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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 536 539, Shiliang Zhenjun: It was you who killed my eldest brother! ?

This is a very sharp high school detective.

Because she had investigated Sano’s surface information beforehand, Sera Masumi knew this very well, but with today’s contact, her inner doubts were aggravated – such a person with real material Detective, while staying so close to Conan.

Will you notice nothing?

Judging from Conan’s reaction, he also trusts Sano. Could it be that…

“Dong dong.”

Suddenly, there was a knock on the bathroom door.

Sera Masumi turned around and saw Sano leaning on the door looking at him.

“…Please, this is the women’s restroom. Isn’t it a bit uncomfortable for you to come in?”

Shiliang Zhenzhen pretended to be speechless and said.

Regarding the issue of Sera Masashi’s gender, in fact, she had many experiences in her past life that made her self-conscious, not to mention that after the arrival of Inspector Mumu, during the investigation, she was always referred to as male. .

But Sano was different.

At least once or twice when referring to Sera Masumi, Sano used “she” instead of “he”. Perhaps others have noticed this.

Sera Masumi didn’t know, but she noticed it herself.

The person in front of me has already discovered that she is a woman.

But it’s still the same sentence.

As long as everyone knows what’s going on, there’s no need to bring everything to light.


Now that Sano appears here, Sera Masumi feels a little strange.

Are you planning a showdown?

So should I accept this showdown, or should I say…

Do you want to be a little tricky?

However, before Sera Majun, who was hesitating in his heart, could get the answer, Sano suddenly stood up and walked into the women’s restroom completely, closing the door and locking it with his backhand.


Sera Masumi came back to her senses instantly and became alert.

Why does this development feel like something is not quite right?

Is this girl a pervert who is just fine with her? ?

Sano did not look at Sera Masumi, but opened the toilet stall doors one by one, making sure that no one else was in the toilet except himself.

“……what you up to?”

Sano turned around and looked at Masumi Sera, who was crossing her chest with her arms and finally showing a more feminine movement. After realizing what the other party was thinking, a big question mark appeared in her heart.

“You may be able to question my character, but you cannot question my aesthetics.”

Sano twitched the corner of his mouth quite speechlessly, but he really wanted to speak.

That kind of fear can be considered fear…cough.

After shuddering secretly, Sano continued: “Although I don’t pursue size in that aspect, to be honest, you are really not my cup of tea. On the complete opposite, even Suzuki Sonoko is better than you in my eyes.” Attraction.”


Sera Masumi blinked and smiled awkwardly: “Ha, then what are you…?”

Sano lit a cigarette: “I just want to chat with you. I think you don’t want your purpose to be heard by unrelated people.”


Sera Masumi pretended to be stupid and said: “What is the purpose?”

“Kudo Shinichi.”

As soon as the name Sano came out, Sera Masumi immediately fell silent.

“…So, he told you everything?”

Faced with Sera Masumi’s rhetorical question, Sano asked back: “Now I’m asking you, not you asking me, who told you this.”

Sera Masumi narrowed her eyes and smiled.

“If I just don’t tell you, what can you do to me?”

“not so good.”

Sano turned on the faucet, washed his hands, and when he turned around, the black muzzle of the gun was already pointed at Sera Masumi’s forehead, and he said coldly: “Anyway, as long as I take you back, the intelligence team has many ways to get you.” Open your mouth.”

“Intelligence… team?”

Sera Masumi, whose pupils were constricted, looked at the cold-faced Sano after looking at the dark muzzle of the gun, but his own face gradually became heavy and ugly.

“It’s better to stop joking, Sano. I’m just an ordinary high school detective. Playing a house drinking game like this, isn’t it…”

Before Sera Masumi could finish pretending to be stupid, Sano interrupted: “An ordinary high school detective, huh, don’t you really think that I don’t know anything about your identity? Those eyes of yours, I’m very familiar with it.”


Sera Masumi was stunned.

“That FBI ace investigator, I worked hard to kill him.”

While Sano calmly observed Sera Masumi’s reaction, he adopted an ambiguous approach and continued to test him further.

“Although it’s not clear yet, there is at least a connection between you and the FBI. This is enough. After all, people like us are much more relaxed than detectives who need to pay attention to evidence. “

On the other hand, Shiliang Zhenchun’s brain was about to shut down.

Although Sano did not directly clarify it, Sera Masumi still knew who the ace FBI investigator he just mentioned was.

Sera Masumi knew about the news of Akai Shuichi’s death in the line of duty. In addition to her main purpose of coming to Neon this time, she also wanted to investigate matters in this regard, but what she didn’t expect was.

Clue, no.

To be precise, it was the truth, and it was actually put in front of him so quickly.

High school detective, criminal organization member, murderer…

This bastard! ! !

The brother-killing enemy is right in front of you.

Sera Masumi was about to lose her mind almost instantly, but after all, she was not really an ordinary female high school student on the verge of going crazy.

Masumi Sera found a loophole in the current situation.

“No, Kudo Shinichi will become smaller because your organization, no matter what, you two should be in an opposing position. He is not someone who will collude with criminals. Therefore, when you know that he is How could he remain calm in the enemy’s condition…”

“The reason is you, isn’t it?”

Sano interrupted Sera Masumi’s thoughts and showed a contemptuous smile.

“As a rare and precious experimental subject, he is indeed very important, but he is not the only one. There is no need to bring it back in such a hurry. Just leave it outside. Maybe it will attract some unexpected gains.”

Speaking of this, Sera Masumi already understood what Sano meant, but he also had new doubts: “When did you know that he was Kudo Shinichi, and how could you ensure that as long as you stay by his side, there will be accidents?” reward?”

“Isn’t that thanks to Akai Shuichi?”

Sano threw away the cigarette butt: “To be honest, even though I felt there was something wrong with this kid as early as the beginning, I didn’t take it seriously. After all, he was just a primary school student. Who could have known that he would be a high school detective? But who knew that when the assassination plan against Akai Shuichi started, I was actually beside him and accidentally discovered this guy.”

“This revealed Kudo Shinichi’s true face, and it also gave me reason to suspect that this guy is inextricably linked to your FBI… Although Akai Shuichi is dead, there are still people lurking in Neon. Those other FBI agents will also be a big deal for me.”

Sera Masumi was completely silent, and it was not until a while later that he showed a sarcastic smile: “Your calculations were very loud, but unfortunately, your calculations came to nothing… Akai Shuichi is indeed related to me. Relationship, but I have no involvement with the FBI. As for where I got the information about Kudo Shinichi, ha, I’m sure you will never know it in your life.”

“Dong dong dong.”

Before Sano could speak again, there was a sudden knock on the bathroom door.

A female voice could be heard faintly outside the door… probably because she wanted to go to the toilet but the door was locked.

Sano withdrew his gaze, seeming to have lost interest in chatting, and said summarily: “To be honest, your skills are pretty good. Even for me, it would be very difficult for me to quietly make you lose your fighting ability and take you away.” matter.”


Sera Masumi mocked: “So you’re going to give up?”

“No, I decided to believe you.”

Hearing Sano’s answer, Sera Masumi was stunned again: “Believe…me?”


Sano nodded and said.

“I believe you have nothing to do with the FBI. Even if you are taken back, you won’t bring me any gains. It would be better to silence you here.”

As the words fell, Sano’s eyes revealed murderous intent.


As soon as the shock appeared on Sera Masumi’s face, Sano pulled the trigger.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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