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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 489 492, the main theme is a rebel

The helicopter crashed and hit the bottom of Tokyo Tower.

This shocked the neon police who gathered below.

“What, what’s going on?”

Conan quietly poked his head out and glanced down. After coming to his senses, he looked excitedly in the direction where Sano was standing, trying to express his feelings and see if he could pull out some information.

As a result, when he looked back, Sano had disappeared.

……Could it be that?

Conan got up and ran towards the inside of the tower.

As expected, Ireland has disappeared.

Conan bit his finger. What happened this time was both simple and complicated.

Probably, while accompanying Mouri Kogoro to a meeting, Conan accidentally discovered that there was an organized undercover agent in the police.

Later, during a wave of investigations, Conan discovered the disguised Belmode.

Finally got a tip successfully.

That is, the undercover codename is Ireland.

Of course, this is not important. What is important is that after realizing through clues that his true identity may have been discovered, Conan ran for his life and finally found the real culprit of the serial murder case.

As a result, Ireland actually received the news and rushed over.

Conan also did not contact Sano in advance this time, trying to seek support.

Then came the unexpected.

As well as Ireland, gin also made an appearance.

What was even more unexpected was that in addition to Gin, Sano also appeared wearing a vest.

What’s even more unexpected is that Gin actually plans to destroy Ireland.

Even more unexpectedly, Ireland was rescued by Sano in the end.

Conan touched his head and sorted out his thoughts.

There are only two reasons for Kurosawa’s appearance, one is to save people, and the other is to defeat bad people.

But the former is more accurate, it should be about saving good talents, right?

Are Ireland good people?

Reminds me of the Irish saying, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

And it was previously established that the superhero Black Mask is not perfect.

This guy knew that Gin wanted to silence Ireland, so he came to the rescue.

Want another teammate?

Conan scratched his head and head for a while.

The specific source of Kurosawa’s intelligence is still unknown, but there are two current speculations.

One is the Black Death Fang, and the other is the information he came from undercover as a cadre member of the organization, so it is not surprising that he knows Gin’s actions… But the speculation about “Bourbon”.

Firstly, Conan has not been confirmed yet.

Secondly, when I thought about it later, I felt that something was wrong.

The fact that Kurosawa is Black Mask is no longer an inside story that only one or two people know. If he is really Bourbon, then Gin.

How could there be no action?

Can’t understand.

Can’t understand.

What concerned Conan the most was the information sent back by Reina Mizuno some time ago.

It was said that the organization sent a cadre named Bourbon… Conan thought it was funny at the time.

Look again now.

Just a little bit of that.

If Bourbon had anyone else.

So why is there no sign of that guy until now?

Also, was the faceless man that night actually bourbon?

Conan, whose brain was gradually overloaded, breathed a sigh of relief and chose to temporarily quit carrying.

Forget it, that guy is deeper than me after all.

No matter what the situation is, it must have its own considerations.

Just take care of your own affairs.

Conan quickly ran to the bottom of the tower – Mao Lilan didn’t know where he got the news. Just when Ireland was torn off by him and the two sides were about to fight, this girl stepped in.

The two had a fight, and Ireland suffered a slight loss.

But in the end it ended with Mao Lilan being knocked unconscious.

Although on the surface, Mao Lilan doesn’t seem to be a big deal.

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected.


After struggling to pull out the vodka from the green belt, Chianti kept cursing.

Gin next to him had a cigarette in his mouth, compared to the ashes on his face.

It seems that the gloomy complexion makes the face appear darker.

This gloom was due to one of his own being shot down and forced to parachute.

It’s even more because one helicopter is gone.

This thing is very expensive. After a wave of it, I don’t know how many days of work have been wasted.


This Chianti was about to complain.

But suddenly there was laughter full of ridicule from the side.

“Hey, you guys, what are you doing, extreme skydiving for team building?”

The few people who looked disgraced and embarrassed turned their heads.

“Rye, when did you return to Tokyo?”

Chianti asked in surprise when he saw Sano.

“I just arrived. I heard that there is something lively to see in the Tokyo Tower area, so I came over to take a look.”

Sano clicked his tongue and touched his chin in wonder.

“I didn’t expect that the excitement would be caused by you guys… I can’t tell that even though Gin-sama keeps saying he’s low-key and low-key on weekdays, when I’m not around, his arrogant nature is still exposed.”

…This guy, do you want to say something so harsh?

The sniper duo’s eyes twitched, considering that Sano only picked out Gin.

So he just stood aside and watched without any concern.

Only vodka is a bit hesitant to talk about – in the final analysis, the root of the matter.

It can be regarded as being on Sano.

If you don’t say thank you or comfort Gin at this time, at least you shouldn’t add insult to injury, right?

What should we do if we are really upset and neither side can stand down?

Fortunately, Gin was not angry. On the contrary, he calmed down a lot after seeing Sano.

“I do feel that compared to me, you seem to be more arrogant.”

Sano shrugged: “It’s not because you told me to be arrogant, Gin-sama, that I dare to be arrogant. Besides, Tsutenkaku can be compared with Tokyo Tower.”

“Why can’t we compare?”

Gin asked calmly.

“How can we compare?”

Sano imitated Gin’s tone.

“Then just think of it as comparable.”

Gin had no intention of wasting time with Sano, so he stood up and dusted off his coat.


But before he could take two steps away, Gin suddenly asked Sano again.

“Do you know what Bourbon has been up to lately?”

“What are you busy with?”

Sano took up the topic, but Gin frowned.

“I’m asking you if you know, not asking you to ask me.”

Sano said speechlessly: “…As for the privacy of Bourbon, where can I find out about it?”

“Aren’t you familiar with him?”

“Are you familiar?”

“Not familiar?”

“Well… then just consider it familiar.”

Gin squinted at Sano, forget it, looking at it like this, there is a high probability that he really doesn’t know.

“Okay, it’s time to go. It just so happens that since you are here, we have all been affected to a certain extent, so I will leave the car for you to drive…”


Gin paused and pulled back the Porsche key that he almost threw out.

Under Sano’s confused gaze, Gin threw the key to Vodka.

“Forget it, I don’t need you anymore. You can go about your own business.”

Sano stopped and looked at Gin’s back as he left in a hurry.

It felt strange for a while.

What do you mean?

Is this because you don’t believe in your own driving skills?

…Be reasonable.

Under normal circumstances, when Gin asked Sano to drive, he might not be willing to work as a coolie.

But if you do it like this.

The main character is a rebel.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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