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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 482 Chapter 485, Bulldozer evolution – meat grinder!

Sonoko Suzuki is the subject of this question.

Of course it was Sano, or in other words, Black Death.

After all, Sano’s black death vest is not that clean.

On the lower end, the degree of dirtiness is difficult to see.

Just make a guess.

Probably if there is trouble, Sano will most likely be taken away.

But after being taken away, it’s hard to know what will happen to him.

It’s hard to do anything but write notes for one day.

It’s just that Suzuki Sonoko doesn’t know much about this.

So I still asked Sano, which meant – is it time for you to run away?

Sano glanced at Kyogoku, said nothing, and turned to the other side.

“It’s cold on the mountain at night, so we’d better leave first.”

Just as Kyogoku was about to leave, Sano glanced sideways at him again.

“What’s the rush? It’s not over yet.”


Sano said casually: “What we just had was just an appetizer, and what comes next is the main course.”

As soon as he finished speaking, two figures rushed over quickly.

Just when Kyogoku was alert, he discovered that the two of them were wearing black Shinigami special attack suits.

“Chief, the number of people is about two hundred.”

Sano looked at the two people who were kneeling on the ground respectfully and reporting the situation.

…The scene seems a bit out of place.

What kind of stuff is that guy Huang Mao teaching all day long?

You’re still kneeling down on one knee, why don’t you just kowtow to yourself?

Speechless, Sano chose to ignore other people’s gazes and focus on business.

Of these two people, one is a member of the special attack team who came specially from Tokyo to attack Sano, and the other is a member of Gunma’s local Black Death.

As early as the original trip to Izu, when Sano first started to conquer other areas after occupying Osaka, he had already discovered that the overall strength of the delinquent boys in these non-central areas was very weak.

After the first round.

Sano simply didn’t bother to get involved himself and left all the power to Huang Mao.

As for other places that are relatively difficult in bustling areas like Tokyo and Osaka, you have to wait until Sano has time to go there in person.

…Gunma has become the territory of the Black Death God, and when Dahei discovered the dozens of people hiding in the forest, Sano contacted Huang Mao.

Let him mobilize the local Black Death members and check the intelligence database.

As a result, Huang Mao felt that such remote operation might delay things.

So the members of the special attack team ran over.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, come here first, just in case it is useful.

But there is one thing to say.

Relatively speaking, although the difficulty of conquering these small places has been reduced, the effect they can play after conquering them has also been reduced.

It can take a long time to check the information.

…Anyway, it was eventually found out.

That old man is indeed a person of status.

The leader of a Yakuza organization in Gunma County, and also a cadre of Ni Shenhui.


Mud participated in the cadres.

Sano was so confused at that time.

Shouldn’t all the cadres who participated in the mud meeting have been exterminated by themselves?

How could there be any fish slipping through the net?

Perhaps there is indeed a possibility that something may go wrong with the organization’s intelligence base.

But at least the task was truly completed and there shouldn’t be any mistakes.

Several speculations immediately arose in Zuo Ye.

First, this old man is not actually a cadre, but he is indeed a remnant of the Mud Participation Society.

It’s just spreading rumors and exaggerating.

Second, after all the cadres who participated in the mud meeting died, the remaining remnants.

New cadres were elected.

The latter is slightly more likely.

Oh, and there is a third, less likely development, which is that the old man was only a quasi-cadre when Operation Sano was in operation, and when the incident ended, he happened to be elected.

The above was Sano’s first thought.

As for later, after staring at the detailed content of the relevant information for a long time, Sano, who understood the whole picture, came up with another more accurate guess.

That means this old man is just pulling the skin of a tiger.

The so-called mud participation cadres are all self-proclaimed without any concrete proof.

But it seems to be because of Sano’s earlier actions against the cadres who attended the meeting.

It actually made this old man panic.

In order to prevent being “disastered”, the old man found a bunch of helpers.

Want to protect yourself in critical moments.

But who would have thought that the terrible killer that the old man expected did not arrive, but the bad boy arrived first?

The moment he realized that the car was about to overturn, one of the people brought by the old man secretly contacted this group of people, and after speeding up, they had already reached the foot of the mountain.

Sano was going down the mountain, so a collision was inevitable…well, he could actually avoid it.

But Sano didn’t intend to avoid it.

It was not without reason that Sano called those guys lying on the ground Karami.

The old man was pulling the tiger skin of Ni Guanhui, but he was not a member of Ni Guanhui.


Isn’t it just because the strength is not enough?

A Yakuza organization with only a few dozen people in total is, to put it harshly, just a gangster, isn’t it?

In comparison, the group of people that the old man paid to invite were slightly more advanced.

There are more people, and the level is higher… mainly the former.

Perhaps compared to this group of little Karami, the second wave of future Karami are indeed a little more powerful, but they are definitely not too powerful.

At most, it’s a big Karami.

Otherwise, how could the tiger waste its energy just because of a dog’s bone?

one way or another.

At least compared to those who shared it with Kyogoku Mamouri Ran.

Sano felt like this large group of sandbags.

It is the best experimental product for experimenting with the martial arts bandage.

Seeing the shadows of the group of people appear in the field of vision.

Sano glanced sideways again, stopping Kyogoku’s steps to meet him, and said coldly: “Why, do you really think you are invincible?”

Kyogoku was really surprised: “Do you plan to solve it alone?”

“No way.”

Sano withdrew his gaze and walked towards the opposite side.

… He said that he was not invincible, so he was not allowed to intervene, but in the end, he faced it all by himself. Does this mean that he is invincible?

Kyogoku really scratched the back of his neck. Is this person such a middle-class guy… Yes.

Otherwise, why would you be wearing such clothes?

“You really don’t need to help him?”

Mao Lilan asked worriedly.

However, Suzuki Sonoko said nonchalantly: “What are you afraid of? This is a ruthless man who can beat hundreds or thousands of people. Two hundred people, just sprinkle water on him.”

“No, it’s different.”

Kyogoku retorted and explained for Suzuki Sonoko: “In the past, the people he beat were ordinary delinquents. Even if they had weapons, they were just sticks at most, but here you have to use knives. If you are hit, then It will be greatly affected, not to mention there are so many people. One is divided into winning and losing, and the other is divided into life and death. This is the same as the difference between walking on a twenty-meter-long single-plank bridge and walking on a two-hundred-meter tightrope. of.”

“Is it so outrageous…”

Suzuki Sonoko touched her chin.

Below, Sano has begun to accelerate crazily.

Finally, like a wild bull, he ran headlong into the group of people.

The figures started flying around again.

At this point, Sano, who has completely let go of his hands and feet and given full play, can also feel more clearly that he is different from the past.

If we say that in the past, Sano was like a bulldozer when fighting.

So now, Sano is a…meat grinder.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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