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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 494 497, Huang Mao suffers from daily bruises and swollen face

Just when everyone thought that the matter was over.

The fat robber who had been knocked unconscious by Judy in the toilet earlier ran out of the back passage cursing and angry, as if he wanted revenge.

But he looked at the passers-by who were unchained in the bank lobby.

Then he looked at the open door of the bank and the policemen who were gathering evil spirits outside the door.

The fat robber slowly played a few points.

Something seems… not quite right.

Officer Memu, who was feeling depressed and worried, immediately ordered his subordinates to rush forward.

“You seem to be having a lot of fun today.”

When taking the mission, Sano received a sideways look from Gin.

He must have heard about what happened in the morning and was brought up to report what happened last time.

“How can it not be possible? Compared with something as interesting as shooting up the Tokyo Tower, it’s nothing.”

Sano counterattacked calmly.

“Well, compared to the bombing of Tongtenkaku Tower, it’s really nothing.”

Seeing that Sano was so overestimating his abilities, Gin was surprised, but he followed the trend and played the second card reasonably – he wanted to see what other monsters and monsters could come out of the opponent’s mouth.

“That’s right. In fact, blowing up Tsutenkaku Tower and sweeping Tokyo Tower are just that.”

Sano touched his chin: “We still have to find something more interesting to do.”

Gin: “…”

There are things more “interesting” than blowing up Tsutenkaku Tower and sweeping the Tokyo Tower.

Is this kid planning to hunt down the Neon Emperor directly?

Facing Gin’s expressionless gaze, Sano smiled: “It was just a joke.”

…You better be kidding.

Gin snorted coldly, but ultimately did not continue the topic.

Seeing that the battle ended in a draw at least.

To put it more precisely, Sano has a slight advantage.

Naturally, Sano gave up as soon as he saw the light of day.

Just when Sano was on his way to complete the mission, he suddenly received another text message from the mistress.

“Boss, Huang Mao has lost contact. Something is wrong. Please get back to me as soon as possible.”

Huang Mao lost contact?

Sano paused, frowned and thought for a few seconds, then found an uninhabited corner, switched vests, separated out clones, and put on special attack suits. Finally, the original body continued to complete the mission, while the clones walked back. As soon as he rushed, he called the mistress and asked: “How long has that guy been out of contact?”

“One hour, boss.”


Sano paused again, feeling quite speechless.

Be reasonable.

The earlier a disappearance is discovered, the better.

But it was too early, and something was wrong.

How can one be called losing contact for an hour? ?

However, the mistress at the other end seemed to be aware of Sano’s thoughts, and quickly added the key factors, and also explained the entire situation: “Huang Mao’s mother is hospitalized. I originally agreed to come over to change shifts an hour ago, but He didn’t come. At first I thought he was delayed on the road because of something, but after half an hour I called him and no one answered. I also asked all the members of Black Death and no one had seen him. .”

…This is much more reasonable.

Sano tapped his toes: “I understand, just leave it to me later.”


After hanging up the phone, Sano quickly changed direction and went all the way to the bar of the Armed Detective Agency.

Sano took out a small sealed bag from the desk cabinet in the office on the second floor.

There are a few yellow hairs inside.

Well, yellow hair of yellow hair.

“Xiao Hei.”

Xiao Hei’s figure was immediately summoned to the office.

“Track lock.”

A red dot immediately appeared on Sano’s map.

Judging from the location, it was in the area of ​​an abandoned factory—something was really wrong now.

“You don’t have to follow me.”

Abandoning the tool dog, Sano hurried to the abandoned factory where Huang Mao was.

it’s here.

Sano saw Huang Mao who was being beaten crazily, and the little girl next door.

Eyes closed, but breathing steady, anesthetic?

There were less than twenty of them, and they seemed to have pistols at their waists.

The movements are clean and neat, and the positions are chaotic and orderly. He should not be amateurish.

Sano frowned, huddled in the dark and watched this scene. He probably understood the process of the matter – these people were targeting Huang Mao… The depth of his abilities will not be explored, but at least what they are currently targeting on the surface is, It is indeed yellow hair.

In order to get the yellow hair, the little girl next door became the handle.

In the eyes of this group of people, the relationship between Huang Mao and the little girl is just that good.

Sano secretly lamented the little girl’s misfortune.

The next second I heard a voice coming from inside.

“I’m a little tired of playing. You’re really capable. I’m not interested in playing with you anymore. You have half a minute to call Heidi. If you don’t, then I’m sorry. This little girl’s hand.”

“We’ll just accept it.”

Seeing that the target of the attack was turned towards the sleeping little girl, and very smartly, he chose to attack slowly from the side instead of saying that he was going to kill her right away.

Sano could basically understand that these people were not fools.

Well, if you’re not a fool, that’s an advantage, otherwise you’d be like those bank robbers…


Sano turned his attention to the yellow hair that looked extremely ugly and tangled.

Sano can probably understand Huang Mao’s mood at this time.

Forget it, after all, it’s still for yourself, so don’t let the tool man take the blame.

Sano, who originally planned to quietly open the space channel and teleport point just in case something unexpected came over, or simply apparated directly, had no time to do that anymore and just walked out without a care in the world.

“Are you looking for me?”


I usually have a bruised nose and swollen face with yellow hair, and I turn my head in surprise.

“Oh, I actually delivered it to my door.”

The group of people turned around and saw Sano, they were all stunned, and then they all smiled.

“Tell me what you have to do with me.”

“It’s nothing serious, let’s talk slowly.”

One of them shook the knife in his hand, pointed the tip of the knife at a machine next to Sano, and said, “Show some sincerity first and put your hand in it.”

Sano glanced at the machine.

After failing to see any clues, he looked around again.

In the end, he temporarily chose to do as the other party said and put his hand in.


The machines fell down with a “boom” and merged.

But Sano didn’t suffer anything, just his hand was locked inside.

“…Isn’t it interesting? Why don’t you just let me cut off your hand? It will be easier.”

Sano tried to pull his hand and said so after finding that it was not loose at all.

“Hahaha, that’s not possible. Who doesn’t know that immortal ghosts and gods, even if they are seriously injured, their mobility will not be greatly affected. Compared with asking for your hand, we think it is better to make you unable to move.”

“It will be safer.”

Hearing this, Sano curled up the corners of his mouth under his mask.

“So, what do you want to do by locking me up?”

“Then we won’t know. We will have to wait until the employer comes to deal with it.”

… Sano expected that there would be an employer, but he was waiting for the employer to come over.

That’s incredibly stupid.

Don’t you know the truth behind long nights and many dreams?

The corners of Sano’s mouth under the mask curled up again. Before he came in, he had already opened the space channel, and it would take less than a minute for the main body to pass through.

But what happened next made Sano unable to raise the corners of his mouth.

The guy actually pointed the tip of the knife at the little girl again.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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