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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 491 Chapter 494, Toru Amuro became uneasy again

Toru Amuro was a little doubtful about the authenticity of this news, but now he looks at it.

It is indeed true.

…Well, of course, this is not important.

What matters is the other news.

For example, the Mud Participation Conference and the Battle of Kiel.

Big things, small things, surfaces, details, every aspect is revealed.

The man in front of him had almost inhuman combat capabilities.

It is completely for fighting, it can even be said that it is born for war.


It’s not that Toru Amuro is belittling himself.

This should be said to be self-aware.

Shuichi Akai is rated so highly in the organization.

Amuro Toru has the confidence to compete with Shuichi Akai alone.

But look at how Shuichi Akai was tortured?

How much better would it be if Toru Amuro did it himself?

Toru Amuro was not afraid of death, but if he died here without knowing it, in a daze, or by mistake… that would be too stupid.

Just when Toru Amuro was hesitating whether he should tell the truth first to avoid any irreparable consequences, those separate groups of guests.

But they were already here to kidnap people under the command of the robbers.

Sano’s wrists, mouths, and eyes were all wrapped in footsteps.

Now I couldn’t even open my mouth.

Judy next to her saw that Sano had not made any move, and she could not sit still and wait for death, so she chose to take the initiative and solve the small trouble first.

“I’m sorry, I want to go to the toilet, but I really can’t hold it in anymore…”

Under Judy’s habit of messing around.

A fat robber could only drag Judy to the toilet.

It’s a good opportunity. Let’s take advantage of this moment to check the channel with Rye a little bit.

Just as Toru Amuro was about to reach to the side with his hands, his ears suddenly twitched.

Wait a moment for the sound of breathing next to you.

Why is it gone?

…Rye ran away? ?

Toru Amuro was stunned for a moment, but besides his hearing, his vision was also affected, well.


The wrists were also restrained, and I couldn’t explore too far by relying on touch.

What’s worse is… Amuro Toru’s mask instantly broke out in cold sweat.

Toru Amuro seemed to be speeding on the highway, but when he was distracted, he looked back and saw that the steering wheel was gone!

I have to admit that Toru Amuro was a little panicked.

But under such circumstances, Toru Amuro couldn’t act rashly.

Damn it, it won’t come sooner or later, but it happened to be at this time.

But just when Amuro Toru became more and more restless.

Sano suddenly leaned against him again.

…It’s not anything special, it’s a “fuck” with subjective consciousness.

Just like on a bus, a passenger who just got on the bus sat in the seat next to him, and there was inevitably some contact between the two parties.

“I just left for a while, and now I’m back” – this kind of message is conveyed, no matter how you look at it, it is true and should not be done.

But Toru Amuro actually felt at ease… Well, he lost the steering wheel and ran back by himself, how can that not make people feel at ease?

I just don’t know what this guy was doing when he left just now.

Even though it is not certain when Sano disappeared, judging from the length of time from when he and Toru Amuro were pressed together to the present time.

He shouldn’t be able to do anything…that’s not right.

This guy absolutely cannot judge based on common sense.

Hmm… Could it be that a big bomb was quietly planted here? ?

Often mentioned in movies.

When one of the person’s sensory organs is closed, some other aspect.

Will become extremely sharp.

Such as hearing, smell, touch, intuition, etc.

The last one was also named “Minyan”, a middle-level title… Amuro Toru felt that he was in such a situation right now.

All in all, Toru Amuro became uneasy again.

Sano next to him naturally wouldn’t notice this little detail.

Sano did leave for a moment just now, and without the robbers noticing anything at all, he brought the bomb in the box they brought.


That’s right, it was stolen, not demolished.

As early as when he entered the bank, Sano had already received the response prompts of those bombs on the map, indicating that there would be no unexpected surprise today.

Sano did not act rashly at that time.

But when the robbers took control of the hostages, they didn’t even look at themselves. In addition, they triggered the task of preventing the explosion.

Then Sano could only accept the bomb sent by these old men with tears.

As for everyone else.

They were all blindfolded anyway, so they were not afraid of anyone getting in the way.

And as for why it was taken away instead of demolished.

It’s not that Sano really coveted these bombs, he tried to defuse them.

The purpose was just to detect the power of the bomb.

The dismantling time is not long, which shows that the power is really very small.

It’s equivalent to a few grenades, which can’t be sold for much money.

Of course, the demolition time was not particularly short, although Sano was never discovered.

But in order to avoid long nights and many dreams.

Or choose to stuff it directly into your wallet and change the nature, which is easier.


Sano, who had taken off all the tape on his body because he went to steal the bomb, stretched his neck curiously to see Toru Amuro’s neck wrapped in a scarf – like Shuichi Akai, he was doing this to cover up A human skin mask, or to be more precise, the edge of a hood.

How about trying to tear it off directly?

Anyway, this guy’s hands were tied, so even if he could break free, it would probably be too late.

This kind of behavior always feels a bit perverted and vulgar.

After rubbing his fingers, Sano suddenly heard new movement.

…It was Judy, that foreign girl, who was knocked unconscious and was carried back by two people.

There was a high probability that something happened in the bathroom and the car overturned.

Sano curled his lips speechlessly and watched the two men throw Judy to the ground and tie her up again – the fat robber was nowhere to be seen.

There was no sign of Conan inside the bank.

Is it still outside…no, in the bathroom?

Sano quickly discovered the blind spot, and this was the most likely possibility in his intuition.

Sure enough, not long after, a kidnapper suddenly received a call, and then he took off his clothes, saying that the fat kidnapper had woken up, and asked him to go to the bathroom to help him, well, give him a hand, not a few… …Ahem.

all in all.

Sano didn’t think it was really the fat robber who woke up.

There was a high probability that it was Conan who stole the guy’s cell phone, and then used the voice changer to make calls, with the intention of luring the robbers away one by one, and finally relied on anesthesia needles and footballs.

If you solve one or two problems in the toilet, the pressure will be much less.

But besides that, the fact that the robber took off his hood and all his clothes before going to the toilet made Sano feel a little strange.

Sano vaguely noticed something was wrong.

Until later, the robber was gone and never came back. The other three robbers here didn’t notice anything was wrong, but were busy minding their own business.

Sano finally came to his senses.

Although this robber has no brains, he is not completely brainless.

At least compared to running away after grabbing, being chased or breaking out of a tight encirclement.

These people chose a simpler path.

It’s a pity – a few people used it to fish in troubled waters and create their own substitute bombs.

It’s gone.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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