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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 496 499, Street 4 of Black Death


Conan and Mao Lilan walked upstairs while talking about going to school during the day.

After turning out of the stairs.

What caught their eyes was the little girl lying on the floor in the corridor.

The little girl closed her eyes tightly and remained motionless.

…! ?

After the two looked stunned for a moment, their expressions changed at the same time.

Because this picture, this scene, is too familiar to the two of them.


The scene of a murder!

Before Mao Lilan could react, when Conan raised his head, his expression changed again.



Hearing Conan’s exclamation, Mao Lilan looked up.

Then he saw Sano lying at the open door, half of his body exposed.

The sunset was full of blood and motionless.


Mao Lilan covered her mouth and screamed, while Conan’s face turned pale.


Absolutely impossible.

How is this possible…how could Sano die suddenly like that! ?

Who did it?

Who has the ability to kill Sano… A black figure quickly appeared in Conan’s mind.

Could it be those guys! ?

Sano discovered something wrong while conducting a secret investigation.

Only then will they be silenced.

Even the little girl next door was unfortunately also infected?

Conan’s brain was in chaos, and he was just making assumptions instinctively.

Although the recent exchanges have decreased, it can even be said to be close to zero.

But Sano has always been Conan’s central figure, like a tree behind him. When he is around, the sense of security is really different.

Even if there is no reason for this.

After all, we are all friends and have feelings for each other.

I didn’t see Mao Lilan next to me, and it was almost starting to rain.

But at this moment.

The little girl on the ground suddenly couldn’t help saying “hey”.


The two confused people lowered their heads in confusion, and what they saw was the little girl with pursed lips.


Mao Lilan knelt down and pushed the little girl.

There was no movement, it was still like a corpse.

But this time Mao Lilan had calmed down, and since she was a little closer, the breath coming out of the little girl’s nose and the slight rise and fall in her chest and stomach were already more obvious in her eyes.

Mao Lilan was silent for a few seconds, then put her fingers into the little girl’s squeaky nest.

“Ah hahahaha…sister, you are so shameless, you don’t do this!”

The little girl sat up immediately, and after laughing, she said resentfully.

“Are you really pretending to be dead?”

Mao Lilan and Conan showed their dead fish eyes while twitching the corners of their mouths and turning their heads.

“In that case…”

Seeing Sano still lying there motionless, Mao Lilan shouted angrily.

“Senior, are you still pretending!?”

Under Mao Lilan’s Hedong lion roar, Sano was startled and raised his body.

“What’s the matter? Is it evening? Can we start dinner…”

After Sano made a “sting” sound, he wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth. He looked around with sleepy eyes and confusion. When he saw Mao Lilan, he suddenly became confused.

“Why are you here?”


“Ah, you’re so shameless, didn’t you say you can’t fall asleep!?”

The little girl pointed at Sano.

His face was red, and he made an accusation from the moral high ground with anger.

“Ah, it was just an accident. Just consider me losing.”

“Okay, okay, I win!”

The little girl danced for a few seconds and then stopped.

…I always feel like something is not quite right, but I can’t tell where it is.

The Maolilan duo watched silently.

He looked left, then right, and finally couldn’t help asking.

“Senior, what exactly are you competing against? Who can lie down longer??”

Sano scratched his head, yawned and said casually: “It’s not a competition, it’s a game.”

“……what game?”

“The Corpse Game.”


This time Mao Lilan didn’t ask any more questions, because she could probably figure it out, the corpse game.

What kind of outrageous game is this?

“So, do you have anything to do with me?”

Sano asked about the business.

Mao Lilan shook his head, saying it was no big deal, and then picked up the box in his hand.

“I stopped by after school and brought some of the sushi I bought.”


Sano smacked his lips: “But I don’t eat this stuff.”

Conan was stunned: “You don’t like sushi?”

“Isn’t it strange?”

Sano lit a cigarette and said, “It’s better to just eat the rice balls.”

“But I brought all the belts.”

Sano pulled the little girl and said, “Then let’s eat some together.”


Mao Lilan immediately took out the sushi, and after thinking about it, she left a small portion for her father to eat.

The rest were divided among a group of people.

Sano only ate one – as expected, no matter how long it took, he just couldn’t get used to it.

Sano ate it out of curiosity in his previous life.

Not to mention it’s expensive, a bunch of it costs dozens of dollars, and it costs about ten yuan to eat?

They were all thrown into the trash can. Some people said it was because it was not authentic enough.

If you go to Neon to eat there, it will definitely be delicious.

Looking at it now, hehe, it’s not much different, it should taste bad or not.

During this period, Mao Lilan mentioned a topic.

It was said that on the way here, on the street of Sano’s house, I saw many places undergoing construction work, and I was a little curious whether there was any event organized by the unity.

“No, it should be that Nadongtong Company has moved here.”

Sano explained the real situation, there was nothing to hide, let alone concealment.

Sooner or later the signboard has to be put up.

As for why Nadutong moved here.

That was naturally because of the previous incident with Huang Mao.

To be precise, it’s because of this little girl.

As a high-level executive of the Black Death God, Huang Mao was easily targeted, not just once or twice, but it was difficult to operate like other high-level officials of other organizations. Originally, he planned to just move out of here. .

But Sano then thought about it.

Just because Huang Mao is gone does not mean that the root cause has been solved.

On the surface, there is no problem with Sano’s true identity, but if we look deeper, there is a certain risk. Even if it is on the surface, it is still connected to the God of Plague.

So Sano simply moved Natotong here.

Let the Black Death members in Tokyo gather here every day.

If there is a problem, it is easy to deal with it and you can directly transform into the base camp.

In addition to being able to take care of this little girl on weekdays, Sano’s identity may also allow him to enjoy some benefits… After all, what this thing improves is definitely the security of the entire surrounding area.

Of course, it’s not just everywhere.

In order to allow people with these tools to stay here for a more reasonable period of time.

Sano also opened some other stores.

Restaurants, bookstores, clothing stores, etc.

The clerks inside will naturally be members of the Black Death.

Sano wants to turn Rice Flower’s No. 4 Street into the Black Death’s No. 4 Street.

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao has arrived.

The matter of Huang Mao just flashed in Sano’s mind.

Huang Mao walked out of the house with a haggard look and a cigarette in his mouth.

“Ah, good afternoon. How about eating sushi together?”

Mao Lilan invited Huang Mao to join the dinner in an unusually familiar manner.

…Sano, a small group, would often sit in the corridor or next to the stairs downstairs when they met here, even for dinner.

I also didn’t go inside to eat.

Huang Mao didn’t know if he was already familiar with Mao Lilan, but he didn’t refuse.

Then we can’t say that Mao Lilan is cooked by himself… It should be said that both sides are cooked by himself.

This makes perfect sense.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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