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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 490 493, Scar Akai/Scar Rye

Chapter 490 493, Scar Akai Scar Rye

Sano chased after him and grabbed the car keys from Vodka’s hand.

“Brother Jia, are you tired? Come on, I’ll drive for you.”


Gin drank deeply and signaled Vodka to protect his Porsche.

Only vodka sits confusedly in the middle.

…In the first place, Vodka had no intention of asking Sano to drive for him.

After all, as the old saying goes, no reward comes without merit… Vodka doesn’t want to suffer like this if he has merit.

Because I will be flattered.

The sniper duo next to them looked at each other.

Come on, with this development, why take a ride on it? Take your time and go on your own.

The weather is changeable.

More rarely, it started to snow.

This reminded Sano unconsciously of the first time he saw snow in this world… It must have been the first time, I can’t remember clearly.

How long has it been since I came to this world? Why does it feel so long and so short at the same time?


Suddenly, Sano’s eyes passed over a pedestrian passing by on the street.

I immediately noticed something unusual.

Shuichi Akai.

To be precise, it’s Shuichi Akai without the Subaru Okiya mask.

To be more precise, it was Shuichi Akai with a scar on the side of his face under his baseball cap.

…What the hell?

Sano blinked in confusion.

As one of the few people who knew Shuichi Akai was still alive, Sano knew it.

Shuichi Akai should not appear on the street so openly.

Not to mention, that suspicious, almost burn-like scar.

After touching his chin, Sano followed.

Of course, Sano secretly switched to a rye vest and lowered his hat.

But in the end, Sano was a little surprised to find the figures of Judy, James and Cameron near the wandering path of the scarred Akai.

What do you mean?

To be honest, Sano didn’t know how many people knew about Akai Shuichi’s fake death.

But look at Judy’s reaction after seeing the scar Akai.

At least this foreign girl probably doesn’t know.

The appearance of Scar Akai is definitely not a coincidence. He will appear near Judy and several others.

Even more so.

The purpose is to test out the reaction of these people to Akai Shuichi.

By the way, maybe we can catch the real Shuichi Akai?

Sano was hanging far behind Scar Akai, and as expected, he found that this guy came to Judy after going around in circles a few times.

Here, Sano even saw fake Lolita and Dr. Agasa.

…The fake loli’s perception radar didn’t respond?

It’s strange, this distance shouldn’t be there.

Sano frowned. Although there was a possibility of a radar bug, in his opinion, the information revealed by this point was more likely.

This pretender is not Belmod.

In other words, this person is not a pure colleague… or maybe he is not a colleague in the first place.

Sano looked at the scar Akai and followed Judy into the bank.

After thinking about it, I still went in together… I felt like there was something to watch.

Ninety-nine point ninety-nine percent of the time, the God of Plague is also in this bank.

The remaining 0.001% will get here later.

As soon as he entered the door, Sano heard a “bang”.

Several tough-faced men were holding pistols or submachine guns and shouted “robbery”.

After a moment of commotion, everyone in the bank squatted on the ground holding their heads.

“First hand all your cell phones to me in this bag, and then people who know each other will gather together and squat down and don’t move. Those who come alone and don’t know anyone, all stand up for me. Come here Come on!”

Under such circumstances, Scarred Akai deliberately moved next to Judy.

Judy was stunned.

Then he quickly grabbed the scarred Akai’s arm and asked him what was going on.

The movement here attracted the attention of the robbers, and even Akai with a scar was targeted, but Judy, a foreign girl, had even figured out a lot of things in her own mind.

He explained for Scar Akai that he had been in a car accident, could not speak, and had amnesia.


The robber turned his eyes, suddenly startled, and pointed his gun at Sano, who was next to Scarred Akai.

“When did you get here!?”


Judy turned her head in confusion and saw Sano whose passerby face had been turned off and whose scar was clearly visible under the hat… what the hell is this! ? ?

rye! ! ?

Why is this guy here! ! ? ?

If it were someone else, such as Conan, there might be no way to confirm at the first moment that this face is Rye’s face. After all, except for the iconic white hair, peaked cap, and the scars on the face that I have heard of, outside.

Rye’s most recognizable feature is his face that cannot be seen clearly.

But Judy was different. She had seen this face before, together with Shuichi Akai.

Before Judy could come to her senses.

Sano, who was pointed at the gun, was like a frightened child.

Some timidly hid behind Scar Akai.

In his hand, he was still holding the scarf wrapped around Akai’s scarred neck, showing his weak character.

… This made Toru Amuro, who was under the mask, astonished and also confused.

“It turns out they are one piece. I didn’t tell you earlier.”

The robber was the least frightened and recovered quickly. While muttering, he forced Toru Amuro and Sano to sit on the ground together.

Judy next to her was also brought back to her attention.

It was a person who wanted to speak but stopped, stopped but wanted to speak.

Judy wanted to tell the robber that the guy was not the same as herself.

And that person is very dangerous, so that your robbery plan can go smoothly.

It would be best to kill that guy with one shot.

But considering “Rye”‘s fighting ability… Judy felt that if there really was a fight.

The five robbers were killed.

It might only be a matter of seconds.

Although it is true that these robbers died without mercy, will Judy and the two of them, as well as the innocent passers-by around them, be affected after that…

It’s hard to say.

It’s better to be steady first.

So, the three of them sat side by side.

Judy is on the right, Toru Amuro is the scarred Akai in the middle, and Sano is wearing a rye skin on the left.

Because it was a robbery, the bank was already dead silent, and the three people here became even more silent.

Sano was fine, enjoying himself leisurely and without any unnecessary thoughts in his mind.

But the two people next to them were a little confused.

Especially Toru Amuro – hell, I just wanted to test the FBI and catch a fish to see if I could catch it. How could I just forget that the fish didn’t take the bait and catch a poisonous python?

…In the eyes of the organization, Shuichi Akai is dead.

Because Toru Amuro didn’t believe it, he found Bermod and asked him to help him disguise himself as Akai Shuichi to test Judy’s reaction.

To put it bluntly, Toru Amuro appeared in front of Rye in his current posture.

It is easy to cause a chain reaction.

I won’t say whether it will ruin Tohru Amuro’s original plan.

What Toru Amuro is most worried about now is whether this guy will attack him directly.

…There is one thing to say.

Toru Amuro didn’t have the confidence to survive this monster.

Although Toru Amuro has been wandering abroad some time ago, he has never stopped hearing all kinds of “gossip” related to Rye.

…For example, this guy can actually step into a trap and be tricked by others.

This resulted in such a scar on the face.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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