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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 483 486, immortal ghosts and gods

The speed of Sano’s horizontal thrust obviously increased significantly.

The most important thing is that once he is “pushed” by Sano, the result may be pain for a while, loss of mobility, or coma and loss of consciousness.

There will be two completely different situations.

To put it bluntly, it means an improvement in the horizontal push effect.

Of course, the specifics of this aspect still depend on Sano, which piece he hit, under what circumstances, and with how much force – but no matter what.

The overall efficiency has indeed improved a lot.

Only one person came face to face.

About ten people were knocked down by Sano, and their lives and deaths are unknown.

Straight punches, uppercuts, swing punches, elbows, knee strikes, horizontal kicks, and downward chops.

Sano’s limbs seemed to have turned into sharp blades, swinging them one after another.

Like the god of death harvesting lives.

…Well, that sounds awesome, but in fact it’s just that the efficiency has improved.

As for the improvement of martial arts level, Sano feels that it should be more reflected in single combat, or in the form of assassination, or group fighting.

The improvement is not too big.

After all, it only relies on a pair of fists.

No matter how hard you fight, there are limits.

Although the bonuses of the special attack suit are comprehensive, even the Superman pendant that increases the evasion rate makes it impossible for Sano to remain “spotless” in the crowd tactics.

Let alone the present.

So injuries are inevitable.


A long knife was inserted directly into Sano’s abdomen and came out from the back.

This made the expressions of several people watching the battle change.

Kyogoku really rushed over to help… Maybe what Sano said just now was right.

Kyogoku is not invincible.

At least if Kyogoku were to face these people alone, he wouldn’t have the confidence.

You can guarantee that you will pass the level without any injuries.

In the evening, Kyogoku was really forced to compete with Sano.

This allowed Sano to determine that the standard for martial arts bandages was indeed other than Kyogoku Shin.

Kyogoku was also really shocked.

Kyogoku really fought Sano once before, but in the end he lost slightly.

It turns out that Kyogoku felt that he had become a lot stronger after training abroad.

It can’t be said that he will win for sure, at least Kyogoku thinks that the two of them should be in the same league now… The result was unexpected, that person also became stronger.

And it’s not just one or two.

Aside from the monster-like physical hardware, the internal software has also become top-notch.

Even Kyogoku Zhen doubted whether that person’s skills had surpassed his own.

Could it be that you came up with this idea because you suffered a bit of a loss last time?

…That won’t improve so much all at once, right?

It’s ridiculous how long it took.

In such a short period of time, on the mountain of martial arts, he could reach the top of the mountain from less than halfway up the mountain.

If I had started climbing since I was a child and persisted until now…

Then Kyogoku might really start to have doubts again.

Is this girl capable of shattering the void with force and transforming into an immortal?

Ahem, the topic is askew.

Although Kyogoku admitted that if he had to say that someone was invincible, that person would be more likely to be invincible than himself, but invincible was just an adjective.

At least judging from the current facts, the person in front of him can still be regarded as human.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t be hurt.

And if Kyogoku really got involved, he might also be injured.

But if two people share the firepower, they will definitely suffer less injuries.

This also means that the chance of being fatally injured is smaller, right?

After all, there is some friendship…even if there is no friendship.

It was really impossible for Kyogoku to just watch.

However, before Kyogoku could take the second step, he was stopped by members of the special attack team next to him.

“Don’t interfere.”

“…Why, aren’t you his? Are you going to let him fight alone?”

Kyogoku asked in confusion.


After a chuckle, the members of the special attack team narrowed their eyes: “You also know that I am the boss’s man, how can you understand his abilities better than me?”

“Do you know what my boss’s name is?”

Kyogoku was really stunned and said hesitantly: “Isn’t it a black death?”

“I mean the full name.”

“Black Death?”

Conan spoke on behalf of Kyogoku.

“Then do you know why the boss is called the God of Death?”

…This guy, if you want to say it, just say it, why is he doing so much foreshadowing?

Conan and others were speechless, but in order to get the answer, they reluctantly took the topic and answered: “Because… he is very powerful?”

“That’s right. In fact, the name Death, like Black Death, is also an abbreviation.”

“The God of Death is the god who harvests life, and the boss is called the God of Death, not because we think he is as scary as the God of Death… Of course, that’s fine, but the original meaning of this name is actually… “

“…Immortal ghosts and gods.”

No…die? ?

Conan and others didn’t wait for them to realize the meaning of this title.

Sano had already knocked down the person in front of him with a casual punch.

Then he lowered his head expressionlessly, grasped the handle of the knife, and pulled out the long knife.

The blood spurted out again.

Logically speaking, the knife should not be pulled out at this time because it will accelerate blood loss.

But for Sano wearing a special attack suit.

Do you still need to waste time paying attention to this small detail?

Sano no longer suppressed the excitement in his heart. With his eyes shining scarlet, he lifted up his blood-stained hands, which had no trace of white in the bandages. He raised his hands toward the opposite side, which was full of provocation.

“Come on, continue.”

“Heh, bluff!”

To be honest, these people were frightened by Sano.

Whether it was Sano’s previous fighting prowess, his reaction after they “succeeded”, or his current posture, their hearts felt as heavy as a mountain.

Even breathing became difficult.

In order to eliminate the fear in the heart and set a scientific world view.

Being tough is already the last struggle for these guys.

I just hope these guys’ heads and lives can be as tough as their mouths.

Sano suddenly attacked, causing the three young men to fall asleep successfully.

A guy who reacted quickly slashed at Sano with his backhand, trying to force him back.

Unexpectedly, Sano actually blocked the knife with his forearm.

Then another person fell asleep.

…Does this guy want to! ?

Kyogoku’s breath froze as he watched, and then he watched helplessly as the injuries on Sano’s body continued to increase in a short period of time, compared to the previous speed of the attack.

It is simply growing exponentially.

But correspondingly, the speed at which those guys fell also increased exponentially.

Sano’s style of play is called exchanging injuries for injuries, or it can also be called exchanging injuries for lives.

After all, the human body has its limits.

Faced with the tactics of being surrounded by a sea of ​​people, no matter how high the evasion rate is, it will definitely fail.

But the limits of the human body are also divided into levels and types.

Perhaps Sano in the special attack suit is at his limit in terms of dodge rate.

Not really the pinnacle.

But on the other hand, the limit is more of a peak than a peak.

This is a limit that the group of people in front of them can never reach.

With the dagger stuck in his shoulder, Sano controlled the opponent’s wrist with his backhand, pulled back, and then punched him until the bone pierced the skin, blood spilled, and screams continued.

The knife was pointed at his back, but instead of hiding, Sano turned his back to face it.

While a trail of blood was drawn from the back, Sano, who was attached to the man, immediately turned around and struck the man with an elbow knife, cutting the man to the ground. While losing consciousness, half of the flesh and blood on his face even drooped, revealing Bones.

…If you can hide, then hide. If you can’t hide, block. If you can’t block, just carry.

This was Sano’s original code of conduct in black death mode.

That is to say, try to control as much as possible to choose the one with the more “affordable” price and benefits.

But now, Sano doesn’t even dodge or block.

Let those people’s attacks hit you.

Anyway, they already have injuries that penetrate the level, and it will take some time for them to recover.

So many injuries.

Isn’t it still possible to recover during this time?

As long as Sano wasn’t stabbed in the heart or head, his throat would have been cut.

Sano still thinks the problem is not big.

But if they really hit these key parts, how could Sano still let the other party poke them in?


Of course it hurts.

It’s just that sometimes, pain isn’t such a bad thing.

On the contrary, it can become a stimulant.

…Doesn’t he have a hidden sex-shaking attribute?

Sano was more or less affected by the injuries on his body.

But the impact is not big.

Since there was no need for extra movements, Sano hit faster and faster.

at the begining of.

It took Sano a minute to defeat about fifty people.

Then he was stabbed, and he adopted the pattern of exchanging injuries for injuries.

The remaining more than a hundred people only used Sano’s time.

On average, flash sales have become the standard.

Sano didn’t use any weapons, just a pair of fists, but because all the restraints were released and the firepower was unleashed, the scene still became extremely bloody.

Even the moon in the sky seemed to turn into blood for a moment.

Looking at standing in the middle of a pile of corpses.

Sano was covered in blood and had become a bloody man.

Kyogoku and others gradually came to their senses.

At this moment, several people finally understood what immortal ghosts and gods meant.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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