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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 498 501, Schrödinger’s fans

Sano typed on the keyboard quickly.

Using a mobile phone to operate these things is not the same concept as Sano using those black cards he bought from the black market to make calls and send text messages.

In case of operations such as positioning.

That would be big trouble.

Black Cat: “Fox, Roe Deer, I have something for you to do.”

Fox: “What’s the matter?”

The fox was naturally a silver fox, but it happened so quickly this time.

Are you just using a computer, or can this thing be logged in with a mobile phone?

Roe Deer: “I’m here.”

Roe deer is actually Ireland – cough.

Perhaps it was because Sano had a strange sense of sight like a zoo.

Both Ireland later and Calvados earlier were given new “code names” after joining Sano’s team.

The code names are all related to animals.

He picked Calvados himself, a crow, and he didn’t know if it was because Sano wore a rye vest and was often accompanied by Dahei.

The Irish roe deer…was obtained by Sano.

Because when Sano asked about Ireland, this guy was always very perfunctory.

Sano gave him the code name of Roe Deer. Ireland didn’t seem to understand the meaning of this code name very well, so he didn’t react at all. Whatever he meant was fine.

I should have known earlier that I should have been given a code name of Xun.

Of course, this is not important. What is important is that a silver fox returns instantly, which may be a coincidence, but an Irish fox returns instantly, this time it cannot be a coincidence.

Sano did not get down to business directly and chose to ask about this point.

In the end, as expected, I got a positive answer… In this way.

Is it time for me to change my mobile phone?

After all, this kind of cross-stage functional evolution is completely different from the ones in my previous life, which were said to be greatly improved except for changing their skins, but were actually useless decorations.

Sano asked the two of them again about whether there was any risk of being tracked when using such a website on a mobile phone, and the answer was yes.


This is the same as using a mobile phone to make calls and send text messages.

If you use a wired phone to talk, you may be tracked using special means.

But that also takes time.

Under such a wireless premise, it is almost impossible to be located. Otherwise, the undercover agents arranged by the government in major organizations would not need to do anything. Just make a phone call to the target, and the government can directly locate it.

Under real-time control, the layout is simply not too simple.

…This is what Sano remembers from the movies he watched in his previous life.

It’s different to be able to locate directly with just one phone call.

I just don’t know if it’s because those are fictitious or because this is fictitious.

And while Sano was thinking, the silver fox on the other end couldn’t wait any longer.

Fox: “…Brother, what exactly did you say about asking us to do something? Are you looking for us just to ask about these little things?”

Sano came to his senses and sent a number and location.

Black Cat: “A commission to teach a few brats how to live in the underground world.”

Roe Deer: “…What do you mean, let us be nannies?”

Black Cat: “Can you understand that?”

Fox: “Are you a young man from a rich family? Can you fool me?”

Black Cat: “No, I didn’t give you much money. It’s mainly a favor. You can get it back when needed in the future…I will personally make up the money for you. Also, don’t fool me. As long as you can’t practice to death, practice to death. If you can Teach me everything you teach, and maybe I can help them in the future.”

Roe Deer: “Are you kidding me, asking a few brats to help us?”

Black Cat: “You will know if you go over there. I am informing you, not discussing.”

Crow: “What about me?”

Calvados also joined in the fun.

Black Cat: “It’s none of your business, go ahead and do your business.”

Crow: “Oh.”

Roe Deer: “Ha, then I want to see if any little kid can help me.”

Black Cat: “Well, I’m off.”

Fox: “Okay.”

…After logging out of the website, Sano started playing games.

During this period, he glanced at his mobile phone on the table.

Otherwise, just wait and see, after all, the world is developing so fast.

Maybe there were new changes not long after the mobile phone here was replaced.

That would be a waste of money.

Well, there’s no rush anyway.

The group just now is the most popular dating website in the neon field.

Sano created that thing, but it doesn’t have any special meaning.

It is simply to create a virtual place for the team to belong.

As a team, there must always be a place where they can communicate together. The Black Death’s gathering place is connected to the company headquarters and the Armed Detective Agency bar.

This is all true.

Even the organization has a cocktail.

But in comparison, there are only a few people in the Black Cat’s team, and there is a spider who went abroad overnight and cannot be contacted. Calvados is obviously able to organize there, just for the sake of With one vest and two members, they can buy or rent a place as their base camp.

What a loss.

Virtual belonging can also be regarded as belonging… At least the name of this chat group was given by Sano, zoo dormitory – how appropriate.

Rice Flower Department Store.

Sano, wearing a Kurosawa jacket and a street hat, was sitting in a cafe drinking iced coffee.

The weather is a bit hot today, so I wear black clothes, especially long-sleeved ones like suits.

It’s really uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the department store has central air conditioning.

Among the people who blow the air conditioner, there are a few troublesome guys.

It makes the air-conditioning become like the evil spirit wafting out of the underworld.

Sano glanced at Judy who was sitting in a daze at the door. It was Cameron who had just left to go to the toilet. Outside the coffee shop, he had also seen Conan and Mao Lilan, a family of three.

But these were within Sano’s expectations.

It’s not like Sano’s home doesn’t have an air conditioner for him to blow. Traveling all the way here to blow the air conditioner naturally triggered the mission for him to appear here.


Judy ran out to answer the phone.

Then a hint of dull pink-brown color appeared in Sano’s eyes.

Don’t ask what kind of color Sano pink brown is.

Sano doesn’t know whether there is such a color in the scientific definition.

Sano calls it Schrödinger’s powder.

Before Akai Shuichi, Sano also saw the scarred Akai.

Li Kui meets Li Gui?

It doesn’t feel like a coincidence.

He should have come to me on his own initiative and tried to “clean up the door”, right?

Just judging from the scarred Akai’s urine, he just wants to be “cleaned up”.

So Shuichi Akai was caught?

No, judging from Akai Shuichi’s urinary properties, it shouldn’t be like this.

He probably planned to wait and see and alert his teammates.

Just when Sano was distracted.

After Akai Shuichi glanced around, like a pervert, he secretly took out a pen from his pocket and turned over the coaster on Judy’s table.

After a few strokes, fold the coaster up and put it back in place.

When Shuichi Akai left, Sano walked over, picked up the coaster and took a look.

Well, sure enough, the above is a warning to Judy.

After putting the coaster back, Sano returned to his position and shrank.

Not long after, the unexpected came.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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