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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 492 495, The bomb maniac lets go of the hostages and surrenders!

This is the result, the situation has been laid out.

It can be said that everything is ready, except for the three robbers from Dongfeng, who were stunned on the spot.

What the hell.

Where is my Dongfeng? ? ?

The three of them were so panicked that they started looking for bombs all over the house.

And at this time.

The God of Plague led his God of Plague team, confidently and calmly, and walked out of the passage to the bathroom at the back. He happened to meet the three robbers head-on, and both parties fell into a state of confusion at the same time.


Damn it, this script is wrong!

Conan’s eyes widened instantly. Just as Sano thought, he also noticed the real plan behind the robbers through some clues.

Therefore, Conan felt that at this time, the robbers should have been fully prepared. They only needed to wait until the bomb exploded and the police entered the scene.

You can escape by blending in with innocent passers-by.

If Conan comes out at this time, not only will there be no danger, but it will also be the best opportunity.

Used to stop bombs from exploding, or rather.

Let the bomb explode without touching anyone.

As a result…these guys are still standing here! ?

Aren’t you afraid that it will be too late and the entire army will be wiped out? ?

In the dead silence of the bank, Toru Amuro had quietly cut off the tape on his wrists, then took off the tape on his eyes, looking at the scene in front of him.


If necessary, Toru Amuro plans to take action.

Let’s not even mention that Toru Amuro is now wearing Akai Shuichi’s skin, even if he doesn’t.

It is not surprising that as a “participant”, he is forced to take countermeasures.

“Brother, it’s too late. If we don’t leave, let alone the police outside, if we are bombed again, we will really be doomed!”

Fortunately, after being reminded by a robber, the three of them were in no mood to waste time with Conan and the other brats… but they still managed to catch Ayumi.

At the same time, a guy on the other end happened to bump into Sano and was stunned for a moment.

With his backhand, Sano was also pulled in front of him.

“Take these two hostages and kill them!”

“But brother, those two guys…”

“Don’t worry about them. People will be punished for their own sake. Let them seek their own happiness!”

In just two or three seconds, the situation in the bank changed dramatically.

The closed rolling shutter door automatically opened upwards, and the three robbers held Sano and Ayumi hostage. The two hostages, one big and one small, rushed out and had a head-on confrontation with the neon police who were surrounded by layers of people outside.

Only the three remaining little devils of Conan Mitsuhiko Genta were left inside the bank, among a group of innocent passers-by who were still tied up and blindfolded. They had no idea how the situation had changed and did not dare to move. , and Toru Amuro, the only one who untied his restraints by himself.

There was a moment of confusion.

…Conan’s instinctive reaction at that time was to inject an anesthetic needle to save Ayumi.

Then you can use the foot strength-enhancing shoes to kill the second one, the third one… As for the third one, Sano’s appearance made him stunned.

That’s rye.

Conan is certain.

Still standing next to him…Akai Shuichi? ? ?

What the hell! ?

Toru Amuro was also stunned because he didn’t expect those robbers.

He would actually seek death by himself like this.

…What’s the difference between this and the devil’s encounter with the king of hell?

Forget it, I don’t have to take action myself, I can only praise him.

remarkably brave!

As for the two little devils besides the two, they were simply frightened.


The robber leader pointed his gun at Sano’s head and yelled at the police: “Stay back, or I will shoot!”

Because of this sudden development, many police officers quickly became vigilant.

The leader was none other than Officer Megure.

Officer Memu, who looked gloomy, was about to respond, but the next second he realized something was wrong. After blinking and squinting, he looked carefully again and again.

Officer Megure chose to grab the binoculars from the subordinate next to him.


Officer Megure, who had been thinking for two seconds, had even ignored Ayumi in the hands of another robber. He picked up the loudspeaker with a strange look in his eyes and shouted.

“Bomb Maniac, what are you trying to do? Let go of the hostages and surrender!”


Several robbers stared at each other in confusion.

What, what kind of bomb maniac, who let go of the hostages, what on earth is this guy talking about?

“Stop trying to change the subject for me, get your car over here quickly!”

The muzzle of the gun approached Sano’s head again.

Officer Memu felt even more confused.

If the positions of the robber and the hostage were exchanged, Officer Megure would be able to understand it, but it happened to be the other way around. It could be said that the two parties were a team.

It’s a bit too stupid to be true.

All in all, something is wrong, very wrong, very wrong.

There must be some conspiracy behind this.

Compared with these armed robbers, in the eyes of Officer Megure, Sano, the bomb maniac, is obviously a higher threat and instability.

In order to prevent the situation from getting out of one’s control.

Instead of retreating, Officer Megure signaled the surrounding police officers to press forward step by step.

If we could seize this great opportunity to firmly control this guy and bring him back for trial, that would be a big trouble solved!

Under such circumstances, the robbers became increasingly panicked.

Why is this so different from normal development?

Could it be that you think you are too timid to kill anyone?

Damn, who are you looking down on! ?

The robber leader couldn’t hold back his anger immediately and was about to shoot Sano to scare the monkeys.

At this point, Sano finally took action.

…To be fair, when Sano was taken as a hostage, he was the one who was most confused, because the probability of luck was not as simple as other people’s eyes. You know, he was wearing a passerby hat.

It had not been noticed for so long before.

Just when it was time to find a hostage, I happened to bump into Sano. It was really…

Unlucky enough.

Of course, it was these guys who were unlucky, not Sano.

Originally, after Sano stole the bomb, he wanted to wait and see if there was any other extra money he could make.

If there is no money to be made, Sano will naturally be too lazy to steal other people’s scenes.

But now.

I can’t help but grab it. The spotlight is all on me, and so is the muzzle of the gun.

“I said, brother, don’t you pay much attention to the news?”

Sano asked, leaving the robber leader stunned: “How do you know?”


Sano smacked his lips: “Because I don’t think you took any cash. You should have asked the bank manager to make a large overseas transfer to steal the money. But not long ago, the official issued an announcement. Now overseas transfers Any amount exceeding five million must be temporarily frozen and reviewed before it can be approved and transferred out.”


The three robbers suddenly fell into a daze.

Not only did he take a risk by co-writing with himself, but he also took the risk in vain? ?

At this moment, Sano added: “The most important thing is…”

“You actually don’t know me.”


The words just fell.

Sano’s left hand, which was covered with a blasting glove, had already touched the face of the robber leader.

After a slight exertion.

The robber leader subconsciously let go of Sano and took a few steps back.

Then – “Boom!!”

A ball of fire burst out from the face of the robber leader.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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