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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 485 488, what bad intentions can a kitten have?

“Old, boss…”

The member of the special attack team looked at Sano hesitantly.

But when he turned around, what he saw made his hands tremble unconsciously.

The morning sun should be just right and very warm.

Just because we were in the alley, the sunlight was blocked.

And just… Sano’s brows were frowning, and the center of his eyebrows seemed to be red and black. The blue veins protruding from his forehead and chin were enough to make people feel clearly.

Furious and murderous.

The two heavens of ice and fire collided.

Because he had to take the bag and open it, the SWAT team member squatted on the ground.

The perspective from below and upwards, and Sano’s gaze looking at the bag in his hand.

It all gave the member of the special attack team a feeling of dislocation.

That is.

I want to die.

While a hot feeling filled my head, a chill also rose from my back.

After taking a few seconds to adjust, it changed again – someone was going to die.

…it stands to reason.

In fact, it seems that Sano shouldn’t be angry at all.

Not to mention that this situation has obviously become a fait accompli long ago, and even the task has been completed.

But Sano is still very angry.

If you have to find a reason, then maybe Sano has already inadvertently regarded this guy as his own personal property.

Just adopt the same pattern as Xiao Hei.

What was originally a good mood was turned into a complete mess.

After sorting out his mood, Sano’s face gradually returned to its original state.

Looking at Xiao Hei who was silent for a while, Sano didn’t say anything.

“Find who did it.”

After saying these words, Sano left directly.


After watching Sano leave, this member of the special attack team kept regretting that he should not have followed.

Finally he let out a sigh of relief.

Although I am not the culprit, I am still afraid of being angered by Chi Yu.

Then he turned to look at Xiao Hei next to him, raised his hand and touched its head.

“Don’t be too sad, the boss will take revenge on you.”

Time flies by for several days.

During this period, everything went as usual. Sano insisted on getting tasks, completing tasks, and went home to sleep.

Get tasks, complete tasks, go home and sleep.

This is like the life of an ordinary office worker.

Conan’s performance was still stable.

It is still a case every day, and at least one and up to unlimited innocent passers-by are randomly taken away.

“…No news yet.”

In an office on the second floor of a bar, Sano put on a black death vest without a special attack suit.

Sitting on the sofa, looking at Huang Mao and Xiao San who were silent in front of them.

The Black Death is a bad organization that has branched into multiple organizations either downwards or upwards.

Accessible from anywhere, stray animal rescue center, armed detective agency.

Outside of the Black Death gathering places, these places all have formal venues.

The Armed Detective Agency is this bar.

Generally speaking, at least three or four members of the special attack team will gather here every day.

However, today is Sano’s first time here.

Huang Maoqian raised his eyes, peeked at Sano, and replied hesitantly: “Boss, there are really too few cameras nearby, and there is no way to determine the specific time. We have tried a large-scale lock-in investigation, but nothing happened. It’s so difficult, it’s so hard to find one, it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack…”

Sano raised his eyes and looked at Huang Mao with cold eyes.

“Did I ask you this?”

Huang Mao: “…”

It’s over, it’s a gunshot.

Just when Huang Mao was ready to be severely criticized or even slapped a few times, the mistress next to him quickly came to his rescue and changed the subject.

“Boss, I have found all the things you asked me to find as much as possible.”

Sano didn’t reply. After staring at Huang Mao for a few seconds, he looked at Xiaosan again.

The mistress immediately understood and turned on the computer on the desk.

Sano got up and came to the computer, watching Xiaosan move the mouse and click on a website.

The website is full of videos… naturally not that kind of video.

“This is it.”

After some operations, Xiaosan clicked on one of the videos.

In the picture, the eyes of the white ragdoll cat are full of fear and anger.

“I compared the operation in the video with the condition of the cat. It shouldn’t happen. The two cats just look alike, and the difference between the release time of this video and that day is only more than a day. “

“I tried to contact the publisher of this video, but the other person was very wary…or they didn’t do anything extra at all, so I didn’t get any reply.”

Huang Mao next to him was still a little confused as he watched the mistress explaining the situation to Sano.


Sano confirmed that there was no problem and wrote down the website address.

“Don’t worry about the rest of you, I will handle it myself.”


Huang Mao asked subconsciously: “Boss, do you want to investigate alone?”

“Otherwise, you can’t rely on me. Who can you rely on if you don’t rely on me?”

Sano asked in reply, causing Huang Mao to immediately enter a closed-mic state.

It wasn’t until Sano left that Huang Mao began to mutter.

“When it comes to fighting, I admit that the boss is invincible, but this kind of detective thing…”

Huang Mao shook his head and sighed: “No matter how you look at it, they don’t match well.”

“You make it sound like you’re hooked up.”

The mistress rolled her eyes and cast a disdainful look at Huang Mao: “With the name of a detective agency, you really think you are a detective.”

“…I didn’t say I could do it either.”

Huang Mao scratched his head: “I just think the boss…”

“If you think the boss can’t do it, then you should tell the boss!”

The mistress stared directly: “You can’t even say a damn thing. If I hadn’t reacted quickly just now, and counting what happened before, you would have been waiting for death!”

Huang Mao blinked his eyes, licked his face and said with a smile: “Isn’t it just because I knew you were there that I didn’t pay much attention to it? Okay, don’t be angry. I’ll treat you to a meal later. Eat well and enjoy the meal. Add two sausages to the noodles!”


at the same time.

Sano came to the apartment that Judy had rented when she was still working part-time at Didan High School.

“Big black.”

Crows flew high in the sky.

“Master, I have been watching him all day. He is just about to come downstairs.”

Sano nodded calmly, looked around, and came to an uninhabited corner.

He switched his vest to a black cat and entered the black cat form at the same time. He lay lazily in front of the apartment door, waiting for his prey to take the bait, or so to speak.

It is to wait until the hunter takes him away as prey.

After a while, the guy whose arm was broken by Sano earlier walked out of the apartment door.

Just judging from the drooped state of his arm.

It should be impossible for the fifth girl to use this hand again in her life.

Seeing that the man was about to walk away, Sano immediately stretched himself.

Attracted the other party’s attention.


The man looked at Sano, rolled his eyes, and reached into the bag he was carrying.

Finally he took out a small cage and a cat strip.

“Mimi, come here, Mimi, there is delicious food here.”

Faced with the man’s “bewitchment”, Sano walked into the cat cage without any hesitation.

“So not afraid of people?”

The man closed the cat cage, feeling a little surprised, but he didn’t pay too much attention.

Maybe it’s not a stray cat, but one that was raised by someone and escaped on its own.

It’s just a little kitten, so what bad intentions can it have?

With this thought in mind, the man who had just gone out to hunt, but the prey came to his door, turned around and returned to the apartment, all the way to his home.

“Don’t worry, kitten, I will take good care of you.”

After grinning at Sano in the cage, the man went back to the room to get his tools.

…It seems that the scar is really healed and the pain has been forgotten.

Sano didn’t think that this guy would stop doing this kind of thing after missing a hand.

But it hasn’t been that long since last time.

A pure black cat, didn’t it remind this guy of something?

After shaking his tail, Sano released his black cat form.

The black cat form has the same restrictions as the vest.

It cannot be transformed without being observed.

But besides this, there is another restriction that I don’t know if it can be regarded as a restriction.

When the vest is switched, the size does not change much, but the black cat form is different.

It suddenly changed from the size of a cat to the size of a human being.

And if it is in a space that cannot fit one person, it becomes the size of a person.

What will be the result?

Sano doesn’t know because he hasn’t tried it.

But now, Sano knows.

After a crisp sound, the cat cage was crushed into pieces by Sano’s body.

The man who heard the movement in the living room quickly walked out of the room.

“What the hell?”

As soon as the man stepped out of the door, a pair of green eyes had already been fixed on him.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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