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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 509 512, Conan: Snap your fingers ptsd

This turned the center of attention of everyone in the room to Sano.

“Officer Henggou, you are right about one thing. The murderer did not expect that after he took action, the deceased still managed to hold on for a breath and left the final death message. But this was not the photo on the surface, or The murderer discovered the ring in his hand after returning to the scene, and hurriedly took the ring away and put down the photo.”

“But if you look carefully at the condition of the corpse, you will find that in the palm of his hand holding the photo, a circle has been printed that is difficult to remove in a short time, plus There was no trace of blood on the finger on his other hand. It was obviously a band-aid that was hastily put on after death. The answer was even more obvious. The murderer wanted to use this to cover up the ring that was still on his finger. print.”

Without saying anything, Sano made the final decision.

…Sano also put some thought into filling this cup.

Sano actually didn’t know much about the context of the current case.

Including murder methods, alibi, etc.

There is only one thing that Sano can be sure of, that is, Shizuka Chiha is not guilty – because he has secretly tested it with the hammer of justice.

After all, this girl doesn’t feel like a passerby.

Sano must first confirm what his position is on the root cause.

After confirming that Chiba Jinghua was fine, there were naturally only two remaining suspects – the bald man had some reaction, but not much, not even to the level of petty theft, and only Shibata Kyoko.

The reaction was unusually strong.

Coupled with those just-right “clues”, Sano has filled up the progress bar… Of course, the premise of everything is that Erhei really found that crucial piece of evidence in Shibata Kyoko.

This is the core point.

In addition, Sano was able to detect that the evidence was a ring from the circle in the palm of the corpse and the band-aid on the finger. This was mainly because Shizuka Ikeba also had such a band-aid on his hand.

Two similar anomalies, it’s hard not to notice… Looking at it this way.

Chibo Jinghua is actually married.

But what’s the point of hiding this?

“But wasn’t the deceased playing golf outside at the time of her death?”

Immediately afterwards, Henggou Shenwu raised his doubts.

…According to what Sano said, the murderer seems to be Kyoko Shibata.

It can be said based on the previous situation.

Kyoko Shibata is the only suspect who can be said to be without suspicion.

This is a conflict.

It gave Henggou a headache – generally speaking, detectives solve cases in a step-by-step process, guiding everyone step by step.

Method of murder, evidence of murder, motive for murder, etc.

But this guy doesn’t follow the process at all, he only pays attention to one thing.

Kill with one blow.

complete in one step.

Thinking about the previous words again, people can’t help but feel a little suspicious.

Is this guy trying to “frame someone up” on purpose?

However, in this regard, Sano threw away the cigarette butt indifferently: “I think there is no need for me to explain this. Although this is an accidental murder case, it was triggered by the commission of Detective Mori. In order to take care of the client’s demand, I think it is most appropriate for him to handle the rest.”

“What, Detective Maori, have you also seen the truth?”

Mouri Kogoro became the center of attention again…but how did he know this?

Panic suddenly rose in my heart.

“Ah this…”

What does this kid want to do when he has nothing to do and involves himself?

Before Mouri Kogoro could force himself to speak nonsense, Conan quickly delivered an anesthetic needle and then thoughtfully delivered a chair.

“Yes, what Sano said is exactly what I thought…”

Conan hid behind Mouri Kogoro, wiping his cold sweat while explaining.

…Unlike Sano, Conan has already figured out the context of the case.

Just one last step of evidence is needed.

As a result, Sano was the first to throw this step, and he only made this one step.

There was no other way, Conan could only quickly enter the state to finish.

…just before that.

Conan was stunned for a long time because of Sano’s snap of fingers.

Snap your fingers.

This is an action that many people use to fill cups in daily life.

However, for Conan, this action has a special meaning.

Because, according to unscientific statistics, a certain bomb maniac is detonating a bomb.

Often he snaps his fingers.

The source of this information is Shuichi Akai.

However, whether it is Shuichi Akai or Conan, in the scenes where Rye uses bombs, he rarely snaps his fingers… although the two of them have indeed seen or heard it more or less. Once or twice.

For example, in Conan’s impression, the Mantian incident.

That snapping finger hidden among the crowd, undetectable and out of reach.

If Akai Shuichi hadn’t mentioned it, Conan would have almost forgotten this.

Of course, it’s hard to say what the truth is.

But this does not prevent Conan from being interested in it.

After all, as the old saying goes, success or failure is determined by the details.

This also causes Conan to subconsciously think of Rye when he sees or hears the snap of fingers. The level of reaction is the same as hearing “hat man” and “bomb”. These two situations belong to the same level. .

It can almost be called, “finger snapping PTSD symptoms”.

Ahem, back to the topic.

After evidence was pointed out one after another and the alibi was cracked.

Shibata Kyoko could only remain silent for a while, and finally admitted the crime with a wry smile.

As for the motive for the murder.

It was Shibata Shiro playing mahjong with the bald man – these guys were not engaging in mahjong for fun, but gambling, a huge amount of gambling.

Shibata Kyoko’s savings, cars, bags, and jewelry.

Shibata Shiro lost all of them in gambling, and then he started to think about murder.

“…not to mention my golf equipment, even the famous sword my father gave me when we got married. He was eyeing it and said that if he loses again, he will sell it. Just exchange it for money and continue gambling.”

Listening to Shibata Kyoko’s confession, Henggou Shenwu let out a sigh of relief.

“For the rest, please go to the police station with us to explain.”

“Yes… I’m sorry, I’m going to change my clothes first.”

Shibata Kyoko entered the room with her head lowered, but Conan and Ikeha Shizuka immediately sensed something was wrong.

“No, she is going to commit suicide!”

A group of people quickly opened the door.

As expected, Shibata Kyoko held a long knife in her hand.

“do not come!”

Under such circumstances, Chiba Jinghua took out the fan from his waist, took the initiative to greet Shibata, and put on a stance, confronting Shibata as if in a kendo competition.

Shibata Kyoko, who had lost control, slashed with a knife.

As a result, Chi Bo Jinghua easily caught him with a fan, and broke the knife with his backhand and dropped it to the ground.

Another fan hit Shibata Kyoko’s hand.

…is a master.

Maybe Shibata Kyoko herself is a weak woman who has never practiced. Even if she is not a top expert, she can easily do such a thing, but at least Shiba Shizuka has only practiced a little bit, which is impossible.

At the very least, he is also a little master, especially in terms of mentality.

Stable enough.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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