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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 50 50, Kogoro Mori: Jealous, jealous, and angry!

But judging from the name, this should be a mystery anime?

It’s no wonder that various cases keep happening on weekdays, and it’s no wonder that there are so many detectives in this world and their status is so high.

Sano’s eyes swept away from Conan, so is the main character the dog knight, the elementary school student who saves the world?

“That Kudo Shinichi, why hasn’t he appeared?”

Mao Lilan was suddenly asked by Sano and immediately put away his thoughts and replied: “Ah, Shinichi is investigating a very important case outside, so he doesn’t have time to come back.”

When he heard that his body was suddenly cueed, Conan quickly focused his attention and looked at Sano suspiciously. What was this guy doing asking about him?

Masaka… is collecting information on his love rival! ?

“Then how long has it been since he disappeared?”

Sano seemed not to notice Conan and continued to ask.

“Um, about a week ago, right?”

Mao Lilan thought about it carefully, but couldn’t remember exactly how many days ago it was: “Anyway, we were going to the amusement park that day, but he suddenly ran away midway, and then… he didn’t show up again.”

“Is it the day you mentioned before that the rich lady was kidnapped, Conan ran to save her, and was rescued by a bad boy?”

Under Sano’s detailed description, Mao Lilan immediately confirmed it and nodded: “That’s right, but did I tell my senior about it?”

“This is not important. What is important is that this little devil appeared the day Kudou Shinichi disappeared, right?”

Sano brought the topic to Conan, who was dripping with cold sweat, and the dog knight immediately became the center of attention of everyone present.

“Ah hahaha, that’s for sure, because I originally went to seek refuge with Brother Shinichi, but it was because he was gone that I met Sister Xiaolan, hahaha…”

Looking at Conan who kept laughing, Sano nodded noncommittally. His acting skills were not that bad.

But this makes sense. The protagonist of this world is not a real elementary school student at all, but a high school detective who has grown from old to young.

…Although he is still an elementary school student.

Could it be that the origin of this world is some children’s work, similar to Doraemon Shin-chan or something?

If this is really the case, then the world may be much more dangerous than you think. After all, as we all know, the upper limits of nonsensical anime rules are far beyond imagination.

In addition, various unreasonable and unscientific phenomena also make sense.

Sano withdrew his gaze from Conan. No, the science of this world should probably not be called science. Sano would like to call it – science!

Well, very vivid.

“Let’s go and look at the other ingredients. If Maori-san is cooking today, I’ll pay for the ingredients. You can pick and choose, there’s no shortage of money.”

Sano walked briskly towards the high-end meat section. He didn’t have any major emotional fluctuations after discovering the truth.

Anyway, Sano has experienced Ke Xue’s things once or twice. Not to mention things like time travel, his system and his reinforcements are not something Ke Xue is very good at.

Just get used to it, and maintaining a normal mind is the key to a happy mood. After all, living is tiring enough, so don’t think so complicated, keep it simple.

Besides, with such a fun toy, Sano should feel that his future life will not be boring.

Thinking of this, Sano’s mood suddenly became more relaxed, and he didn’t even care about the trouble that might be affected by the incident.

“Okay, I want to eat eel rice!”

The three members of the Dog Knight Team were all happy, but Mao Lilan looked embarrassed. He was probably worried that Sano didn’t have enough money, but he was embarrassed to speak directly for fear of hurting the other person’s self-esteem. In addition, he was absent-minded and relaxed. He sounded like Conan, who thought he was a cute guy.

At the Moori Detective Agency, Kogoro Mouri looked at the little ghosts and Sano sitting in front of him with a speechless expression. He couldn’t help but curled his lips and said: “Forget about these annoying little ghosts, why is this stalking criminal here!”


Mao Lilan glared at Mao Li Kogoro: “Don’t forget who bought the meat you are eating now. You’d better not say anything about stalking, or else be careful in the future…”

Mouri Kogoro looked at Mourilan’s fist under the table, and couldn’t help but break out in a cold sweat, and quickly put rice into his mouth.

After glaring at her father, Mao Lilan couldn’t help but look at Sano: “Senior, are you really okay? After all, you have no financial resources…”

“Who said I have no financial resources?”

Sano finally couldn’t stand Mao Lilan’s enthusiasm and could only say: “I am working in a detective agency now, and I was paid a salary of three million just yesterday.”

Amuro Detective Agency does pay a salary, but it is only a basic salary of 500,000 yuan per month, and the additional amount is considered as commission, but Sano is not entirely lying. The 3 million is actually a bonus from the Black Dragon Society mission. …

“Ah, is it true? It’s really great!”

But the effect was pretty good, at least Mao Lilan immediately became cheerful and no longer bothered about trivial matters. Only… Mao Li Kogoro looked unhappy.

“Three million!? You kid actually became a detective and made so much money!?”

Originally, Sano was compared with Mouri Kogoro by the media more than once because of several previous cases. Moori Kogoro would be devalued and worthless every time, and of course he would have resentment in his heart.

In the past, forget it, it was just that Sano followed his favorite celebrity and was belittled a bit. He could just solve the case and make up for it later. He couldn’t bear the big impact.

But now that Sano has really become a detective, Mouri Kogoro really can’t stand it. After all, Tokyo is so big. There are more monks, but there is less porridge. It’s like the three million the other party earned, he could have done it. Belongs to him!

He is jealous, he is jealous, he is angry!


Mao Lilan’s face turned red. This time, it was not because she was shy, but because she was simply angry. With such a father on her side, she suddenly regretted letting Sano come over for dinner today.

Of course Sano wouldn’t care too much, because the system had just prompted him to complete the task of making rice, so even if he left now, there would be no harm.

“Ding dong~”

And just when Mao Lilan felt extremely embarrassed because of Mao Li Kogoro, and was about to use force again, the doorbell of the office suddenly rang.


Mao Lilan quickly stood up and ran to open the door.


However, as soon as the door opened, a bunch of boxes and other things poured into the door, which scared Mao Lilan so much that she subconsciously performed karate movements.

“Sorry sorry.”

A man in a suit, about thirty years old, walked into the office.

“What’s the matter with you?”

“Ah, actually I came here this time because I have a commission that I want to hand over to Detective Mouri Kogoro.”

When he heard the request, Mouri Kogoro’s eyes lit up while he was cooking rice. He immediately put down his chopsticks and ran over. His mouth was still full of food and he shouted inarticulately.

“Come on, be spicy, come on, I’m just a wolf!”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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