

The explosive attributes of the special attack suit are good, coupled with the extremely high power generation skills to support sprinting.

Sano arrived in front of the old man almost instantly.


The old man was taking out the gun in his arms, and Sano suddenly pressed against him.

The old man’s confidence, which was hiding some anger, immediately turned into panic.

… Dozens of people fight against a few people. If they can’t beat them, forget it. There are still guns anyway.

This was the old man’s original idea.

But who would have thought that the car could overturn like this?

Do you think you are invincible if you have a gun?

There are really quite a lot of people hiding in the well.

Sano punched the old man in the face and immediately made him lie down on the ground and fall asleep.

As an elderly person, he is not in good health. Why are he not sleeping in the middle of the night?

I just don’t know if I can wake up after falling asleep this time.

Sano picked up the pistol on the ground and dismantled it into parts in a few clicks.


After turning his gaze to the people around him, Sano disappeared again, leaving one person to lie down with him.

Well, young people.

The quality of sleep is good, just fall asleep.

All in all, it’s late at night and it’s time to go to sleep.

If he doesn’t want to sleep or can’t sleep, Sano can help him fall asleep easily.

He was born twenty years ago and has specialized in solving insomnia problems for thirty years.

Kyogoku Shinya on the other side was no longer distracted.

Including Mao Lilan, and Sano, there were three people in total, and they absolutely crushed the remaining people.

In just one minute, the battle was resolved.


After Suzuki Sonoko came to her senses, she weakly raised her hand and pointed at the mobile phone in her hand.

“Can I call the police?”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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