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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 517 520, you have to improve your performance while traveling

“So, the murderer was actually the young subordinate. He did not jump out of the car at that time. Instead, he hid around the corner with the help of those two shots. Then he used a fishing line to throw Asama Anji’s body out of the car and closed the door of the box. , and he was also one of the three robbers who worked with Anji Asama back then?”

The entrance of Osaka 3K World restaurant.

The group of people, who had all changed into party clothes, were talking about the case on the train.

After all, the two girls and Mouri Kogoro were not involved in what happened after getting off the bus.

is completely uninformed.

So after knowing that Sano had caught the murderer, he was naturally a little curious.

“Well, according to what he said, Asama Anji and the jewelry store owner had actually colluded for a long time, and the jewelry store owner was indeed smuggling and selling illegal drugs behind the scenes. The woman who died of poisoning back then The robber only came into contact with these things because of Anji Asama’s help, and the murderer’s purpose was to avenge her.”

Conan chirped and spat on Sano’s behalf.

“Oh…that’s really…Senior, you know the truth too, so why don’t you tell us and go catch someone by yourself.”

As soon as Mao Lilan finished speaking, she felt something was wrong again. She turned to look at her father, Mao Li Kogoro: “Hey, let’s put it this way, dad’s reasoning this morning…”

The corner of Mouri Kogoro’s mouth suddenly twitched… He had obviously tried his best not to say anything to avoid attracting attention, and then he remembered the embarrassing thing in the morning, so why did he bring the topic to himself.

Mouri Kogoro glanced at Sano with some resentment… It’s not that he felt that his own face was more important than the truth of the case.

But at the very least, you should ventilate yourself beforehand, right?

It’s not like we don’t know each other or even know each other.

Even if Sano was unable to stop Mouri Kogoro from making a wrong inference for various reasons in the morning, at least he would be called upon during the subsequent arrest stage, and at least he could still make up for the situation and save the day. No, now I am making myself look like someone else.

Very uncomfortable.

“I said, why don’t you change your clothes?”

Hattori Heiji naturally didn’t care about Moori Kogoro’s feelings. He tugged on Sano’s black coat and asked: “It is a high-end banquet after all. Even if you don’t wear an expensive dress, you should wear a suit. If you don’t have one, I will Yes… but if you wear it, it might be a bit short.”

“Forget it, it’s a crappy banquet and I’m not the host or guest, so who cares.”

Sano opened Hattori Heiji’s hand and said so.

Not to mention when the weather is hot, at least when the weather is cold, this coat is really warm.

Seeing that Sano couldn’t move, Hattori Heiji had no choice but to take the lead and enter the hotel behind him.

After entering, you can see many celebrities here.

Most of them are star singers and a few athletes.

There was even a person among them who even Sano knew.

Yoko Okino.

It’s just that Okino Yoko is busy socializing with other people.

But he didn’t seem to notice the people on Sano’s side.

…Maybe Okino Yoko may not remember Sano after a long time, but Mouri Kogoro, as her ardent fan, has done a lot of harm to her. I think if he saw it, he should be able to recognize it.

But that’s pretty good too.

Anyway, Sano is happy and free.

If he really wanted to be recognized and come over to talk to him, would Sano still have free time?

Watching Sano and Hattori Heiji, they were eating and drinking like no one else.

Conan showed his iconic dead fish eyes again… The former is actually okay, but the key is that the latter, wearing a high-end suit, has such a posture.

It’s true that it’s a bit unsightly.

And if you really want to compare it, although Sano’s movements can’t be said to be elegant, they are at least not vulgar. But look at Hattori Heiji… his face is so dark that it shines.

It’s all oil.

In Conan’s speechlessness, the hotel’s opening ceremony officially began… Speaking of why it was an opening ceremony again, Sano said that this scene seemed familiar.

If only this were not Osaka.

Sano even began to wonder if Gin was coming with a bomb again.

In Sano’s speechlessness, the host was forced to eat a lot of nutritious things. After finally getting a round of applause, the host got down to business.

Although for Sano, that’s not business.

It can only be said that we have entered the last and most important link.

That is the owner who introduced this hotel.

Three world-famous top athletes from abroad.

They are the top of the boxing world, the baseball world, and the football world…Although Sano has never heard of these three famous names.

Conan, on the other hand, seemed to be full of expectation.

I don’t know which of the three I am a fan of.

Then, three athletes appeared one after another – the one who played boxing was already a little…put on weight, but considering his identity as a boxer, he might also be called burly, and his skin was a bit dark. I wonder if he has the blood of the inner man. , and those who play baseball are obviously very lanky.

The whole person’s appearance and style also look like an Oriental, even a bit like an artistic youth. The rest of the football players are standard Westerners…


Sano stopped eating, while Conan next to him gradually enlarged his pupils, his breathing became rapid, and he kept mumbling.

“It’s really him, it’s really him…”

Hattori Heiji looked at Conan and smiled knowingly. Then when he saw Sano, he immediately tilted his neck in confusion and asked, “Sano, what’s wrong?”


“Do you like him too?”


Sano put down the plate and wiped his mouth: “No, it’s just a little unexpected.”


Hattori Heiji became even more confused.

“What’s the surprise?”


Sano said perfunctorily and ignored Hattori Heiji.

As expected, the opening ceremony was going to go awry.

Even Sano was able to determine the identity of the murderer – there was no way, who happened to see him when he asked this guy to get the goods.

The core point of the Beidou Star Train 3 case lies in the jewelry store owner.

It was because this guy was smuggling illegal drugs that the female robber among the three robbers died, and this case has quickly made it to the newspapers.

After all, he is a candidate for mayor, and he has become quite famous recently, so he is still very popular.

Then, Gin saw the report and gave Sano a call.

This made Sano couldn’t help but wonder whether Gin knew that he was going to be on the Big Dipper No. 3 car, so he quickly paid attention to the existence of this report.

Of course that’s not important;

Gin became interested in that guy’s smuggling network.

“According to the information from the intelligence team, that guy was going to Osaka to attend an auction on the surface, but in fact he was going to meet and trade with the contact person there. This line seems to be quite profitable. If you can, just go and meet, and our organization will take over from now on.”

These are Gin’s exact words.

I have to brush up on my performance every time I go on a trip. What a shady boss.

All in all, just as Sano and Conan and his group were going to the place where they were staying to put their luggage, the Rye clone on the other side went to find the contact person in Osaka who the jewelry store owner was supposed to meet.

After some “discussions”, both parties happily reached a consensus.

As a result, at the end, Sano happened to see this blond foreigner.

According to what the guy said, this guy was a bug who used to buy medicine. In addition to the medicine, this guy also bought a revolver.

Well, business is not doing well these days.

What is often emphasized is a multi-faceted development.

Medicines, weapons, intelligence, that guy is considered one of the strongest local snakes in Osaka.

In short.

Sano didn’t think this bug bought a gun just to use it as a toy.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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