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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 49 49, moved, but not completely

“Can this still happen?”

Mao Lilan blinked twice in astonishment, then touched his chin thoughtfully: “It’s simply impossible to accurately grasp the power of the attack. No, there are others, maybe it’s just me. That man must be a master of martial arts, it seems I’m still far behind…”

Suzuki Sonoko showed her dead eyes: “What kind of martial arts master? No matter how strong your skills are, it is impossible to do this. From my perspective, this is clearly someone sent by God to punish those scum!”

In this regard, Mao Lilan just laughed dryly, while Sano was deep in thought. Judging from Suzuki Sonoko’s previous two crow’s mouth experiences, shouldn’t it…become his own mission?

Amid the chattering, it was soon time for class.

Unfortunately, the first class was taught by Sano’s most hated math teacher.


The math teacher who had just put down the textbook called Sano’s name. Before he could speak again, Sano had already wisely picked up the homework and textbook, stood up and walked to the door.

The math teacher nodded with satisfaction.

“I’m sorry, I have something to do at home today, so I won’t go with senior. Let’s meet again when we have the chance.”

Under Suzuki Sonoko’s apology, Sano could only follow Mao Lilan to the other party’s home.

Without that bluffing guy around, why do you still feel a little embarrassed?

Sano touched his nose uncomfortably.


In front of a three-story building on the street, Mao Lilan stopped and pointed to the big words “Maoli Detective Agency” on the second floor: “This is my home. The second floor is my father’s office. We usually eat there.” They all eat on the second floor.”


Sano nodded without interest.

“Ah, Sister Xiaolan.”

At this moment, a familiar yet… harsh child’s voice sounded. Sano turned his head to look expressionlessly, only to find that Conan with a team of dog knights was standing not far away.

Seeing Sano, Conan’s expression changed obviously.

Conan was originally suspicious of Sano, but after learning that Sano was being bullied by a group of bad boys, his suspicion faded away.

Ha, members of a criminal organization are bullied by bad teenagers?

What kind of international joke is this? Who would believe it?

But that’s not important now, what’s important is…

Why did this guy go home with Xiaolan! ! !

Without saying a word, Conan ran to Mao Lilan with his short legs and hugged Mao Lilan’s legs: “Sister Xiaolan, why are you with brother Sano? Have you broken up with brother Shinichi? ?”


“What, why are you breaking up with Shinichi? I’m not with him!”

Mao Lilan retorted stammeringly, her face flushed.

It’s not convincing…

Sano ignored the dog knights and just looked at the three members of the dog knight team who followed Conan. Although there was no evidence, he had reason to suspect that these three little brats were also provocateurs, although they might have been infected by Conan. But that too.

It seems that today’s meal will indeed be a Hongmen Banquet…

“Ah, it was the big brother that night.”

Ayumi shouted at Sano.

“Ayumi, do you know him?”

Both Mitsuhiko and Genta looked confused. These two little brats had only seen Sano twice before. Once they saw Sano from a distance, and they learned from Conan that he was a stalking criminal, and once before the Maple Leaf Gold Coin mission. I met him on the road by chance.

Therefore, the two little brats don’t even know Sano’s full name.

Of course, Ayumi didn’t know either, but she had at least spent a few hours with Sano in the haunted house, so she didn’t feel as strange as the other two little brats.

“It’s this big brother who helped us in the haunted house before.”

Ayumi smiled and said, “Conan said that if Big Brother hadn’t been there, we wouldn’t have acted randomly and wouldn’t have discovered the basement so easily. Maybe that scary old lady wouldn’t have fainted with excitement. That would have been tragic. “

“Ah…so that’s it.”

Mitsuhiko also laughed: “It turns out that eldest brother is a good person.”

Yuantai nodded solemnly: “Yes, although he is a trailing criminal.”

Sano: “…”

Explode this world.

“So, Brother Sano is just here to have a meal?”

After muttering with Mao Lilan for a while, Conan looked at Sano warily, as if looking at a thief who came to steal his cabbage.

“Sister Xiaolan, can we have lunch here too?”

Ayumi asked with wide eyes.

“Of course.”

Mao Lilan touched Ayumi’s head, and her whole body exuded a maternal aura.

“Whoa, oh, then I want to eat eel rice!”

Genta raised his hands and shouted excitedly, while Mitsuhiko on the side poked him: “Genta, how can you be picky when eating at someone else’s house?”

“It’s so noisy. What does it have to do with you? I didn’t let you do it!”

Genta pinched Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi on the side could only hurriedly pull the two away: “No fighting!”

Sano glanced at Genta. This naughty kid seemed to have the possibility of bullying in the future.

After a quarrel, the group followed Mao Lilan, who went upstairs to change clothes, and headed to the supermarket to buy ingredients for lunch.

In fact, Mao Lilan originally only needed to go alone, but as soon as Sano followed, Conan had to follow, and once Conan followed, the other three little brats also had to follow.

Don’t ask why Sano followed, because he wanted to avoid staying with Mao Lilan’s father, that somewhat annoying uncle.

There was no way, ever since the uncle knew that Sano was “following” Okino Yoko during the suicide frame-up incident, he would show off his face every time he saw Sano.

They had bumped into each other by chance a few times before, but this time he came to see her face. Sano felt heartbroken just thinking about it.

“Hey~ So Sister Xiaolan and that super famous high school detective are actually boyfriend and girlfriend?”

In the supermarket, Ayumi asked Mao Lilan, who was picking cabbage, with a surprised look on her face.


Mao Lilan blushed and retorted again: “No, who would be boyfriend and girlfriend with that guy!”

Conan, whose ears were also a little red, couldn’t help but turn his head slightly. If he was in normal times, he would probably refute involuntarily, but now, with an outsider like Sano here, it’s better not to refute.

Conan, who was shy, didn’t notice that Sano was quietly observing him with his peripheral vision.

Recently, the name Kudo Shinichi seemed to appear in Sano’s ears a little bit more frequently.

Thinking of Conan’s perverted “possessiveness” towards Mao Lilan and the specialness he showed before, Sano couldn’t help but narrowed his eyes and had some guesses in his mind.

However, the moment Zuo Ye came up with this guess, before he could think about it for a second, the dusty memory in his mind moved.

Anime and Detective Conan, two concepts appeared in Sano’s mind.

As expected, he was not reincarnated but time traveled, and the time traveled was still anime?

It’s just that what kind of anime is this? I should have seen it in my memory, but why can’t I remember anything except the name?

Sano frowned and fell into deep thought. It seemed that although the dusty memory had moved, it had not completely moved…


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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