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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 484 487, Kyogoku Makoto: Black Dragon is my friend

On the car back to Tokyo.

Conan frowned and kept thinking hard.

Finally, I finally remembered when I arrived at the hotel in the afternoon.

The one I saw in the restaurant…well, half a human face.

At the same time, I remembered the two guys from Shikishima that time.

Then I remembered that I had once misunderstood that Sano and Heishi were the same person.

Conan immediately understood.

……I see.

He felt that that face looked familiar, not because it looked like Sano’s face.

It’s because of that face, it’s a black face!

But weren’t the two people on that day members of the organization?

After the incident with Belmode, Conan learned that this was the same person as Kaitou Kidd.

There is a high probability that the troublesome person who is good at disguise is one of the two people that day.

The other, not surprisingly, is rye.

In other words, it’s not really Black Death.

But Conan still doesn’t understand, even if it’s not really a black death.

Then why do you dress up with a black face?

In other words, how did those two guys, or one of them, know what Heidi’s face looked like? ?

Let’s talk about it in detail.

Is there any conspiracy behind this?

The black death disaster is approaching, but he doesn’t know it. Should he remind him?

And just when Conan’s mind was wide open.

Next to them, Suzuki Sonoko and Kyogoku Makoto had already shown enough affection.

“Azhen, have you ever encountered any powerful opponents abroad?”

Suzuki Sonoko asked curiously.

Because of what happened tonight, Suzuki Sonoko had some gossip about this aspect.

Kyogoku really thought about it.

“When I first started playing in America, I met a master. However, he was not a regular contestant, but he was still very good.”


Suzuki Sonoko held her chin and asked, “Then do you know who he is?”

“Well, the two of us are friends. We don’t know each other without fighting. He later treated me to a meal and exchanged phone numbers… By the way, he told me before that he came to Neon, but I didn’t know Is there any chance that we can meet him?”

Kyogoku said so.

“Really, what’s his name? If you meet him, just call him and let’s eat together.”

Suzuki Sonoko continued to ask.

Kyogoku Shinori replied: “Black Dragon.”


Mao Lilan, who happened to be drinking water, sprayed a mouthful of water on Dr. A Li who was driving.

The four people in the car were confused.

“Sister Xiaolan, what’s wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?”

Conan came to his senses and asked quickly. After all, Mao Lilan also participated in the first wave of fighting.

What if besides the gash on his body, he suffered some other hidden injuries.

That Conan will feel distressed.

“No, it’s okay…”

After Mao Lilan answered.

While apologizing to Dr. A Li, he took out the paper and wiped the water off his body.

“…Um, Kyogoku-senpai?”

After being absent-minded for a few seconds, Mao Lilan still couldn’t hold it back. She felt guilty and cautiously asked Kyogoku, “Can I ask a little question?”

“what is the problem?”

“That is, have you ever mentioned anything about Hei Shi to your friend called Heilong?”

Hearing this, Kyogoku was immediately stunned: “How do you know?”

…Of course I know, because not only did I receive a beating from the guy called Black Dragon, but I also watched him receive a beating from others.

Mao Lilan blinked.

“Well, Kyogoku-senpai, I think, maybe, what you need to know now is which hospital, which building and which ward he lives in.”


Kyogoku was stunned again. After reacting for a few seconds, he hit a row of points.

Basically, Kyogoku really understood what was going on.

Hmm… No wonder that guy started fighting with me as soon as he came here today. Is it because he knew that he was thousands of miles away and brought him trouble?

After rubbing his temples with a headache, Kyogoku decided to go over and take a look.

“Where is he?”

It was different from the few people who had called Dr. Ali in advance and happened to be leaving together in the car.

Sano had to take the train back by himself.

Because that Conan guy seems to have recognized Sano.

In order to avoid possible trouble, Sano did not continue to stay in that hotel.

But that guy who came from Tokyo accompanied me back together.

Some small things don’t need to be done by Sano Qin, just leave them to that guy to run errands.

After waking up, Sano had arrived in Tokyo.

It happened to be daybreak, so Sano and the members of the special attack team next to him went to the Black Death’s Stray Animal Rescue Center to prepare to deal with Xiao Hei’s matter… Surprisingly, this incident actually triggered a mission.

It’s an unexpected gain.

It was precisely because of this that Sano decided to make a trip in person.

“Here’s what I want.”

“It’s all here, Commander.”

Sano received a large bag from the Black Death member in charge of operating the rescue station.

I opened it and took a look. Inside were countless small sealed bags.

In the sealed bags, there are white hairs of different lengths.

These are all the white hairs that Sano asked the Black Death members to collect at the rescue station.

Because the fur of that puppet is white.

Sano may not know whether there is any puppet fur in it, if so.

Which one it is is another question.

But at least you have to try it.

Let Xiao Hei smell it one by one. If there is any, he can always smell it.

Now I just hope that the smell of these hairs has not disappeared or been mixed together.

Even this won’t work.

Sano had no choice but to wait for the members of the Black Death to accidentally find the shadow of the puppet, or for the guy to suddenly run back on his own.

“let’s start.”

Sano threw the bag to the special attack team member next to him, under his command.

Take out the bag, open it, take the hair, and let Xiao Hei smell it.

Then Xiao Hei shook his head, threw the hair away, and took out the bag again.

This kind of assembly line work continuously rotates more than ten Black Death members.

Why rotate?

Because my hands were cramped with soreness.

Waiting until noon, Xiao Hei finally made a discovery.

“Boss, I found it. This is the smell of puppets!”

Several members of the Black Death God immediately looked at Sano… Although they could not understand the meaning of Xiao Hei’s barking, this sudden reaction, which was different from the previous hundreds and thousands of times, still allowed them to understand.

There is probably no need to continue this assembly line work.

“Then activate lock tracking.”

When Sano was in Gunma, he had already remotely commanded Xiao Hei and tried the second lock-on tracking. He can’t be said to be proficient at the moment, but at least he can’t be considered unfamiliar, so it only took a few seconds.

There was an additional location on Sano’s map.

Just… why is this positioning white?

Sano frowned. The two previous times were obviously red.

It shouldn’t be.

…something is wrong.

Sano didn’t talk nonsense, picked up Xiao Hei and rode away on a small electric donkey.

Then, we came to an alley.

The following members of the special attack team quickly dug out a black bag from the trash can.

After opening it, what lies inside.

It was a cat that stunk to the point of nauseating, attracting several flies hovering around it. It had white fur that was always gray, and dried black blood covering its body. It was obvious that it had been dead for more than a day or two. .


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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