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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 530 533, not harmful but extremely insulting

“Hey, wipe the table over there with a rag, and mop the floor with a mop. Hurry up. The delivery guy will come over later and have to move the goods quickly!”

Toru Amuro was ordered by Enomoto Azusa, and he hurriedly responded to the orders.

…Before this, he was still looking kind and friendly. Why did his attitude become so mean again without paying attention?

While Toru Amuro was working, he felt a little depressed.

Judging from Azusa Enomoto’s age, she probably wasn’t going through menopause.


Can’t understand.

Can’t understand.

A woman’s heart is like a needle in the sea.

“What are you doing, dragging your feet, why don’t you hurry up!?”

As soon as Toru Amuro finished sighing, Azusa Enomoto made a stern voice, which made people wonder if the person standing behind him was an OL with a whip and wearing glasses.

“I know, I know……”

As if Toru Amuro had returned to his student days, he could only work hard.

Black-hearted store manager…

Surprisingly, during Sano’s business trip, the Plague family did not cause any trouble.

At least, Sano didn’t receive any related tasks.

And when Sano returned to the downstairs of his house, he saw the little girl and Xiaopang.

And a few others, who should also be little girls of kindergarten age.

A group of people were sitting together, with various small plates in front of them, containing soil, small stones and other things… Are they playing house?

Sano hit a row of points and just hesitated whether he should withdraw first.

The little girl noticed Sano, stood up, waved and shouted: “Uncle, come here!”

A row of small-headed melons and chubby big-headed melons all turned towards Sano.


Sano came over, and after receiving a bunch of neat greetings, he took out a bunch of lollipops from his pocket and distributed them one by one. Then he received a bunch of neat thank yous, and then As expected, I was drawn into this big team of playing house – because they were all very young girls, the role restrictions were too high, which made this group of little girls feel a little boring. .

Xiaopang is different…but given his condition, he can only play the role of son.

Now that Sano is here, there is another father figure.

On the contrary, the role of mother is being fought over… Well, after all, Sano is so handsome, and he just carried out a wave of candy tactics.

Therefore, it is not surprising that little girls are snatching them up now…

It just feels a little weird.

Seeing the little girl arguing with the other little girls, their faces turned red.

Sano finally coughed and took the initiative to take over the director’s reins.

As a result, the little girl successfully got the role she wanted.

The rest of the little girls are from the little girl’s kindergarten and some playmates who live nearby, but these have nothing to do with Sano.

If it weren’t for giving the little girl face, Sano wouldn’t have participated at all.

It’s not too much to take advantage of one’s own “benefits” and show some favoritism, right?

After playing along in boredom for a while, Sano’s savior appeared.

The Plague Trio, Conan Maorilan and Suzuki Sonoko.

He said he was coming to see Sano and have a buffet at the Abedo Hotel next door.

“There are free meal coupons.”

Suzuki Sonoko held the meal coupon and said with a smile.

Sano looked at the little girl and asked, “Would you like to go together?”

The little girl shook her head and rejected Sano’s invitation… After all, her friends were still here, and she couldn’t leave them all behind to go eat, drink and have fun.

As for leading such a group of people to eat together, the little girl is obviously not that thick-skinned.

Sano didn’t force this, he nodded, said hello to a group of little girls, and followed the Plague God trio to leave first – this time they didn’t even have to take a bus, they just walked to the station and then took the bus. The car passes.

In the car, the two best friends were chattering.

Sano was holding the hanging ring and looking out the window in a daze.

Until a certain moment, an accident comes – but not the usual kind of accident.

It was Suzuki Sonoko who met a pervert and had her butt touched.

…I have long heard of the Neon Bus Tram Wolf, but this seems to be Sano’s first real encounter since arriving in this world.


In the early days when the reputation of Rice Krispies Hammer Man was popular, Sano seemed to have done a lot of beatings.

After a long time, I almost forgot about it.

After watching Suzuki Sonoko exclaimed with a changed face, she angrily ordered Mao Lilan to teach the bus wolf a lesson.

Mao Lilan also subconsciously took a stance and kicked out directly.

The result was that the Wolf of the Bus, who was wearing a green or blue hat, raised his foot to his knee, directly stopping the source of the kick.


After Mao Lilan was stunned for a moment, he quickly continued to attack.

However, after the punch was dodged, the blue hat’s punch was dodged by Mao Lilan with great difficulty. Before he even had time to react, he hit him with another high kick… It was a tough one, no. Able to fight hard.

Mao Lilan retreated to dodge.

“Oh, you are worthy of being the champion of the Kanto Competition. You are indeed quite capable.”

The blue hat praised, but did not pursue, but regrouped.

Jeet Kune Do?

Seeing that Mao Lilan failed to gain the upper hand immediately, Suzuki Sonoko finally came to her senses after being stunned, grabbed her best friend and called for support.


Just then, Mao Lilan was dragged away by Suzuki Sonoko, revealing Sano inside.


A black shadow was thrown out by Sano with a sound of breaking through the air.

Sera Masumi subconsciously turned her head to dodge, and then smashed the front window of the bus with the hammer, getting stuck in the middle… Is this guy a lunatic? ?

With such a big hammer, aren’t you afraid of killing someone? ? ?

Before Sera Masumi could recover, the sound of breaking through the air sounded again.

Sera Masumi was too lazy to worry about it anymore and hurriedly turned around to deal with it.

Sano, who was already in front of him, used a short and fast attack.

Sera Masumi was dazzled and unable to block or dodge at all.

He received at least two or three slaps on his face, which made De Shiliang Zhenchun have no choice but to keep retreating.

Well, that’s right, a slap, not a fist.

The man in front of him is obviously no longer a rookie. In addition to his high combat effectiveness, he is also very experienced. He is very clear about the “advantage” created under such a premise.

It is difficult to play any substantial role.

Therefore, we completely gave up on striving for a substantive role and instead pursued.

It’s insulting.

But in this regard, it may be regarded as a substantial effect.

At least as far as Sera Masumi is concerned.

The anger in my heart was rising all the time. What a bully!


But before Sera Masumi could explain, Sano slapped him again.

At this moment, even Sera Masumi’s hat was slapped away by Sano.

This guy……

Sera Masumi’s molars were almost broken by her.

Well, Sano actually knew that this bitch was innocent.

Well, Sano has actually noticed that Sera Masumi is a girl… Although as the old saying goes, how can the world be equalized if the breasts are not equal?

But this thing is a bit too peaceful.

Well, of course this is not important, what is important is this guy’s Jeet Kune Do.

There is a shadow of Akai Shuichi.

That’s right, it’s the shadow of Shuichi Akai, not the shadow of Jeet Kune Do.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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