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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 508 511, Conan: Like two outlaws

In the end, this guy actually just listened to Kogoro Mori’s dictation and made a verbal analysis based on the situation he saw when he arrived?

Don’t even mention the police later on.

Even others who arrived early had to wait for the police for some time.

No abnormalities were found on the body.

The thing almost stuck directly to the person’s eyes, and said in the ear – look at me, I am a clue, whether it is a real clue or a false clue, it is indeed a clue, look at it quickly me!

However, everyone present said——

Sorry, I’m so blind that I can’t see!

Oh, except Conan.

Well, this is very strange.

With the assistance of a series of “testimonies”, Henggou confirmed that the deceased’s death time should be between 8:00 and 8:45 in the morning.

At this point in time, Shibata Kyoko was playing golf outside with her friends.

However, Yoshikawa Takezo, the bald man, did not have an alibi.

This successfully attracted Henggou Zensu’s attention.

…It’s quite strange that Mouri Kogoro isn’t leading this time.

Maybe it’s because you’ve gained more experience after doing it a few times, and you’ve become a master?

When Sano was distracted, the bald man, who was driven to the point of panic by Yokomori Sengo, chose to drag Mouri Kogoro and his party into the water together.

Some things can only be placed in the dark, not in the open.

As a veteran, Officer Megure can be said to be very measured in this regard.

But Henggou was obviously a bit young for his enlightenment.

He shouted bluffingly that he had absolute trust in Detective Maori.

Needless to say, unabashed partiality.

Fortunately this is not Tokyo.

The bald man didn’t have much knowledge, and he was immediately fooled by Henggou’s enlightenment.

“This must be Mrs. Mori. They really match each other.”

Henggou realized that he had a dog-licking look on his face.


Mouri Kogoro was stunned for a moment and showed his Piggy face: “Hey, does she look like my wife?”

However, Chibo Jinghua did not let the situation go on like this.

He quickly explained his situation.

This also gave Henggou Zhenwu one more suspect in his eyes.

“You just said you came here specifically to find the photo. What photo was it?”

“It should be the one held by the deceased.”

Conan finally revealed what he had discovered, causing the expressions of everyone present to change.

Go over and take a look.

As expected, what Shibata Shiro held in his hand was the photo Ikeha Shizuka was looking for.

This leads to obvious clues.

But he really successfully steered the situation.

Chibo Jinghua suddenly became the biggest suspect from a suspect.

It can even be said that he has been treated as a murderer.

“This must be the last message left by the deceased before he died!”

Henggou Shenwu stared at Chibo Jinghua: “Now you have nothing to quibble with. If not, please go back with us first!”

“Wait, wait a minute… It should be impossible for such a beautiful woman to kill anyone…”

Mouri Kogoro quickly tried to smooth things over… although it was of no use, after all, this stammering statement was entirely based on “appearance is justice”.

It’s really not convincing.

However, Chibo Jinghua himself is very calm.

“Sorry, I refuse to go with you.”

Hearing this, everyone present was stunned.

“……What did you say?”

“Didn’t you hear it clearly? Let me say it again.”

Chibo Jinghua’s eyes were dull: “I said, I refuse to go anywhere. If you insist on taking me back to the police station for interrogation, then please apply for an arrest warrant from the court first, and then come and invite me after you get it, Mr. Police Officer… …The premise is that Mr. Judge is willing to believe your outrageous statement.”

“Of course, if Mrs. Shibata sues a few of us for illegally trespassing on other people’s houses, it is really possible for me to be allowed in.”


Facing the calm and composed Shizuka Chiha, Mouri Kogoro and others were a little dumbfounded.

This kind of operation is obviously very different from the previous bald man.

Are you so confident?

However, at this moment, Sano interrupted.

“Are you having a different concept? What this police officer just meant was to ask you to go back and cooperate with the investigation, conduct an interrogation, and directly arrest you before you need to apply for an arrest warrant. But they are two different concepts, auntie.”

The air was quiet again.

Chibo Jinghua turned to look at Sano, his eyes dark and unclear: “You are indeed right, Detective Sano. As a citizen, I do have an obligation to cooperate with the authorities when necessary, but such an obligation is at best I can only be detained for twenty-four hours, and if it exceeds the limit, it will be illegal.”

“Then as long as you prove that you broke the law within 24 hours, you don’t have to break the law.”

Sano lit a cigarette: “If the police are really serious, ordinary people may not be able to survive these twenty-four hours and confess on their own early… Of course, judging from your appearance, it should be no problem to survive.” of.”

Chibo Jinghua looked at Sano and was silent for a few seconds.

“You seem to have in-depth knowledge of this aspect?”

“Of course, as a detective, you must first know how to escape the punishment of the law, and then you can then know how to make the prisoner punished by the law.”

Sano replied.

“…Indeed, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle.”

Chibo Jinghua nodded in agreement.

But it was Conan who looked at the Sano two in front of him.

There was a strange sense of sight in my heart… It felt like I was watching two outlaws exchanging experiences and experiences with each other. It was so uncomfortable.

“So, are you planning to use your wisdom to convict me?”

Chibo Jinghua returns to the topic.

Sano raised his eyebrows: “Of course not. An innocent spectator who is not the murderer will never be convicted no matter how hard he tries…unless it is framed and framed, and the people around him are idiots and don’t notice it.”

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone in the room was already stunned.

“Wait, wait a minute, brother Sano, what you mean is that she can never be the prisoner… Why? Is there any evidence, or…”

Before Henggou Sanwu finished speaking, he was interrupted by Sano.

“Because I have found irrefutable evidence of the real murderer.”


Before anyone could react, Sano raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

“Ding ding ding…”

A ring fell to the ground with an obvious crisp sound.

Then it swayed wildly on the ground again, echoing continuously.

It attracted the attention of everyone in the room.

Especially Shibata Kyoko, after her pupils shrank, she touched her pocket and found nothing. At the same time, her eyes widened and her expression was dull… How is that possible! ?

I obviously kept it properly, so how could it suddenly fall off? ?

Coupled with Sano’s snap of fingers, Shibata Kyoko was even more incomprehensible.

Did this guy count that he had this ring on him?

So how do you make the ring come out on its own? ?

Shibata Kyoko’s pupils were shaking, but she didn’t notice that an undetectable little black spider was leaving her body along a thread.

“This ring is the ironclad evidence of this case. It is the ring of the deceased, and it is also the real death message left by the deceased before he died.”

After giving a few seconds of buffering time, Sano continued.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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