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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 533 Chapter 536, Officer Memu: The new god of plague finally appears!


Sera Masumi quickly caught up with Sano and asked.

“What do you mean, is it confirmed to be a homicide?”

Sano ignored Sera Masumi, just stopped and looked at the people on the rooftop.

Sera Masumi followed and listened to the information explanation, and was also enlightened.

At the edge of the rooftop, a coat and a pair of shoes were neatly stacked.

This makes the picture look like the person at the bottom jumped off the building by himself.

But according to what the aunt said.

The deceased was drunk in the villa and expressed to his aunt that he wanted to apologize, but he just had to wait for him to sober up a little. In this state.

How could he still do these extraneous actions before jumping off the building?

The aunt cried and said that the deceased must be feeling guilty and that’s why he jumped off the building.

“No, this is not suicide, but…”

“It was a homicide.”

Conan, who saw the clues, had just denied half of it when Sera Masumi jumped out and snatched up all his words: “…You think so, Conan.”

Sera Masumi looked at Conan, the corner of her mouth curled up.

But at this moment, a big hand touched Sera Masumi’s shoulder.

Sera Masumi turned around, and Sano, with cold eyes, was looking down at her from a very close distance, as if he was looking at an intruder who had broken into the territory.

“I don’t seem to remember that this guy told you that his name is Conan.”


Sera Masumi and Conan froze at the same time.


Sera Mazen smiled and said a calm question that was not a question.

There was no intention of explaining at all, just pretending to be stupid.

Sano retracted his palm, but did not want to ask, the tacit understanding of adults.

That’s it.


Officer Memu arrived with a team and first investigated the parking lot where the body was located.

“Oh, brother Sano, long time no see.”

Officer Megure first said hello to Sano. As for Conan and the others… it wasn’t a matter of familiarity. They were all guys they had seen each other for a few days.

All I can say is, it’s not necessary.

In fact, Sano’s previous reporting time did not pass too long.

But that’s not within the jurisdiction of Officer Memu.

The days when the two met in the same case were indeed a bit far away.

The last time the two had contact, it seemed that it was the case in Ireland. Officer Megure called Sano and asked him to come over as a foreign aid…?


Officer Megure was also in a happy mood when he saw Sano this time.

…Although Sano is also a bit plagued, at least he is not as plagued as other plague gods.

Even if you think about it carefully, Sano appears with the resident plague god most of the time, so whose plague caused the case.

It’s really hard to say.

Furthermore, compared to other plague gods, Sano is stable enough.

He will not act on his own initiative and ignore the dignity of the police.

In addition, his ability is strong enough. Maybe other plague gods sometimes struggle with the difficulties of the case, looking like they might overturn the situation, which makes people can’t help but feel worried, but Sano will never be like this.

Having Sano means having achievements!

After saying hello, Officer Megure also asked about the detailed situation.

It turned out that the deceased was the son of the owner of Abeido Restaurant.

At the same time, he is also the mastermind of the fraud gang that caused a lot of noise some time ago.

However, due to lack of evidence, the deceased was not arrested. Instead, he hid in the hotel’s annex. Unexpectedly, the news came from nowhere, causing reporters from all walks of life to swarm in, and the deceased went crazy. , smashed everywhere, so that all the guests in the annex chose to run away.

This is also the reason why the annex is currently under renovation.

In addition, the three suspects were all victims affected by the deceased.

The three of them appeared here because there were rumors recently that the owner of the Abedo Hotel planned to secretly move his son abroad while the annex was being renovated. So they arrived in a hurry, intending to get an explanation from the deceased.

Among the three people, only the thin aunt in the green sweater entered the annex.

Next, is what was said on the rooftop before.

The drunk deceased said he wanted to apologize, but the aunt was a little suspicious, so she went downstairs to find two companions, planning to buy a video camera and record the apology process.

…So, what can you do if you take a photo with your phone?

Seeing that no one responded to this, Sano could only continue to watch.

“But how can you be sure that this is a murder?”

Hearing Officer Megure’s doubts, Conan immediately explained the whole story.

“So that’s it.”

After thinking for a while, Officer Memu came up with a guess.

“Could it be that the murderer used something like fishing line to connect the victim to the car, so that as soon as the car moved, the person would fall off?”

Conan denied this possibility, because after the deceased fell, he immediately asked people to watch the scene until Officer Megure came over. If there was any mechanism set up in the parking lot, it should be discovered soon.


And just when Officer Megure was lost in thought again, Masumi Sera next to her finally spoke up and told what she noticed when Sano and the others went upstairs and were waiting for the second elevator below. reached an abnormal point.

That is, the elevator is in the process of going down.

On the sixth floor and the second floor respectively, I stopped for a while.

“If you don’t believe it, you can ask him. He should have seen it too.”

Sera Masumi pulled Sano as a witness.

And faced with the gaze cast by Officer Megure.

Sano also nodded, indicating that Sera Masumi was not lying.

Conan, on the other hand, showed some self-doubt in his eyes – What the hell, it turned out that Sano stayed in the elevator and discovered such an important clue?

Didn’t you tell yourself even a single word? ?

Can I really still want this teammate? ? ?


But before Conan and Sano could complain, Officer Megure turned his attention to Sera Masumi again, cocked his neck in confusion, and asked.

“By the way, are you…?”

“Ah, my name is Sera, and I am a detective.”

Masumi Sera introduced herself, but she asked Officer Megure to type a row of dots.

Detective…it seems that the new God of Plague has finally appeared?

It happened that Officer Megure had arranged to go there first, and the police officer who was investigating the elevator surveillance of the Aipado Hotel came back and said that because the deceased made a big fuss in the annex, all the monitors were sprayed with paint, and there was no way to conduct an investigation.

“So, there is still a possibility that the murderer is hiding in the annex.”

Before Officer Memu could figure it out, he heard the three suspects chattering behind him.

“What did you say?”

Officer Megure glanced over, and after the three suspects hesitated, they still told a piece of information, that is – there were rumors that the annex was haunted.

There is no one in the wheelchair for an elderly person to wander around the corridor of the annex at night.

“The old man’s ghost?”

Officer Megure appropriately raised his doubts: “Why is it definitely an elderly wheelchair?”

The aunt in green immediately explained, and at the same time she understood her true feelings.

“Motive for murder.”

It turns out that rather than saying that the aunt in green was a victim affected by the deceased’s fraud, it was better to say that her mother was the real direct victim.

After learning that she had been cheated, Auntie Green and her mother fell ill and eventually died.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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