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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 495 498, a good way to dismember the body

“But in this case, this little girl seems to be useless.”

“How about just doing it right away?”

Sano’s eyes turned cold, and he subconsciously planned to get closer, but no matter how hard he exerted force on his feet, he couldn’t make the hand locked in the machine move even a little bit.

what to do.

Use words to divert the attention of these guys so that the transmission time can be delayed.

What if it’s too late.

If it was Sano’s own problem, it would be much easier to handle.

No matter how bad things go, the worst possible outcome is that Sano will give up this body, even to be reckless.

It is not impossible to directly remove the clones and then silence all the witnesses.

Countless thoughts flashed through Sano’s brain in two or three seconds.

But my body moves faster than my brain.

Sano’s feet continued to exert force, and all his strength was concentrated on his legs, sprinting forward.

If Sano was locked up with chains.

Maybe if you don’t work hard, you can really break it.

But not really.

Seeing the tip of the knife getting closer and closer to the little girl’s snow-white neck.

Sano’s eyes became colder and colder, and the strength in his body became stronger and stronger.

Huang Mao rushed forward and made a final struggle, but to no avail.

It only increases the severity of the injury.


Every minute and every second seems crucial at this moment.

Outside the workshop, Sano’s body has been halfway transmitted.

Talk, talk may be able to buy some time.


Why on earth do I have to bet on that possibility?

Bloodshot eyes spread in Sano’s eyes, and finally covered the entire eyeball, converging in one place.



The guy closest to Sano turned his head in confusion.

I saw that the sleeve of Sano’s left arm was torn open.

The lining under the coat of the special attack suit’s windbreaker was also torn, exposing the skin.

The skin is constantly tight.

Suddenly, it also tore, exposing the muscles. The muscles tore, blood splattered, and the bones were exposed.

Bones rattled.

Finally, it suddenly broke into two pieces.

……This guy! ?

The black afterimage instantly spanned a distance of more than ten meters with spilled blood.


A punch fell, and the head of the person holding the little girl fell to the ground in an instant.

There was a huge muffled sound as if falling from a ten-story building.

When the ground cracked, there was no doubt that the skull had also cracked.

The scarlet eyes turned and drew two red lines.

Sano grabbed the little girl with his backhand and threw it at Huang Mao. At the same time, he turned around and kicked her into the air.

Kicked the guy holding the knife away about ten meters.

Dust is flying.

Sano’s figure paused for a second, but it was not because of the broken arm.

Sano did it on purpose.

The purpose is to make these guys react from the shock.

Only in this way can these guys taste it in more detail.

Wasn’t the fear that Sano earned by tearing off one of his hands?

Due to the dust splashing and the speed, it was impossible to see the blurry face clearly. Only the two big red lantern-like eyes and the unusually prominent and upright figure were left half. His lonely big arm, blood was still gushing out from the wound.

A scene where black and red collide.

Sudden and unexpected developments.

The momentum attribute is constantly improving.

The sense of oppression on Sano was so strong that the people around him felt that their breathing was about to freeze and their heartbeats stopped at this moment.

The strong sense of crisis continues to rise.

…This madman cut off his hand! ?

You have a bad mind, why don’t you be so decisive! ?

By the way, where did this guy get a knife? It can cut off from the upper arm… It’s impossible with a dagger. It’s hard to use a long knife to cut yourself.

How on earth is it done?

Only the guy who witnessed the entire process for a few seconds and knew what was going on had his eyes wider than anyone else – relying on his own brute force to tear off one of his own hands, let alone How much strength does this take?

Just this willingness and tolerance for pain are already too terrifying to be human.

After a moment of horror and silence.


Sano took the lead in attacking, and the group of people were horrified and scrambled to respond.

But it’s all in vain.

So what if one hand is missing.

It cannot hinder Sano’s overall mobility, especially since the martial arts bandage is still in effect.

It’s nothing more than a fully armed armored vehicle, missing a muzzle.

If a leg is missing, it would be like missing a wheel, which would be a big hindrance.

Even if you only have one hand.

Sano – Black Death can still kill everyone!

Under Huang Mao’s dull gaze, Sano quickly lost four or five people.

When the remaining people finally reacted to draw their guns, it was already too late.

Although it sounds professional, it is the pinnacle of professionalism like gin.

It’s not even a little bit worse.

Not to mention that due to the influence of the momentum attribute, the mentality of this group of people was already broken. It can be said that the collapse became even worse until the first gun was actually pulled out.

Already, only two or three people were still breathing.

“Bang bang…”

Sano could have dodged a few shots in a panic, but he didn’t.

Bend your right arm to block your face from facing that person, and arch your body at the same time.

Even the possibility of hitting the vital point with half a click was annihilated.

Sano quickly approached the bullets and completely eliminated the remaining two or three people.

The dust has settled.

The eyes that seemed to be red from death turned to Huang Mao.

Huang Mao’s body trembled, and he subconsciously looked away. He felt something was wrong the next second.

He quickly forced his eyes back and said worriedly: “Boss, your… hand?”

“No problem.”

Sano glanced at his big arm that was still bleeding: “Take her away quickly. The real source will arrive who knows when. I’ll wait here.”

Huang Mao was stunned: “Boss, are you going to wait and see? But now…”

“I now?”

Sano glanced over again, and Huang Mao immediately shut his mouth, stood up in a hurry and took the little girl away first – even though he didn’t understand it very well.

Why should Sano continue, but as a younger brother.

Huang Mao has absolute trust in Sano.

the fact is.

Sano lost one of his hands and suffered injuries that would have been common to ordinary people and had been sent to emergency treatment. The source of all this was at a certain level.

It’s yellow hair.

Huang Mao felt guilty and uneasy.

But Sano’s attitude and performance, the foundation established by both parties earlier, and Huang Mao’s psychology and cognition kept colliding, and in the end he just adopted an instinctive reaction.

…Ahem, to be honest.

Sano’s situation is quite different from what Huang Mao thought.

Sano wearing a special attack suit is indeed durable enough, but endurance is not really immortal.

The serious injury did not affect his ability to move, so it did not mean that Sano would not die even if the blood was drained.

Especially this kind of “waiting and waiting”, I don’t know how long it will take, but.

Does it matter?

Rye’s true form wearing a passerby’s hat appeared behind Sano.

The clone was released, Sano reached out to catch the clone doll, and then turned to look.

The hand was still locked inside the machine.

What a magical experience.

Sano quickly took out the mechanism’s remote control from the ground and took out his arm.

After thinking for a while, Sano stuffed his hand into his wallet.

Well, it has become an independent dead entity, so it can naturally be converted into banknotes.

This made Sano think of a good way to dismember the body and hide it… Well, let’s look back for a chance to see if, with the physical bonus of the special attack suit, we can reattach the arm.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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