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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 487 490, one second I was blowing up the Sky Tower in Osaka, the next second you were sweepi

What the hell?

Before the wretched man could react, Sano removed his chin.

In the end, he could only scream “Woo” inarticulately while Xiao Hei bit his neck.

Drag it to an uninhabited corner.

“Handle it cleanly, it’s not a good habit to waste food.”

After the reminder, Sano left first and went home to sleep.

On the second night, Sano, who had taken a day off, continued to work.

But this time Sano was on a business trip, and his destination was Osaka.

I don’t know if I will encounter the black-skinned Hattori Heiji in the past, or if the God of Plague will also appear.

However, Sano had just stepped on the car to Osaka when he received another call from Officer Megure.

It was said that the police were planning to hold a meeting regarding a serial murder case with a serious impact.

I want Sano to go over and listen to see if he can give any useful ideas.

… Could it be that all the people I killed yesterday were discovered?

Sano touched his chin while listening to Officer Megure explain the situation.

It turns out that the coverage of this serial murder case has even extended beyond Tokyo, and has been affected in several nearby counties. After each murder, the murderer seems to leave a seven-cylinder mahjong tile next to the victim.

Then it’s none of your business.

Sano knew just when he heard that Mouri Kogoro also participated in this meeting.

This trip to Osaka probably won’t run into the God of Plague.

“I’m sorry, Officer Megure, I’m traveling in Osaka and I might not be able to go back.”

“…Okay then, I will send you the details later. If you have any ideas, please contact me anytime!”


After politely declining Officer Megure’s invitation, Sano lay down to sleep.

Judging from the situation of Sano going to Osaka alone.

The importance of this mission is obviously not high.

Logically speaking, there is no need for Sano to make a special trip.

What Sano couldn’t understand the most was Gin’s request.

“Make the noise louder, the bigger the better.”

… By letting yourself make a big noise, are you trying to attract someone’s attention?

After walking out of the station, Sano looked at the passers-by around him.

So this tolerance mission is just incidental, it’s really important.

Do we still need to make the scene more exciting?

Sano took out the intelligence information and took a look at it, and finally contacted the local peripheral members in Osaka. After confirming the location of the mission target, he came all the way to Tsutenkaku, an old map that he was already very familiar with.


Reports of a powerful bomb attack on Tsutenkaku Tower in Osaka began flying all over the place.

At the same moment, Tokyo on the other side.

Gin was directing the actions of his subordinates while reading the newspaper in his hand.

“… I asked this guy to make the noise a little louder, but he actually made it so big.”

Vodka scratched his head, looked at the helicopter next to him, and shot a row of dots.


The call came and after Gin answered it, Belmode on the other side said.

“Ireland has been exposed and the neon police have discovered that he is Kiyonaga Matsumoto in disguise.”

“I see.”

After hanging up the phone, Gin said “let’s go” and Vodka immediately took off.

…As a professional vehicle driver, Ma Zai, in addition to his driving skills, his vodka, um, mechanical skills are also very good.

As for the sniper duo who had been waiting on the helicopter, and the target of the Gin duo.

It’s Tokyo Tower not far away.

To be more precise, Ireland in Tokyo Tower.

Because some time ago, a member of an organization who was worried about being silenced installed a memory card with the organization’s undercover list on his body just in case. As a result, after being involved in a murder incident, the memory card was lost.

Gin arranged for Ireland to replace Matsumoto Kiyonaga and become a temporary undercover agent.

After several twists and turns, Ireland finally got the memory card back tonight.

It’s just that Gin doesn’t intend to let Ireland go.

In addition to the saying that “it’s trash if exposed”, which is the same as Pisco, from Vodka’s point of view, there should be two main reasons. One is this guy from Ireland. Although he is calm on the surface, he Secretly, he has always been worried about Sano’s affairs.

Compared with Ireland, Vodka feels that Gin is definitely intended to preserve Sano.

There is no way, the gap in ability between the two is really too big.

Not to mention one Ireland, even ten Irelands may not be as good as one Sano, not to mention that beyond that, there are still factional issues.

Although when it comes to stability, Sano is definitely the most unstable one.

But at least Sano is indeed a Gin person.

Ireland himself is a cadre of the intelligence team, and his old father, Pisco, relied on his status as an old man to avoid dealing with Gin.

Take a look together.

Like Pisco before, take this opportunity to directly wipe out Ireland.

Undoubtedly the best option.

The helicopter’s searchlight illuminated Ireland, whose mask had been torn off on Tokyo Tower.

After Gin made a call, Ireland immediately stood up.

“…Well, I’ve got the memory card.”

“Really? Come closer and show me.”

Without any doubt, Ireland took out the memory card and took two steps forward.

Then, a gun barrel stretched out from the helicopter.


The next moment the memory card was shattered by a bullet, blood flashed past.


Gin on the helicopter and Chianti, who fired the gun, both looked stunned.

Because the bullet that should have gone through Ireland’s chest after shattering the memory card just passed by his shoulder.

This was naturally not because Ireland reacted quickly and performed extreme dodge at the last moment, turning the blow that could at least be considered a serious injury into a scratch, but because an intruder broke in.

Gin turned his gaze to Ireland, who was lying on the ground with a dull expression on his face. He had obviously not come back to his senses. Beside him was a pure black figure.

“That guy is…”

Chianti’s expression changed and he turned to look at Gin who looked gloomy.

“Vodka, open that thing down there!”

Under Gin’s command, Vodka quickly pulled a lever, and a black machine gun stretched out from under the helicopter, with the muzzle turned toward the Tokyo Tower.

“Da da da!”

Without any hesitation, Gin launched a wild bombing at Tokyo Tower.

The fierce firepower forced Sano to drag up the stupid Ireland and find a bunker to hide first. Damn it, Gin, why is this girl so double-standard? She always keeps a low profile.

Are you so low-key? ?

Good guy, Sano was originally thinking about whether he would be accused by Gin of being too high-profile after he blew up Tongtenkaku yesterday, but the next second he would end up being too high-profile.

Helicopters were flying over here to shoot at Tokyo Tower.

The cow has to be your cow.

…Or maybe this guy came up with the idea of ​​shooting down Tokyo Tower just because he received the news that he had blown up Tsutenkaku Tower and was unwilling to fall behind?


Ireland came back to his senses, looked at Sano again, and quickly recognized him.

“Black Mask, why do you want to help…”

As soon as the confusion appeared on Ireland’s face, it became clear again: “Ah, the enemy of the enemy is considered a friend, it is really boring…”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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